If you could rewrite DMC4....

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Dec 8, 2007
How would you make DMC4 rewritten with Dante as the main hero and not Nero?
I'd kick Dante to the curb and focus on Nero.

I'd probably make Nero a bit more of his own type of character and make him a bit more serious then Dante. He'd definitely be a hot head and be able to pull jokes but he'd also be easily angered as well. I'd still give him his arm but I'd give him all the weapons Dante gets in this game.

Kyrie would be more social and be able to get a bit sassy with Nero, but still be able to support him either way.
I'll probably gonna kick Nero out, somehow I don't like the kid so much. Credo will mainly protecting and save Kyrie in the cutscene. Dante will have more various weapon and as for the yamato...he'd use it to seal of Demon World or get somekind of new abilities for Rebellion
I know the discussion topic asks about making Dante the main character instead of Nero, but opening that door of making adjustments to DMC4 just made me think a little beyond the topic, to what I feel would overall make DMC4 a way better game, both story and gameplay-wise. My Top Ten Devil May Cry 4 fixes in no particular order:

1. Dante has to be more consistent in his style and personality based off of DMC1. In DMC4, he appears to have no idea of what's going on. He has no previous knowledge of Nero. No knowledge of Fortuna. No knowledge of The Order of the Sword. No knowledge of what Yamato is doing in Fortuna. He appears aloof and air-headedly pleased at the end of the game when none of these subjects are resolved or spoken about at length. He apparently cannot take anything seriously: Sanctus murders Credo in front of him and Trish, stabs Nero, flies off, and Dante's major contribution to the scene is making fun of Nero while all of this happens. And to top it all off, he's loud, immature, and prances about the game as major characters die and major plot points occur without any sense of urgency or relevence. Whyyyy? Fix it.

2. If you're going to split the game down the middle, don't make Dante's half a re-tread. Seriously.

3. Nero's Devil Bringer finishing moves were super cool and added a new dynamic to the boss battles. Dante needed something creative of his own to match Nero's finishing moves, or else you end up just waiting for the boss's health to time out while mashing triangle whenever you play as Dante.


5. Trish and Lady were laughably underused. Trish as "Gloria" never gave the satifaction of ACTUALLY seeing Trish. And Lady's non-presence left a hole in my fan heart. Trish and Dante need more buddy face-time for big action and character driven sequences. And if Lady's gunna be in the game for a short time, at least have her come back for the game's final act, flying Dante's bi-plane, coming in to save the day or something. CAPCOM had a huge opportunity to bring all these character's together in an interesting and satisfying way, and wasted it.

6. Alot of hate on Kyrie is understandable. I always liked her, but there needs to be something more to Kyrie's character. I love the idea that she's a human and not trained with weapons or badassery. Not every woman in the series needs to be a Trish or Lady. Kyrie's weapon is love, and it would've brought a fresher perspective if utilized more.

7. Fortuna needs to be explained. There's alot of subtext that says Sparda ruled there at one point. Where better a place for Sparda to "quietly reign the human world until his death," then on a secluded island where he could oversee that the Humans were kept safe? Wouldn't it make sense that Fortuna would've been Sparda's home on Earth? Also, with the whole city built around him, where better a place to father and train his sons Dante and Vergil? Following Sparda's death, it only makes sense that those who desire power would deify Sparda's image and corrupt Sparda's word by martyrizing him into a religion. Using Sparda's image as power to enslave Fortuna would be a natural progression in Fortuna's story and a timely and relevent critique of modern religion in general. Thus, Dante and Nero bringing the true power of Sparda back to Fortuna (Not through enslavement to religious doctrine, but though love) would have been a much more meaningful pursuit. It makes no sense for a place that's as potentially important like Fortuna to exist, and for Dante to know nothing of it.

8. Mentioned above. Vergil is Nero's father. Why? When? How? With who? How does the Order have Yamato? Big plot points that are left up in the air. I do like the idea of Nero being the main character, but if either Dante or Nero is going to helm this one, both of their characters need some serious attention. Nero's blank slate backstory is infuriating.

9. Let's face it, Agnus was a pathetic Arkham re-tread with half the brains, and even less of the imagination. This guy needed to be left at the drawing board.

