Oh, come on. You're calling my trying to convince you you're wrong an 'attack'? I'm sorry, but if I see something that looks like it's based on faulty logic, I'm not just going to let it go. That's how the world becomes an idiotic place; people believing other people because they trust and like them, not realizing that what has been said is nonsense. This is how myths are born, as well.
No one said anything about trust. If you say you're done, you're done.
I'm sure there has to be an example that proves this is wrong. Besides, look at DMC3. Like I said, he's constantly taunting demons and wasting time when a portal to the demon world is about to be opened. Or when Lady is presumably fighting her way through the tower. Would it hurt Dante to at least help out? No, but this is his character. He does inappropriate things at inappropriate times, and we have to deal with that.
No, because with DMC3, the hell gate wasn't even opened yet and demons have already killed millions in the city or the evacuated earlier. Who knows, maybe all the people in the city aren't even there, thus giving Dante enough time to get to the bad guys without any humans dying. We don't know what happened to the humans besides maybe they ran or died.
THEN TRY SOMETHING NEW. Really, many people say the DMC series was a mess. I think it was. So do something new instead of chewing up the same stuff all over again, only in a different mold! Seriously, why does everything have to be rebooted? Do developers have no ideas left? Or is it just Capcom?
Because no one wants to see a series die, capcom wants to push more money out of it, and doing a reboot is more affordable then putting trust in a whole new IP.
I don't care how often specifically Dante said it and how often, I'm talking about how often 'f you' has been used in DmC. I couldn't care less about how often Dante says it (unless he says it multiple times and it gets bothersome). And yes, him flipping Bob Barbas off means '**** you'. That's what the middle finger means. I know you must understand that.
All in all, you've at least got him flipping Bob off, so that's one
No it's not because the middle finger doesn't mean F you, it means kiss my ass.
Then there's him saying it to Poison.That's two.
That's one.
Then there's him writing it on a guest list.That's three.
Aside from that, his personality sort of exudes that '**** you' idea.
By that sentiment, DMC3 Dante is "**** you, I'm J-rock."
He just needs to tell people specifically what he thinks, right? I have no problem with that, but it's not exactly an impressive way of letting people know. Nor is it funny. F*uck you gets old after the first time, so three times is really too often.
That's a matter of opinion because he doesn't even say it rapid fire. That's like saying "21 Jump Street has too much cusing in it so that makes it a terrible movie." Some of the greatest video games have cusing in it, more so then Dante does. You said it yourself that you played GTA5, tell me how many F words were in that game as oppose to how many Dante says.
I doubt Capcom is going to listen to us. Maybe they'll listen to the people who manage to get a point across in a decent way, but are they going to view this forum? Yeaah, I think not. They would listen to petitions and outrage and such, not a few comments on a forum.
Sorry about that, I was responding to Bazilican. He literally said that, and yeah, that's a hurtful, assholish thing to say, so I called him out for it. Some people on this forum really think their opinion is somehow a fact, and I'm trying to tell them it's not. DMC4 Dante, for example, is not an asshole just because Rockman X thinks he is. In fact, Dante is not actively (or passively) acting like an asshole, so I would say his views on that are incorrect. Unless he simply doesn't like the way he dresses and stuff. In that case, he has the right to call DMC4 Dante an asshole, because that's just an opinion. In very much the same way, I think DmC Dante looks (and sounds) a bit moronic. Not a fact, just an opinion.