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if DMC5 is made instead of DmC2...


Beer and big tits all around! XD
Hey man you're entitled to whatever you want but it sounds to me like you're in the wrong series. I much prefer the old Dante because he's a fun loving cartoon character that knows he's a knuckle head. Even in DMC1 he had the dialogue of a mid 90s B movie. And I really don't see why him being a virgin would matter to anyone. This isn't a Jason Statham film :/ . Over dressed or not, I'd rather the series have that kind of early charm than some unrelenting talking skid mark the with a sad story hanging on his shoulders like epaulets. There are enough protagonists like that. A fun protagonist is all I really want (and that's perfect for a game that doesn't have a large emphasis on story to begin with) and I just didn't get that with this guy.




Yeah, New donte's pretty dumb too. He's just some punk brat who talks a big game and wants to try and be all tough, but in actuallity he's just a giant show off who says F you every five seconds for some reason and thinks he's a cool guy. I didn't like that about him and definitely wished capcom looked after NT better when it came to Dante's character. But that's not like I'm gonna praise old donte either.

old donte was some idiot who wanted to be cool but couldn't show it. he was just an emotionally contrived fool who thinks his 70's one liners are hip. Plus, I never liked the way he dressed in DMC3 and DMC4. He looked like a guy craving attention to hard even though in the anime he obviously preferred to be alone. In the end I blame Capcom's incapacity to write good characters that ruined him.

Basically both Donte's suck and I'm just gonna have to expect that going into a DMC5.



Beer and big tits all around! XD
Another thing I should at least say;

DMC5 will sell a lot more then DmC did simply because Capcom treats their fanbase like sheep.

Make DmC; fans mad and want old dante back.
Make DMC5; fans will eat out of Capcom's hands.

You can try and deny this fact, but it's pretty much gonna be the end result because Capcom knows what their fans want, and all they have to do is put old Dante on the cover and boom, sheep to the slaughter.


Solid Ocelot
Because DMC3 was more bearable with its anime-esque style. DMC4 took it to a whole other level with a cheesy romance, the wanna be anime punk as a protaganist, a damsel in distress, and the sterotypical anime lines that are used for Nero. I'm sorry but there is no way I can believe he's a tough guy. annoying yes, but tough guy...no.

The wannabe anime punk as a protagonist? And yet, I feel like he's not too different from DMC3 Dante. Come on, are we suddenly realizing DMC has always been 'anime-esque'? If anything, DMC1 would be the most stereotypical example of anime writing - that should become clear the minute Trish and Dante start their dialog in Dante's agency. I don't know, I've watched quite some anime like Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach and Naruto, but I don't feel like Nero's lines are any worse than Dante's in DMC3. I don't really see how ''Go blow yourself'' or ''you've got a jacked up notion of fair play, pal, and it's beginning to **** me off'' are anime lines. With the word 'anime' I think of inspirational speeches like the ones Naruto often did. I think of overreactions and wacky situations like somebody's head getting larger by 400 percent and starting to rave angrily to somebody. Or some sterotypical yet quirky characters. And yes, sure, some of the lines might be made to make him sound cool, but at least it's not as blatant as in certain other games. I quite like scenes in which Dante and Nero fight and end up on sofas - it's just well choreographed and is cool to me. The 'damsel in distress' theme is not something we only see in anime. I've personally seen it WAY fewer times in anime than in Hollywood movies or what have you.

Tough guy? Who said anything about that? And why would you think Nero is supposed to be a tough guy? It's made clear many times through his feelings towards Kyrie that he is not the stereotypical hero. I would say that he's pretty awesome, though, so I guess that makes him a tough guy. I mean, stopping Berial's sword and taunting him constantly seems pretty cool to me. Anyway, aren't we veering off course here? This thread was about how DMC5 should look.

Oh, and yeah of course ''DmC is superior to the Devil May Cry games''! 'Sheep to the slaughter' and all that. Sure, in your mind that's a fact instead of an opinion. Am I right? I hope not, but I'm guessing I am.
Anyway, DmC or DMC, it seems like we get a decent product either way, so I suggest we stop crying about it and inciting hatred. I, however, will keep saying DmC is not a Devil May Cry game, because that's my opinion, just like 'DMC4 was ten times worse than DMC3' is an opinion.


