I read the first post and the one explaining further. Apparently it's not just you but I don't share those feelings with you.
The Dino acronym has already been overused for over three years now. DMC2 to DMC4 "Dantes" are different iterations anyway, even more so from DMC1 Dante. "Dino" is no exception. So there are fans who got tired of people using that acronym over and over... like me...And like i said, that's why i can't agree with her wholeheartedly about things. But i also can't ignore that Capcom, especially Kobayashi, have ruined Dante's character. Gel is a "She" btw. Also, Dante wouldn't be acting like he is in Project X Zone if Kobayashi didn't make Dante what he was in DMC 4. This all comes down to DMC 3 and DMC 4 Dante being the most popular Dantes (plural). It just goes to show how inconsistent Capcom has treated Dante's character through every game. Its just so weird when playing DMC 1 then playing DMC 4 how DMC 4 Dante is suppose to be the same character from DMC 1...its like when Soap Operas change actors mid scene with another actor playing the same role. Its jarring and frustrating.
Maybe this is why the only Capcom (particularly Hideaki Itsuno) iteration of Dante I like is only DMC3 Dante due to him developing as a character (from not giving a damn to becoming a hardened selfless devil hunter).
I have to agree though. Hiroyuki Kobayashi is to be blamed for ruining Dante's character. Maybe if it wasn't for him then the reboot wouldn't have happened in the first place and DMC4 could've been more likable and made better...
I honestly think the character of Dante needs to go on a long hiatus. Even Capcom realized this with putting Nero in the starring role. Dante just doesn't have the draw he used to have in supporting a game on his own besides combat mechanics, and even that's getting old with other games getting better mechanics then DMC.
As much as I am saddened to hear that, I must agree. Dante has already turned from a hero in DMC1 to a somebody trying so hard in acting so cool by the anime and DMC4 anyway. Maybe Capcom would realize they made a mistake on making DMC a series without Hideki Kamiya who directed the first game only in the very first place.
In fact, this series is not what Kamiya-san intended (as evident he didn't care about how Capcom made the series without him in his tweets, like he said "So-so" towards Nero when asked about it; so he will only answer questions regarding DMC1 and the DMC novel Vol. 1 since he assisted its author Shinya Goikeda due to these two having a similar iteration for Dante). His intention was for each DMC game and after that and so forth to have a different cast of characters, just like with the Final Fantasy series.
Edit: Rockman: Yeah i'm still using it. I don't think there's a problem with that. Its an Acronym. Dante, In, Name, Only. As in it refers that DmC Dante isn't the Original Dante from the old games. Its not meant to be insulting but to differentiate between the two alternate universe versions of him. Also please try to stay on topic. Don't start nitpicking about Dino here when Gel is not talking about him.
That's clearly a case of character inconsistency.But I see the four Dantes as a compendium of one virtual person, a character and not cheap imitations from one another.
Actually What you just said might have been the case if there was a DMC 5 made.. he would be exactly like deadpool extremely obnoxious yet a psychopathic moron.my biggest fear about the possibility of a DMC5 is having a Dante even more psychopatic and obnoxious than what we already have.
It's just ..sad.
Let's not be that pessimistic,hope for the better. :ermm:It's a matter of opinion and my biggest fear about the possibility of a DMC5 is having a Dante even more psychopatic and obnoxious than what we already have.
It's just ..sad.
am i the only one here who thinks DMC anime dante is boss? he feels like DMC dante but only now we know more about him. like the fact that he is addicted to strawberry sundaes.
And like i said, that's why i can't agree with her wholeheartedly about things. But i also can't ignore that Capcom, especially Kobayashi, have ruined Dante's character. Gel is a "She" btw. Also, Dante wouldn't be acting like he is in Project X Zone if Kobayashi didn't make Dante what he was in DMC 4. This all comes down to DMC 3 and DMC 4 Dante being the most popular Dantes (plural). It just goes to show how inconsistent Capcom has treated Dante's character through every game. Its just so weird when playing DMC 1 then playing DMC 4 how DMC 4 Dante is suppose to be the same character from DMC 1...its like when Soap Operas change actors mid scene with another actor playing the same role. Its jarring and frustrating.
I honestly think the character of Dante needs to go on a long hiatus. Even Capcom realized this with putting Nero in the starring role. Dante just doesn't have the draw he used to have in supporting a game on his own besides combat mechanics, and even that's getting old with other games getting better mechanics then DMC.
Edit: Rockman: Yeah i'm still using it. I don't think there's a problem with that. Its an Acronym. Dante, In, Name, Only. As in it refers that DmC Dante isn't the Original Dante from the old games. Its not meant to be insulting but to differentiate between the two alternate universe versions of him. Also please try to stay on topic. Don't start nitpicking about Dino here when Gel is not talking about him.
Edit: Rockman: Yeah i'm still using it. I don't think there's a problem with that. Its an Acronym. Dante, In, Name, Only. As in it refers that DmC Dante isn't the Original Dante from the old games. Its not meant to be insulting but to differentiate between the two alternate universe versions of him. Also please try to stay on topic. Don't start nitpicking about Dino here when Gel is not talking about him.
Do you like Ninja Theory?It's okay to not like something.
In '13, NT released this, DmC, their most accomplished game. I think their undisputed masterpiece is Vergil's Downfall, a portion so visually dynamic, that people probably don't pay attention to Vergil's thoughts.
But they should, because it's not just about certain interpretations on the afterlife and constantly fighting demons, it's also a personal statement about the studio itself...
Really? There's a game out there with better combat mechanics than DMC3?and even that's getting old with other games getting better mechanics then DMC.
Its not meant to be insulting but to differentiate between the two alternate universe versions of him.
Sorry, I should have included this picture.Be that as it may, it's not like they have to like DmC because of that. Like people tell me "DMC3 has such great scenery, and magnificent story that has a deeper aspect to it." But no matter what, I still give it a 6/10.
Really? There's a game out there with better combat mechanics than DMC3?
Wait, don't include anything from platinum. Just humor me here. Is Darksiders II considered better? If not, then perhaps an example that isn't from P*.
(I say this because I tried both Bayonetta and MGR, and I didn't like them as much as DMC3)
So... do you like Ninja Theory, Dragonmaster??
Their first game was a little too "God of War" for my taste...
Good answer.I prefer Prototype 2 over DMC3. Not only for gameplay, but the freedom to do what I want. Plus the story's way better.
EDIT: Until they made DmC, I had no idea who they were. But I did know what HS was and thought that looked cool. But I appreciate the work they did for DmC and now I'm interested in seeing them grow as a development team. I'm anticipating their new game as we speak.