10. Something that's never been addressed in the games is the political climate of the Underworld. Mundus was their Emperor. Following the toppling of Mundus's regime, what's happening in the Underworld afterwards? It's clear, through the game's use of the Hell-Gates, that there are very powerful demons in the Underworld such as "Berial, Conqueror of the Fire Hell." Who's going to try and take Mundus's throne? Shouldn't Dante be more concerned with someone like that? Perhaps maybe even... Argosax? By trying to take over the Human World (which Mundus was never able to do) by using Sanctus as his vessel through the "Asension Ceremony," Argosax would be the prime villain to introduce into the game for Dante to take on to protect the Human World. Bringing Argosax into the picture would have given a far better reason for Dante and Trish to come to Fortuna, than Lady simply putting them on a job. Not to mention the "wings" around Sanctus Diabolica look very similar to Argosax's wings in his "Despair Embodied" form. Dante and Nero would stop him in Fortuna, but using the same method of using a weak human like Sanctus as a vessel, Argosax would resurface again through Arius, and finally be defeated in DMC2. Thus both games which by themselves have no purpose to the overall series plot, could be connected through use of Argosax. This would also make an irritating re-tread of a plotline (Random old dude wants the power of Sparda ..) fresher and more interesting.
Your first point is wrong, Dante was aware of everything, even who Nero is before they actually fought after the former shot Sanctus's head, about the order and their plans etc.
I think re-writting DMC4 without Nero would be a huge mistake. This is Nero's home, Nero's family and his people. If it was just Dante it would just be Dante's quest to find out what the order is and get his swords back (and Dante doesn't really act very interested in either).

Kyrie was kinda under-developed in DMC4 and that hurt it; but without Nero, Kyrie would have been completely pointless. She'd just be some random girl with no significance. Same thing with Creedo, Creedo is treated as more or less an equal match for Nero and someone of which Nero has a past with. For Dante, Creedo would have just been some random grunt that meant nothing and was easily tossed to the side.

DMC4 suffered a lot from missed opportunities with these characters and their relationships with Nero; had they went more into his past growing up with Creedo and Kyrie they could have fixed much of it. But had they dropped Nero and just made it Dante's story then all of it would have held even less meaning. It would just be Dante doing a job he had no real personal interest in, against demons and humans that he didn't know and had no challenge with.
I think re-writting DMC4 without Nero would be a huge mistake. This is Nero's home, Nero's family and his people. If it was just Dante it would just be Dante's quest to find out what the order is and get his swords back (and Dante doesn't really act very interested in either).

Kyrie was kinda under-developed in DMC4 and that hurt it; but without Nero, Kyrie would have been completely pointless. She'd just be some random girl with no significance. Same thing with Creedo, Creedo is treated as more or less an equal match for Nero and someone of which Nero has a past with. For Dante, Creedo would have just been some random grunt that meant nothing and was easily tossed to the side.

DMC4 suffered a lot from missed opportunities with these characters and their relationships with Nero; had they went more into his past growing up with Creedo and Kyrie they could have fixed much of it. But had they dropped Nero and just made it Dante's story then all of it would have held even less meaning. It would just be Dante doing a job he had no real personal interest in, against demons and humans that he didn't know and had no challenge with.

So basically it would have been a less interesting DMC2.
I thought about this recently and here are few suggestions.

1.I would say making Dante/Vergil younger and revealing that they were raised by the order after their mom died, giving explanation for their skills and their falling out but that would not jive well with what little we know of the characters.

but DMC and its characters are poorly defined with no set timeline or ages and no context for backgrounds so it would be easy to tie it in.

So in this game Dante could be 17-18 and in 3 he could be 20-21.

2. I would have it set in 2-5 years after 3 with lady digging into her father's past providing an impetus for Dante and lady to go to Fortuna. The order would be less corrupt and more morally ambiguous with Kyrie and credo playing a bigger role. There is also an issue with the modern world because after DMC3, the world knows the existence of demons so Sanctus is mulling over revealing the existence of fortuna to the rest of the world and sharing their secrets on demon hunting.

Mundus has sent a group of demons to "take care" of the fortuna problem by force or infiltration.This explains minor details like how Alastor became a devil arm and how Dante got on mundus's radar.

3. this was inspired by a AU fanfic "Like father like son" where nero is dante's kid and they meet when nero is 11 but you could have introduced Nero in the anime as Dante's kid who ends up leaving Fortuna to escape persecution and find out who his parents are.

So nero is there but the anime or game deals with how Dante reacts to fatherhood and its responsibility. Plus it gives Nero a easier time at getting accepted because we have a greater connection to him now. We see him grow up and we are ok with the prospects of him taking over from Dante. Plus it givings him his own niche were he can deal with the everyday demon problems while dante deals with demon apocalypse and such.
easy keep somewhat of the overall story but explain nero's back story and give dante a better story than just playing through nero's story also get rid of that stupid puzzle game give kyrie and lady bigger roles new weapons and more unique levels (but honestly i would be more interesting rewriting 2 or come up with ideas for DMC5 :P )
Your first point is wrong, Dante was aware of everything, even who Nero is before they actually fought after the former shot Sanctus's head, about the order and their plans etc.
Dante doesn't seem fully aware of anything going on. If he is and he knew about Nero and just chose to abandon his dead brother's son for .. no reason just to show up randomly when Lady asked him to, then that's just terrible writing. I mean pretend for a minute that Dante knew about Nero .. and the fact that he lives on Fortuna and about the Order of the Sword .. even though Lady had to explain all of it to him because he'd never heard of them.. and the fact that they randomly have Yamato .. that's broken for no reason .. and that Nero can mend magically and also for no reason .. and that Dante's totally cool with it and knew exactly what was going on.. .. than that's a pretty weird storyline. I blame the writers, in any case which is the point of my first point that Dante needs to be written better
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Dante felt unnecessary to the plot as a whole so it feel easier just to fade him out the plot than Nero. He was just filler so either you take him out or you give him more to do than act like spastic 5 year old..