Solid Ocelot
Again, you'd be wrong. DMC1 was both interesting and had a good sense of badassery that was Dante and feel to it. DMC3 and DMC4 were more anime induced with the appeal to a younger generation of gamers, its female audience, and the nostalgia factor of fans from DMC1.

I think you've responded to the wrong section; you put this under the part where I talk about how Dante has always done inappropriate (funny) things at inappropriate times. I don't feel that that suddenly changed with DMC4.

But johnny Bravo isn't a video game character
With all due respect, what does that have to do with anything? They're both characters, and they were both not meant to be realistic. Naturally, the transition from DMC1 to DMC3/DMC4 is not a good one. That's because DMC1 was made by people who had a different view of Dante than the developers of DMC3 and DMC4 (and even DMC2, since he was once more a totally different character). The only version of Dante that's been consistent up to now is ''DMC3 to DMC4'' Dante. It's a shame those two games don't fit with DMC1, but we can't change anything about that now. Of course I would want Dante to be more like his DMC1 self, but that doesn't mean I will hate on his DMC4 character. They're both unique interpretations of Dante, and one is not worth more to me than the other.

First of all that "bragging" was part of Dante's plan to get Mundus mad and get him away from the hell gate
Again, I don't see the relevance. Ninja Theory decided to put that bit into the game. Regardless of whether Dante wanted to say it or not, it's still juvenile and didn't have to be put in the game. I'm not criticizing Dante's attitude or what he said, I'm criticizing the game's script. There is no need to put in the 'f*ck you' thing about four times.

Secondly, the F*ck you argument was only done once
A number of times he says it to Poison, Poison says it (badly acted), Dante also pretty much says it to Bob Barbas, then he writes it on a club manifest, then this then that. It's so friggin annoying, and probably supposed to be amusing, but it really isn't - at least not to me.

DmC was just better in my opinion because it appealed to my interest in edginess, artistic design, and refusal of the latest trending when it came to Dante's attire
If you thought DmC was the best Devil May Cry game (though I wouldn't call it that), that's fine. I think it would mean we're done talking, but I do want to make it clear why I think it wasn't as good as it could've been. The script is awkwardly awful at times, the graphics give me an unbelievable headache, the characters look like they actually are trying to fit modern 'dress code' if you will, the voice acting is bland and overall mediocre, the gameplay can be choppy and the control scheme is too chaotic. Not to mention I simply don't like how it handles this 'illuminati'-like story. I mean, first of all, believing in illuminati is retarded. There is no proof it exists, and although it did exist, it dissipated in 1785. It also wasn't their goal to control society/government. Second, it's just uninspired and predictable to put that belief into a game, confirming the society in the game is 'controlled by evil people because... no apparent reason'. It just isn't Devil May Cry to me, because Devil May Cry is about actual demons and humans. No angels, no nephilim, no 'Mundus the evil banker', none of that: it's not canon, which is why it's called a reboot. For me, that's enough reason not to call it Devil May Cry. Call it something else, start a new series, whatever, but they shouldn't act like DmC is and always has been Devil May Cry. Not hating on DmC - I sort of like the game. I'm just stating the obvious and saying that Capcom could've averted a lot of the backlash simply by refraining from calling it Devil May Cry.


Devil May Cry
I would like them to actually finish up then orinigal dmc series.... the cliff hangers doesnt make sense... they at least need to end it explaining the previous games clearly.. so.. they must continue it... like make dante die... or make him take a break finally something for gods sake


