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Just something I found


Aya Brea
It really isn't surprising to anyone, but I found it funny of what the producer says sometimes...

And obviously there is a new interview wondering around out there, but I have yet to find it. Kudos to those who do.

- Vergil will not be in, or at least that was implied. He'll "sit this one out." (So perhaps Vergil does have a future?)

- NO extra Downloadable content.

- Dante is cheesier than ever (It doesn't take much to realize that.)

- Nero looks very similar to Dante for a reason, although it's a "secret"

- Tatsuya Yoshikawa, lead artist of the Breathe of Fire series, designed Nero

- Nero doesn't gather weapons liked Dante does, but has the "Devil Arm" which gets upgraded ablities as you progress throughout the game. (So I take it he only has his gun, and the sword 'Red Queen'. So I guess the devil arm gets upgraded the most?)

- Trish hasn't aged much, but apparently Lady's a lot "sexier" in her late 20s. (Does Trish age in the first place? Well. Since she isn't human I guess she doesn't. But lawdy, oh lawdy... is Lady indeed fine. @_@ Gloria... ew. I can't believe the producer conciders her SEXY.)

- Difficulty has been toned down from DMC3 and is the same worldwide, but they still have a "crazy final difficulty" level for hardcore fans (...Yay?)

- He laughs at Ninja Gaiden 2. He says it looks like the first game. (LOL Wut?)

- PS3 and 360 versions are completely identical. No surprise there. (So there isn't anything different? Like in this ver. gets extra bonus materias and this doesn't?)

- The game is closer to DMC3 than DMC, and you can't backtrack."

The last one confuses the hell outta me. D: Does it mean in timeline or game play?

I'd really like to see the full interview of this. Also... I heard a rumor that the producer doesn't seem to have that much love for Vergil. I bet it's false, but if he said it I'd love to slap him in the face with a wet fish.


Devil May Cry 4
PS3/360, Capcom, 2008/1/31 (Is this Japanese release date or world wide release date for Japan and US?)
- early buyers will get a special DVD (two versions - dante and nero)
- devils make an appearance (apparently): Echidna and Assault
- Assault is the devil that was in the first game, looks like a blade (?)
- Echidna is like a snake and a woman comes from its open mouth, as it spits out more it's appearance changes (Is this that snake like demon Dante was fighting in the traier? Or a boss from a previous game. It also sounds familiar to the one in DMC2. .__.)

Gosh I'm so confused.


that zzzombiekid
Nice... but also confusing. Are these just theories or are they going to be... or are just theories? They are questions that can make your mind spin... really. :\ But about Gloria... being sexy, nah! I don't think so too. Ew. *Shudder*


gloria ...WTF ... SEXY ??!!! where ?? oh yeah right ,... and i love her hair , seriously she sucks.


I seem to be the only person here who finds any appeal with Gloria? I seriously find her dark skin and 60's swing hairstyle HOT.


Aya Brea
I don't think this is a guessing game any more. It sounds like this is it from what the producer has been saying. Just from him saying, "Vergil's just sitting this one out," makes it sound like perhaps in a future DMC game he will make a return.

As for Gloria... yes. She's not a very 'attractive' person. D:


Wesker's #1 fan!
I kinda like Gloria, she's got the moves and she's not so bad looking. Although im a little bumed out on the unhumanly hair color, I hope she's a demon or something.



Aya Brea
Don't yack at me for saying Dante's cheesy, say that to the producer! xD

As for Gloria possibly being a demon, I wouldn't be surprised if she is.


Well-known Member
What does he mean you can't backtrack? Does this mean you can't go back to previous missions? That is totally WEAK as that will totally kill the replay value! Ah.


Like in DMC1 how you can back track all the way back from mission 9 lvl to mission 1 lvl...DMC4 backtracking will be like DMC3 that you ccan only backtrack to a certain point.


better have level select and boss rush mode( serious let down that DMC didnt have a lvl select and that i couldnt fight vergil I or II in dmc3 anytime i wanted)


Wesker's #1 fan!
VI-Rainbow;57555 said:
Don't yack at me for saying Dante's cheesy, say that to the producer! xD

That was directed towards the producer. ^^ Sorry if it sounded like I was yelling at you.


Well-known Member
Zato-OW;57558 said:
Like in DMC1 how you can back track all the way back from mission 9 lvl to mission 1 lvl...DMC4 backtracking will be like DMC3 that you ccan only backtrack to a certain point.

Are you sure that's what they mean? Do you think the game will still be split up into to missions that you can replay? To me, that is clearly better than having one long mission.

Slightly off-topic, in DMC3 you could walk back pretty far... Most of the missions when you are in the tower, you can actually walk all the way back to the start of the tower, out the door, back outside, back through the club, back to outside Dante's house - but obviously that doesn't do you any good.


thats what the producers said, lol. He said this game will be more like DMC3 in that area and not like DMC1 how you can backtrack way back into the game. Because in DMC3 the entrance to the tower is destroyed at a certain part of the game and also they take ceartain routes in dmc3 in witch Dante had to ride a motorcycle to get to the top of the tower and he had no doors to let him back down...so then he wouldnt be able to backtrack after that..Im guessing thats what they ment


1# Trickster
Chrysander;57563 said:
Are you sure that's what they mean? Do you think the game will still be split up into to missions that you can replay? To me, that is clearly better than having one long mission.

Slightly off-topic, in DMC3 you could walk back pretty far... Most of the missions when you are in the tower, you can actually walk all the way back to the start of the tower, out the door, back outside, back through the club, back to outside Dante's house - but obviously that doesn't do you any good.

it is wht they mean, he did say it will be more like dmc3 where u cant backtrack, so yea. and there was an interview where he explains that
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