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Issues With Suicide Squad [Spoilers Ahead]


Fake Geek Girl.
So, with Suicide Squad out, the people with brains have responded with a resounding "meh". But there's a lot wrong in this film that ultimately doesn't make much sense or add up. Let's talk about it shall we?

Joker and Harley's Relationship
- One thing I noticed is that save for one scene, Joker and Harley's relationship isn't explored properly. For the most part, they are depicted as a couple of crazy love birds. Joker goes REALLY out of his way to get Harley back, and he would NEVER do that. It seems to be that they decided to somewhat romanticize the relationship to be palatable for more audiences because abuse is ugly. Doing that to one of the most explicitly abusive relationships in comic book history is in bad taste. Don't even have Joker in your movie if you don't have the balls to tell their story properly.

Not to mention the whole Joker subplot added NOTHING to the film.

Changing The Backstory of Task Force X Here A Bit Doesn't Really Make Sense
-In the film we are lead to believe that Amanda Waller pushes for Task Force X's formation because they made need some insurance in case a meta human threat on Superman's level shows up. Fair enough, but why then is the team comprised of mostly non super powered people who would have no chance against a threat like that? A dude who's really good at shooting, a psychotic with a baseball bat, a guy who's good at throwing stuff, and a dude who's good with ropes for example are your contingency plan?

You see, the Suicide Squad originally was a covert black ops team that went on missions performing task no sanctioned government team could. Having the prime reason they are assembled is to face a potentially evil Superman, is pretty flimsy and weird to say the least.


Amanda Waller Didn't Have A Contingency Plan For Enchantress
Amanda Waller is supposed to be this brilliant mind that basically is playing chess while the world is playing checkers, the fact that she doesn't put more thought in to keeping Enchantress under control is kinda baffling. She had her heart, but this didn't turn out to be enough. So you think she'd have more in play just in case a powerful being forced to work for the government would try something.

The only person watching over her is Flag who is utterly powerless, and when she does escape, not only does she look dumb by letting herself get tricked so easily, but she doesn't even destroy her heart to stop her and just stabs it a little bit to mildly annoy her.

Why Does Amanda Waller Keep An All Powerful Demigod In Her Closet?

-Seriously? Why the hell is this here? You think it would be locked up on a blacksite somewhere, but nope. Enhantress is able to easily release her brother Incubus to help her destroy the world because Amanda Waller didn't think that the being who can transport to Iran in a blink of an eye, would transport up in her closet to take her bro back. For f*cks sake.


How Are They Able To Evacuate Nearly An Entire City, But Amanda Waller Is Trapped There?
About midway through the film, the squad learns the truth of their mission, and that was to rescue Amanda Waller. But how did she get trapped here? It's seemingly for no reason and strange that a government official like her isn't able to prioritize her rescue when sh!t hits the fan. Also, isn't it a little too convenient that Waller sets up shop in the same exact city where Enchantress decides to put her crap in to action?

Is Rick Flag A Moralist or Realist?
To say that most of these characters are underdeveloped is an understatement. Unless you're Deadshot or Harley, don't expect the movie to cater to you. And even so, those stories are like the cliff note versions of their backstories. But I'm gonna focus on Rick Flag here for a minute. What's his deal?

He spends almost the entire movie insulting Deadshot for basically being a "serial killer with a paycheck", but doesn't bat an eye with a "I don't judge" reaction after Amanda murders a group of agents in cold blood to hide her f*ck up. Concerning his reactions to the team, he bounces back and forth between hating them and not wanting to be there, to grudgingly admiring their tactics. It's almost as if his feelings just shift from scene to scene instead of keeping a consistent character.

Could it be that Rick Flag is a hypocrite who acts like a good guy to hide his true motives? Sure. But the movie sure as hell doesn't have the time or nuance to make that clear.

Why Does Captain Boomerang Bail And Then Come Back With No Explanation?
Here's another case of inconsistent characters that I'm particularly gonna bring up because I think it may have something to do with the reshoots and p!ss poor editing.

In the bar scene from the trailers, Flag destroys the trigger to the bombs in their neck meaning they have no reason to really stick around any more. Upon seeing this, Boomerang ups and leaves right away. It's one of the few genuinely funny scenes in the films and totally makes sense.

......But he just comes back? There's nothing really implying that Boomerang is the type of dude that really gives a crap about putting his neck on the line for the greater good, but he shows up anyway to join the team in their slo mo Guardians of the Galaxy esque walk to the final showdown. Whatever.

Why The F*ck Did This Joker Apparently Make His Own Emojis?
One of the lamest things you could EVER associate the Joker with, emojis.

What the flying f*ck were you thinking? This movie does seem like it was tailor made to appeal to the Hot Topic teen crowd. I guess that's why Hot Topic is now basically Suicide Squad Depot.


Why Do They Never Comment On The Fact That The Threat Was Their Fault?
Like I pointed out earlier, Task Force X is assembled to face possible meta human threats, but said threat they face in the film is literally caused by the attempt to form the team. Amanda Waller bridges the gap for Enchantress to do what she does. And this movie never once decides to make a commentary on that.