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
The wannabe anime punk as a protagonist? And yet, I feel like he's not too different from DMC3 Dante. Come on, are we suddenly realizing DMC has always been 'anime-esque'? If anything, DMC1 would be the most stereotypical example of anime writing - that should become clear the minute Trish and Dante start their dialog in Dante's agency. I don't know, I've watched quite some anime like Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach and Naruto, but I don't feel like Nero's lines are any worse than Dante's in DMC3. I don't really see how ''Go blow yourself'' or ''you've got a jacked up notion of fair play, pal, and it's beginning to **** me off'' are anime lines. With the word 'anime' I think of inspirational speeches like the ones Naruto often did. I think of overreactions and wacky situations like somebody's head getting larger by 400 percent and starting to rave angrily to somebody. Or some sterotypical yet quirky characters. And yes, sure, some of the lines might be made to make him sound cool, but at least it's not as blatant as in certain other games. I quite like scenes in which Dante and Nero fight and end up on sofas - it's just well choreographed and is cool to me. The 'damsel in distress' theme is not something we only see in anime. I've personally seen it WAY fewer times in anime than in Hollywood movies or what have you.

Tough guy? Who said anything about that? And why would you think Nero is supposed to be a tough guy? It's made clear many times through his feelings towards Kyrie that he is not the stereotypical hero. I would say that he's pretty awesome, though, so I guess that makes him a tough guy. I mean, stopping Berial's sword and taunting him constantly seems pretty cool to me. Anyway, aren't we veering off course here? This thread was about how DMC5 should look.

It is, and I don't want Nero messing it up with his wanna be anime punk angst. That's just the bottom line of how I feel about him both character wise and physically. I don't want another DMC4 where we have to keep Nero on his training wheels with his angsty character and poorly executed disposition towards his girlfriend. I want an actual DMC game with an actual able protaganist and not a sloppy second brat. Nothing against people who do like Nero, but this is DMC's return, and I want it to be done right.

Oh, and yeah of course ''DmC is superior to the Devil May Cry games''! 'Sheep to the slaughter' and all that. Sure, in your mind that's a fact instead of an opinion. Am I right? I hope not, but I'm guessing I am.

I didn't right that, so don't come attacking me.

Anyway, DmC or DMC, it seems like we get a decent product either way, so I suggest we stop crying about it and inciting hatred. I, however, will keep saying DmC is not a Devil May Cry game, because that's my opinion, just like 'DMC4 was ten times worse than DMC3' is an opinion.

If that's the case, why attack again here

Again, you'd be wrong. DMC1 was both interesting and had a good sense of badassery that was Dante and feel to it. DMC3 and DMC4 were more anime induced with the appeal to a younger generation of gamers, its female audience, and the nostalgia factor of fans from DMC1.

I think you've responded to the wrong section; you put this under the part where I talk about how Dante has always done inappropriate (funny) things at inappropriate times. I don't feel that that suddenly changed with DMC4.

It has. With DMC1 he did inappropriate things at the right times when it was alright to. With DMC4 Dante he did it on a time where demons are f*cking sh*t up and he's messing around doing Shakespeare reenactments and talking about his wang.

But johnny Bravo isn't a video game character
With all due respect, what does that have to do with anything? They're both characters, and they were both not meant to be realistic. Naturally, the transition from DMC1 to DMC3/DMC4 is not a good one. That's because DMC1 was made by people who had a different view of Dante than the developers of DMC3 and DMC4 (and even DMC2, since he was once more a totally different character). The only version of Dante that's been consistent up to now is ''DMC3 to DMC4'' Dante. It's a shame those two games don't fit with DMC1, but we can't change anything about that now. Of course I would want Dante to be more like his DMC1 self, but that doesn't mean I will hate on his DMC4 character. They're both unique interpretations of Dante, and one is not worth more to me than the other.

True, but it wouldn't hurt to actually have SOME continuity, otherwise it's all just one big mess that'll only become tiresome after good long years to come. DMC1 to DMC4 Dante is not the road that I want to head for a character to fall from greatness.

First of all that "bragging" was part of Dante's plan to get Mundus mad and get him away from the hell gate
Again, I don't see the relevance. Ninja Theory decided to put that bit into the game. Regardless of whether Dante wanted to say it or not, it's still juvenile and didn't have to be put in the game. I'm not criticizing Dante's attitude or what he said, I'm criticizing the game's script. There is no need to put in the 'f*ck you' thing about four times.

But yet every other game can get away with it right? -_- Like DMC is some holy grail where no on can say no wrong all of a sudden. As if saying the F-word is suddenly like when we were little kids and we'd go "OOOh you said a swear!" Dude, it's just a word.

