I have a special nickname for each Dante.
DMC2: Snappy Dresser
DMC3: Skippy
DMC4: ****
DmC: Twat
Oh man, now I'm curious what the bleep out was for DMC4. Censorship apparently piques my curiosity.
I have a special nickname for each Dante.
DMC2: Snappy Dresser
DMC3: Skippy
DMC4: ****
DmC: Twat
Oh man, now I'm curious what the bleep out was for DMC4. Censorship apparently piques my curiosity.
And they are absoutely right, it is not Dante, but a version. In the end the gameplay spoke for itself. It was not much better than past games's gameplay.YES! A LOT! Go to the facebook page and look at any comments on something about DmC or that Dante, or look back at any of the comment sections of videos about the new Dante, and you've got a vast majority going "DIS ISN'T DANTE!" My personal favorite was "That's not Dante! That's an emo-pussy faggot!" Just rolls right off the tongue.
And they are absoutely right, it is not Dante, but a version.
Why do you take offense to the fact that NTDante is a version and not the character people have attatched the name "Dante" to for years?
Why do you take offense to the fact that NTDante is a version and not the character people have attatched the name "Dante" to for years?
In my opinion, Each Games Dante is a "Version" retaining only a few core traits from DMC1 Dante, or as I call him "Dante Prime."Why do you take offense to the fact that NTDante is a version and not the character people have attatched the name "Dante" to for years?
I was simply making an observation of you refering to original Dante. call Dante whatever you want.No, he probably put that gif there because you keep doing this whole "Don't call him old Dante because its offensive" crap.
I don't care what anyone called new Dante or old Dante because their just characters of a video game, not gods that should be worshiped.
You don't see me disagreeing on that :thumbsup:snap
In my opinion, Each Games Dante is a "Version" retaining only a few core traits from DMC1 Dante, or as I call him "Dante Prime."
2Dante played up Dante's badassasry and professional side, but in the process made him lose the spark of fun that we loved in Dante Prime. He comes across as a jaded, older, colder version of Dante Prime ("Don't talk. Just die"), a man who lost everything, and only at the end ("King? Here's your crown." "Let's go all the way to hell") does he rediscover his fun side.
3Dante played up his fun loving side and immature cheesiness, but sacrificed most of his serious side for it("Some party Verg. No food, no drinks, and the only girl just left"). Again, it's only toward the end that he matures and takes steps to becoming more like Dante Prime. ("Devil's never cry." "My soul wants to stop you!")
4Dante....Well, he acts like he's going through a mid-life crisis. He's even more cocky and manic than even 3Dante, who had the excuse of being 19. While he has one or two serious moments ("It's got to stay in the family") Most of it is just cringe inducing "comedy" (Shakespeare scene, "First I whip it out!")
reDante plays up BOTH Dante's fun-loving and rage-filled sides, diminishing his heroic side. To make a comparison, He's like Eric Draven from The Crow. His victims deserve it, but it makes him almost as much of a monster to take such glee in their deaths. 2/3rds of the way into the game, though, he starts becoming more like Dante Prime, losing his original "Revenge" motif and becoming a protector of humans instead.
So this is what Keiji Inafune did? This is why he left Capcom?Then he leaves the company right before the game is announced.....yeah that sounds pretty fishy.
He knew the sh*tstorm he could've caused and left Capcom making sure none of the blame goes to him.
He steered the ship into an iceberg and jumped ship before impact.
I reward Keiji Inafune with the...........
I have to agree in everything you've said! Each Dante is a different interpretation of himself. Ever since DMC2, Dante has become different versions of himself. Kamiya-san's tweets regarding "Dante has changed" still lingers in my mind!In my opinion, Each Games Dante is a "Version" retaining only a few core traits from DMC1 Dante, or as I call him "Dante Prime."
2Dante played up Dante's badassasry and professional side, but in the process made him lose the spark of fun that we loved in Dante Prime. He comes across as a jaded, older, colder version of Dante Prime ("Don't talk. Just die"), a man who lost everything, and only at the end ("King? Here's your crown." "Let's go all the way to hell") does he rediscover his fun side.