I would give Vergil a bigger role since it would answer up some questions and Vergil seems like a better foil for nero than Dante. It be more interesting watching Vergil trying to manipulate nero into his brand of justice/heroism.
Dante doesn't seem fully aware of anything going on. If he is and he knew about Nero and just chose to abandon his dead brother's son for .. no reason just to show up randomly when Lady asked him to, then that's just terrible writing. I mean pretend for a minute that Dante knew about Nero .. and the fact that he lives on Fortuna and about the Order of the Sword .. even though Lady had to explain all of it to him because he'd never heard of them.. and the fact that they randomly have Yamato .. that's broken for no reason .. and that Nero can mend magically and also for no reason .. and that Dante's totally cool with it and knew exactly what was going on.. .. than that's a pretty weird storyline. I blame the writers, in any case which is the point of my first point that Dante needs to be written better

He learned of Nero and their plans AFTER his arrival to Fortuna and before he shot Sanctus, from the Library
He learned of Nero and their plans AFTER his arrival to Fortuna and before he shot Sanctus, from the Library
Yah we're still on the same page. It sounds like you're trying to argue something when we're both saying the same thing. I think it's bad writing that previous to everything Dante had no idea about Fortuna or Nero or anything about Sparda in relation to The Order of the Sword. But you do have to admit Dante's general blase attitude during the game is pretty terrible. It makes it seem like he either doesn't know anything or doesn't care, which is a far cry from the depth Drew Coombs' Dante had in DMC1 or even Reuben Langdon's DMC3 Dante.
The only thing I would change the game, is the mission 19 (Erase the dice game.).

Mission 19 - Dice game = Awesome "Boss Rush".
I would've made the game a two-disc thing, 20 missions for Nero and 20 for Dante. There, problem solved. People would still complain about "having" to play Nero's side of the story though.
I would've made the game a two-disc thing, 20 missions for Nero and 20 for Dante. There, problem solved. People would still complain about "having" to play Nero's side of the story though.

If Nero had a bit more weapons to work with, I wouldn't see the need for people to complain about him. I found his gameplay to be semi fun despite not having as much to work with as opposed to Dante. He would have more diversity. And as for Dante having his own 20 missions, that would be incredibly awesome. Especially if Dante had enemies specifically designed for him, rather than having to master aspects of gameplay to overcome the certain enemies. Blitz, Frosts, and Angelos were the only enemies I truly had problems with when I was Dante. Then I figured out how to deal with them and killing them didn't prove to be as hard as it used to be.

In fact I don't see why people didn't like Nero that much. Sure he was emotional about Kyrie but that's he only time when I saw him act as "a crybaby". I thought he was pretty cool to be honest.
If Nero had a bit more weapons to work with, I wouldn't see the need for people to complain about him. I found his gameplay to be semi fun despite not having as much to work with as opposed to Dante. He would have more diversity. And as for Dante having his own 20 missions, that would be incredibly awesome. Especially if Dante had enemies specifically designed for him, rather than having to master aspects of gameplay to overcome the certain enemies. Blitz, Frosts, and Angelos were the only enemies I truly had problems with when I was Dante. Then I figured out how to deal with them and killing them didn't prove to be as hard as it used to be.

In fact I don't see why people didn't like Nero that much. Sure he was emotional about Kyrie but that's he only time when I saw him act as "a crybaby". I thought he was pretty cool to be honest.

And to be fair about the crying thing, he's still young and it's the love of his life, that was taken right out of his grasp. And yeah he did cry, but he did go right back to kicking ass right afterward.

I had a lot of trouble playing as Dante, because a lot of the smaller enemies felt too "light", and the only nice way to close that gap was Trickster, but my D-pad is f*cked up and always switched me to Royal Guard. >_<
And to be fair about the crying thing, he's still young and it's the love of his life, that was taken right out of his grasp. And yeah he did cry, but he did go right back to kicking ass right afterward.

lol Exactly. He sucked it up and continue his journey to save her.

I had a lot of trouble playing as Dante, because a lot of the smaller enemies felt too "light", and the only nice way to close that gap was Trickster, but my D-pad is f*cked up and always switched me to Royal Guard. >_<

Yeah Dante is extremely hard to use. It took me a LONG time in order to get used to playing as him.
There are tutorials out there that will help you. I have some that I've made in my signature if you need help.
It's not that Dante is that difficult to play with. Is that Nero is extremely easy, as a few sword combos+one DB+one fully charged Shot take care of everything easily. Dante has like million possible tactics and combinations available to him, so after having played half of the game already as Nero, suddenly changing to something vastly different multiplies the difficulty of getting used to it.