Secondly, the F*ck you argument was only done once
A number of times he says it to Poison, Poison says it (badly acted), Dante also pretty much says it to Bob Barbas, then he writes it on a club manifest, then this then that. It's so friggin annoying, and probably supposed to be amusing, but it really isn't - at least not to me.

No, Dante only said F you to the succubus ONCE that entire fight. Where in the game did he say F you to Bob Barbas? All I remember is him giving him the bird and it's not like we haven't seen that done in DMC already. He wrote it on the sign-in sheet and even then...who cares?

DmC was just better in my opinion because it appealed to my interest in edginess, artistic design, and refusal of the latest trending when it came to Dante's attire
If you thought DmC was the best Devil May Cry game (though I wouldn't call it that), that's fine. I think it would mean we're done talking, but I do want to make it clear why I think it wasn't as good as it could've been. The script is awkwardly awful at times, the graphics give me an unbelievable headache, the characters look like they actually are trying to fit modern 'dress code' if you will, the voice acting is bland and overall mediocre, the gameplay can be choppy and the control scheme is too chaotic. Not to mention I simply don't like how it handles this 'illuminati'-like story. I mean, first of all, believing in illuminati is retarded. There is no proof it exists, and although it did exist, it dissipated in 1785. It also wasn'ttheir goal to control society/government. Second, it's just uninspired and predictable to put that belief into a game, confirming the society in the game is 'controlled by evil people because... no apparent reason'. It just isn't Devil May Cry to me, because Devil May Cry is about actual demons and humans. No angels, no nephilim, no 'Mundus the evil banker', none of that: it's not canon, which is why it's called a reboot. For me, that's enough reason not to call it Devil May Cry. Call it something else, start a new series, whatever, but they shouldn't act like DmC is and always has been Devil May Cry. Not hating on DmC - I sort of like the game. I'm just stating the obvious and saying that Capcom could've averted a lot of the backlash simply by refraining from calling it Devil May Cry.

Since when does Devil may Cry have to be subjected to simply one small dividend for the next twelve years? DMC was just getting old in following the same routine over and over again with no actual change for the good. DMC4 was the point where Capcom was getting rather lazy and decided they wanted to do something new, but couldn't bring their heads together and get it right. DMC doesn't have to keep in a straight line forever and do the same thing for almost twelve years now. At some point it was bound to do something new in order to get things straight. For God sake, every game has had a substantial change at some point; Assassin's Creed use to be more about assassins; Now it's about pirates. Mario started out as a plummer saving a princess; went to being party games for some time and a star warrior. MGS was about stealth and sneeking around; hack n' slashing robot ninja. Point is; DMC was bound to change at some point and was bound to do something entirely different beyond the original series. I was expecting DMC4 to be the point where the big change would come, but it was the bad change that forgot to be Devil May Cry and become a cheesy love feast anime for both young anime loving gamers and female gamers, thus taking out most of what made DMC cool and replacing it with satisfying a small niche of anime lovers simply to make the money that could've been made had they decided to continue with continuity. But DmC was the one to actually do that for me sine it has no prequels, it's a new start, a more DMC1-esque Dante, a more fleshed out Vergil, and finally a proper explanation of Dante's past, something none of the past DMC games bother to be precise about.

But Y'know what; it doesn't even matter. DMC5 will most likely be the game to come out soon, and the point of this thread is to make sure it's not a total mess up. But my personal opinion is that I don't want to be a mess up like the last game for the original series was.


Beer and big tits all around! XD
Wow Lionheart. That sig is really grasping for straws. Just because I put a sig about you whining (which you were) and Dragonmaster put on a sig that was clearly a joke, you put one up just to try and fight back on that? yeah, okay. Well Y'know what? There, it's gone now. I no longer have evidence of your tantrum to show to the world. So I guess now you'll delete yours after a good few days. Or will you keep it there because you know I'm right and you don't wanna be proven wrong?

Either way, that's really sad.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Look my main problem with the anime was that they took no risks nor actually tried to have Dante be an actual character who was actually being pushed and had to adapt and change so i would like dante to be tested in DMC5.