I mean you could actually bring up an allegory to political issues like government response and covert teams like this for example......but they just gloss over all potential depth for the story for the sake of the same generic crap we've seen before. Which brings me to the next point.

Why Does A Movie With Ingredients To Be A Unique Venture In The Superhero Genre Become So Generic?
-Suicide Squad was always billed as the remedy for typical superhero movie endeavors. The anti Avengers. A film about bad guys doing crazy stuff together. Yet, it just becomes yet another "stop the bad guy from destroying the world" type deal. We've seen this thousands of times before, why not try something different if your goal was to BE different?

Ok, so I THINK that's about everything. I'll be sure to add more the more I think about it.


A self-diagnosed misanthrope
Why Does Captain Boomerang Bail And Then Come Back With No Explanation?
Here's another case of inconsistent characters that I'm particularly gonna bring up because I think it may have something to do with the reshoots and p!ss poor editing.

In the bar scene from the trailers, Flag destroys the trigger to the bombs in their neck meaning they have no reason to really stick around any more. Upon seeing this, Boomerang ups and leaves right away. It's one of the few genuinely funny scenes in the films and totally makes sense.

......But he just comes back? There's nothing really implying that Boomerang is the type of dude that really gives a crap about putting his neck on the line for the greater good, but he shows up anyway to join the team in their slo mo Guardians of the Galaxy esque walk to the final showdown. Whatever.

I thought that was a clever nod to his boomerang motif. But yeah, an explanation would have been welcomed. Something like "I ran away a couple of blocks and then saw the city was infested by zombies.."


Elite Hunter
I agree with some of these points while others seem more like nitpicks.

Overall though, none of these things ruined the movie for me. But I guess I don't have a brain. Otherwise I'd have gone "meh", right?


Legendary Devil Hunter
Wow, so even though I agree with some of the points, I don't have a brain because I actually enjoyed the movie

Well that's cool I guess, I mean I only graduated college with a 3.4 GPA.....for film


DmC hype
There's an annoyingly large amount of issues with the novie, which is a shame because it was really really entertaining to me. A good number of my issues with the film were more subjective than the ones you listed Chancey:


Miss Moore survives in the end
The archeologist that Enchantress possessed (Joan Moore right?) survives even though Enchantress got killed. While you could argue that Enchantress was just a ghost that possessed Moore (even though she sorta took over Moore's body in the middle of the movie) and that's why she survived, it felt far too sappy for its own good. It felt like the director just didn't have the stones to give someone a bad ending in this movie when it just seems weird that Moore somehow survived Enchantress' death.

Harley Quinn saves the day
Harley being the hero to defeat the villain made it feel like this was a children's movie. She was arguably the most popular character in the squad, but in terms of capabilities she was already one of the weakest members of the Squad alongside Captain Boomerang (Harley has a gun and a bat and is somewhat decent at fighting...and that's it combat-wise). It felt like the thought process was "So Harley is the most popular character here, but she should really do something major to make the audience love her". Conveniently, Katana's sword was in the right place at the right time for Harley to use on Enchantress to defeat her, even though I felt like she didn't do much to deserve that.

Joker is believed to be dead yet Harley takes it rather well.
My knowledge on Joker and Harley is fairly limited outside of Batman Arkham games and this movie, but from what I can tell, isn't Harley's whole thing that she is obsessed with the Joker? When Joker supposedly dies from the helicopter crash she cries for a little bit and then seems to just shrug it off for the most part. I expected her to go insane over this major loss for her, not be sad for 20 seconds and then return to her normal self.


Well-known Member
Captain Boomerang return because he is drunken. When he returned he trowhs a can of beer .
And then , in my opinion Enchantress is less op than I expected : captain boomerang can stop her too.


A self-diagnosed misanthrope
And then , in my opinion Enchantress is less op than I expected : captain boomerang can stop her too.
She's only OP when the plot requires it. At one point she's wrecking havoc and tearing down a city, then in another she's fighting the protagonists from up close.

Joker is believed to be dead yet Harley takes it rather well.
My knowledge on Joker and Harley is fairly limited outside of Batman Arkham games and this movie, but from what I can tell, isn't Harley's whole thing that she is obsessed with the Joker? When Joker supposedly dies from the helicopter crash she cries for a little bit and then seems to just shrug it off for the most part. I expected her to go insane over this major loss for her, not be sad for 20 seconds and then return to her normal self.
There's a theory that this Joker is actually the immortal Joker from the recent comics. If that pans out true, this would make sense.


Well-known Member
She's only OP when the plot requires it. At one point she's wrecking havoc and tearing down a city, then in another she's fighting the protagonists from up close.

There's a theory that this Joker is actually the immortal Joker from the recent comics. If that pans out true, this would make sense.

Since when was Joker immortal?
Do you mean dynesium injected? Since he did technically die last I remember...
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