3Dante played up his fun loving side and immature cheesiness, but sacrificed most of his serious side for it("Some party Verg. No food, no drinks, and the only girl just left"). Again, it's only toward the end that he matures and takes steps to becoming more like Dante Prime. ("Devil's never cry." "My soul wants to stop you!")
4Dante....Well, he acts like he's going through a mid-life crisis. He's even more cocky and manic than even 3Dante, who had the excuse of being 19. While he has one or two serious moments ("It's got to stay in the family") Most of it is just cringe inducing "comedy" (Shakespeare scene, "First I whip it out!")
reDante plays up BOTH Dante's fun-loving and rage-filled sides, diminishing his heroic side. To make a comparison, He's like Eric Draven from The Crow. His victims deserve it, but it makes him almost as much of a monster to take such glee in their deaths. 2/3rds of the way into the game, though, he starts becoming more like Dante Prime, losing his original "Revenge" motif and becoming a protector of humans instead.
Why do you take offense to the fact that NTDante is a version and not the character people have attatched the name "Dante" to for years?
So this is what Keiji Inafune did? This is why he left Capcom?
I've now lost my respect for him... -_-
Allow me to educate you.I don't take any offense to it...like at all. On the list of things I could possibly take offense to, this ranks below a mother breastfeeding her child in public.
I am, however, annoyed by your apparent complete and utter lack of understanding of how the English language works, and refusing to acknowledge that many words like "new" have more than one meaning and use.
Now, are you ready for this? Open up your brain-toilet because I'm about to drop some knowledge in it - I can state that the Dante we have in DmC is, wait for it...wait for it...wait for iiiiiiit~ a new version of Dante. Dun-dun-dun~
Right, so we're just gonna ignore how people had the whole DMC1Dante, DMC2Dante, DMC3Dante, DMC4Dante, AnimeDante etc. thing going for, like, years. This kind of thing is also a way to differentiate between the different incarnations, or differenet versions of Dante.Allow me to educate you.
original Dante, dmc1 Dante is not a version. Therefor calling NTDante for new Dante, short for new version Dante, would imply that there has been one or more versions prior to this new one.
So look at it from that perspective and there is no new in the picture, just ...a version of Dante.
Do you follow or is your mind overheating?
Allow me to educate you.
original Dante, dmc1 Dante is not a version. Therefor calling NTDante for new Dante, short for new version Dante, would imply that there has been one or more versions prior to this new one.
So look at it from that perspective and there is no new in the picture, just ...a version of Dante.
Do you follow or is your mind overheating?
Your right, i've understood things wrong. I'm done talking to you.I cannot believe you just said that. IncaDemo...I'm gonna tell you this, and I honestly do not care anymore; I'm sorry, but you are an idiot, and everything that you just said was idiotic. You have disregarded the definitions of words, and substituted in your own, expecting people to adhere to those wholly incorrect definitions, and concede in the discussion. For that, I come to the conclusion that you're an idiot.
Remember - one variation of "old" and "new" is the times in which they come into fruition. "New" meaning the most recent, in this case "New Dante" is the most recent incarnation.
On "versions," you are correct in saying that DMC1 Dante is the original. However, in the process of there being more incarnations of Dante as the franchise grew, we identify them as different versions, and yes, DMC1 is a version of Dante. DmC Dante is a new version of Dante, while DCM1 Dante (my favorite Dante) is the old/previous/classic/whatever version of Dante.
Being one "version" of many does not deny something's status as "the original," case in point the phrase "the original version."
I could look at it from your perspective, but then I'd be using words wrong, or at the least omitting how some words work in order for them to fit some idiotic convenience.
Consider yourself f#cking educated.
Angel, Draken, Steve, or whomever deals with this here post - I apologize to you for rocking the boat, but I am not sorry for saying what I've said. Forums are great for discussion and debate, but this is not something that should require discussion. I (and probably others) am tired of arguing semantics with someone who doesn't seem to have a firm grasp of the English language, it bogs down threads with nothing. I'd have reported it all long ago if I ever thought it was acceptable to report someone for what amounts to a lack of comprehension...