I would want to actually have to make difficult decisions and get his hands dirty as he had it too easy so far. He's been treated with kid gloves till now and the novelty is starting to wear off.

lets have him earn his hero cred.


Solid Ocelot
If that's the case, why attack again here

Oh, come on. You're calling my trying to convince you you're wrong an 'attack'? I'm sorry, but if I see something that looks like it's based on faulty logic, I'm not just going to let it go. That's how the world becomes an idiotic place; people believing other people because they trust and like them, not realizing that what has been said is nonsense. This is how myths are born, as well.

It has. With DMC1 he did inappropriate things at the right times when it was alright to. With DMC4 Dante he did it on a time where demons are f*cking sh*t up and he's messing around doing Shakespeare reenactments and talking about his wang.
I'm sure there has to be an example that proves this is wrong. Besides, look at DMC3. Like I said, he's constantly taunting demons and wasting time when a portal to the demon world is about to be opened. Or when Lady is presumably fighting her way through the tower. Would it hurt Dante to at least help out? No, but this is his character. He does inappropriate things at inappropriate times, and we have to deal with that.

Since when does Devil may Cry have to be subjected to simply one small dividend for the next twelve years? DMC was just getting old in following the same routine over and over again with no actual change for the good. DMC4 was the point where Capcom was getting rather lazy and decided they wanted to do something new, but couldn't bring their heads together and get it right. DMC doesn't have to keep in a straight line forever and do the same thing for almost twelve years now.

THEN TRY SOMETHING NEW. Really, many people say the DMC series was a mess. I think it was. So do something new instead of chewing up the same stuff all over again, only in a different mold! Seriously, why does everything have to be rebooted? Do developers have no ideas left? Or is it just Capcom?

No, Dante only said F you to the succubus ONCE that entire fight.
I don't care how often specifically Dante said it and how often, I'm talking about how often 'f you' has been used in DmC. I couldn't care less about how often Dante says it (unless he says it multiple times and it gets bothersome). And yes, him flipping Bob Barbas off means '**** you'. That's what the middle finger means. I know you must understand that. All in all, you've at least got him flipping Bob off, so that's one. Then there's him saying it to Poison. That's two. Then there's him writing it on a guest list. That's three. Aside from that, his personality sort of exudes that '**** you' idea. He just needs to tell people specifically what he thinks, right? I have no problem with that, but it's not exactly an impressive way of letting people know. Nor is it funny. F*uck you gets old after the first time, so three times is really too often.

But Y'know what; it doesn't even matter. DMC5 will most likely be the game to come out soon, and the point of this thread is to make sure it's not a total mess up. But my personal opinion is that I don't want to be a mess up like the last game for the original series was.

I doubt Capcom is going to listen to us. Maybe they'll listen to the people who manage to get a point across in a decent way, but are they going to view this forum? Yeaah, I think not. They would listen to petitions and outrage and such, not a few comments on a forum.

Oh, and yeah of course ''DmC is superior to the Devil May Cry games''! 'Sheep to the slaughter' and all that. Sure, in your mind that's a fact instead of an opinion. Am I right? I hope not, but I'm guessing I am.

I didn't right that, so don't come attacking me.

Sorry about that, I was responding to Bazilican. He literally said that, and yeah, that's a hurtful, assholish thing to say, so I called him out for it. Some people on this forum really think their opinion is somehow a fact, and I'm trying to tell them it's not. DMC4 Dante, for example, is not an asshole just because Rockman X thinks he is. In fact, Dante is not actively (or passively) acting like an asshole, so I would say his views on that are incorrect. Unless he simply doesn't like the way he dresses and stuff. In that case, he has the right to call DMC4 Dante an asshole, because that's just an opinion. In very much the same way, I think DmC Dante looks (and sounds) a bit moronic. Not a fact, just an opinion.


Solid Ocelot
Wow Lionheart. That sig is really grasping for straws. Just because I put a sig about you whining (which you were) and Dragonmaster put on a sig that was clearly a joke, you put one up just to try and fight back on that? yeah, okay. Well Y'know what? There, it's gone now. I no longer have evidence of your tantrum to show to the world. So I guess now you'll delete yours after a good few days. Or will you keep it there because you know I'm right and you don't wanna be proven wrong? Either way, that's really sad.

I'm not sure what you mean, and that's the truth. I didn't know anything about a sig change of yours, nor of DragonMaster2010's. If it seemed like my sig change was a response to something, I apologize, but I just thought my previous sig was getting old. Not only that, but my sig had lost its truth, since I've stopped reviewing games and have started focusing on school. The last review I wrote was written around the start of this year, so I don't have the time.

It is sad for me to hear about that, though. I never thought you two, of all people, would get personal and show it to the entire forum by putting it in your sig. If you want, put it on your profile page, but not in your sig. You can criticize me all you like; I'd almost encourage it since everybody should have the right to voice how they feel.
However, complaining about how I supposedly 'whine', that's not criticism, that's whining about people who whine (not that I believe I was whining).

I don't know what part of my comments you call a 'tantrum', but I would like you to tell me in a more polite way, so that I can see if I've been too harsh. If you mean my response to your comment of 'sheep to the slaughter', then yes, I responded harshly, because what you said is harsh, and I want you to know that. I want you to realize that saying 'DMC5 will be made because the fans will get their way. Sheep to the slaughter'' etc makes it sound like DMC5 will be a terrible game. The fans, in your example, are led to the slaughter (DMC5). So I'd like to know, do you think the DMC games are terrible overall? Or do you just think DMC5 will be terrible?

No offense intended, but I won't be taking off this sig - it's a joke, and I don't have to explain myself for showing it. I didn't create it to p*ss anybody off, because p*ssing people off on a forum isn't a good idea. I mean, how would you ever have a normal conversation with somebody you've verbally abused constantly? I'm here to have debates and discussions, not fights.
Fact is, I saw the video my sig was posted under just today, some time this morning. You don't have to believe that (because I can't prove it) but it's the truth; I don't lie on this forum. I'm sure I get some facts wrong sometimes, like most people do, but I don't lie. This is the video I just mentioned:


Solid Ocelot

Can we please have a normal conversation? I'm saying I didn't know anything about any sig change you made, and I didn't mean to offend. I will keep this sig because it's not meant to p*ss people off, it's just a joke.

I don't see the point of such a response, other than trying to get a rise out of me, which isn't going to work. Look, I respect both of your opinions, but when I see something I think is based on nonsense or when I see opinions passed off as facts, I try to flush it out. If you're not willing to listen, or are certain your opinion is 100 percent correct and not subject to scrutiny, then why keep responding? We're on a forum, so discuss with me. Debate with me. Do something, but don't roll your eyes when I post a comment of more than 200 words. I didn't join this forum to get ignored (though you're welcome to if you want). I can see how this comes across as whining, but to be honest, if you're giving me a reason to be upset, then stop giving me that reason. Of course I don't respond well to personal attacks, however mild they may be! This is something Unknown has failed to understand once or twice too; you can't expect me to react normally to constant sarcastic comments directed toward me. Ignore or discuss, don't hate.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Oh, come on. You're calling my trying to convince you you're wrong an 'attack'? I'm sorry, but if I see something that looks like it's based on faulty logic, I'm not just going to let it go. That's how the world becomes an idiotic place; people believing other people because they trust and like them, not realizing that what has been said is nonsense. This is how myths are born, as well.

No one said anything about trust. If you say you're done, you're done.

I'm sure there has to be an example that proves this is wrong. Besides, look at DMC3. Like I said, he's constantly taunting demons and wasting time when a portal to the demon world is about to be opened. Or when Lady is presumably fighting her way through the tower. Would it hurt Dante to at least help out? No, but this is his character. He does inappropriate things at inappropriate times, and we have to deal with that.

No, because with DMC3, the hell gate wasn't even opened yet and demons have already killed millions in the city or the evacuated earlier. Who knows, maybe all the people in the city aren't even there, thus giving Dante enough time to get to the bad guys without any humans dying. We don't know what happened to the humans besides maybe they ran or died.

THEN TRY SOMETHING NEW. Really, many people say the DMC series was a mess. I think it was. So do something new instead of chewing up the same stuff all over again, only in a different mold! Seriously, why does everything have to be rebooted? Do developers have no ideas left? Or is it just Capcom?

Because no one wants to see a series die, capcom wants to push more money out of it, and doing a reboot is more affordable then putting trust in a whole new IP.

I don't care how often specifically Dante said it and how often, I'm talking about how often 'f you' has been used in DmC. I couldn't care less about how often Dante says it (unless he says it multiple times and it gets bothersome). And yes, him flipping Bob Barbas off means '**** you'. That's what the middle finger means. I know you must understand that.
All in all, you've at least got him flipping Bob off, so that's one

No it's not because the middle finger doesn't mean F you, it means kiss my ass.

Then there's him saying it to Poison.That's two.

That's one.

Then there's him writing it on a guest list.That's three.


Aside from that, his personality sort of exudes that '**** you' idea.

By that sentiment, DMC3 Dante is "**** you, I'm J-rock."

He just needs to tell people specifically what he thinks, right? I have no problem with that, but it's not exactly an impressive way of letting people know. Nor is it funny. F*uck you gets old after the first time, so three times is really too often.

That's a matter of opinion because he doesn't even say it rapid fire. That's like saying "21 Jump Street has too much cusing in it so that makes it a terrible movie." Some of the greatest video games have cusing in it, more so then Dante does. You said it yourself that you played GTA5, tell me how many F words were in that game as oppose to how many Dante says.

I doubt Capcom is going to listen to us. Maybe they'll listen to the people who manage to get a point across in a decent way, but are they going to view this forum? Yeaah, I think not. They would listen to petitions and outrage and such, not a few comments on a forum.

Sorry about that, I was responding to Bazilican. He literally said that, and yeah, that's a hurtful, assholish thing to say, so I called him out for it. Some people on this forum really think their opinion is somehow a fact, and I'm trying to tell them it's not. DMC4 Dante, for example, is not an asshole just because Rockman X thinks he is. In fact, Dante is not actively (or passively) acting like an asshole, so I would say his views on that are incorrect. Unless he simply doesn't like the way he dresses and stuff. In that case, he has the right to call DMC4 Dante an asshole, because that's just an opinion. In very much the same way, I think DmC Dante looks (and sounds) a bit moronic. Not a fact, just an opinion.

Well then let's just agree to disagree then. I'll stick to my opinion and you have yours.


Solid Ocelot

No, because with DMC3, the hell gate wasn't even opened yet

No, but it was about to be - shouldn't that be enough? Why wouldn't Dante just speed to the top like crazy to stop Vergil, instead of loafing around and taking his time with Lady? Seems to me like he's doing inappropriate things at inappropriate moments like in DMC4, but I might be wrong.

No it's not because the middle finger doesn't mean F you, it means kiss my ass.

That's semantics. Kiss my ass means basically the same thing as 'f*ck you'. They both mean 'bite me', you know?

Because no one wants to see a series die, capcom wants to push more money out of it, and doing a reboot is more affordable then putting trust in a whole new IP.

True. Well, I would be fine with Devil May Cry dying and getting a new series in return, but I can see not everyone feels that way. I just think developers might be rebooting a bit too often. Think of the many series we could have.

demons have already killed millions in the city or the evacuated earlier. Who knows, maybe all the people in the city aren't even there, thus giving Dante enough time to get to the bad guys without any humans dying. We don't know what happened to the humans besides maybe they ran or died.

Good point, though I still don't know about Lady. I'd say she's in danger at the very least, but Dante doesn't really seek her out; he just kills the demons he needs to kill to climb the tower.

Well then let's just agree to disagree then. I'll stick to my opinion and you have yours.

Yeah, I guess that's how it goes. I just get a bit frustrated when people respond with memes that are directed at me, trying to ridicule me. That's happened a few times before, and it's getting to the point that I feel like the forum's become a bit nasty sometimes. You didn't do that, though, so thanks for that. Sorry for the weird text; I can't press enter without getting the same letter style as when I quote you.
Yeah, truce - we shouldn't set aside time just to argue with each other.
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