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if DMC5 is made instead of DmC2...


DMC1 Dante>>>>>>2-4
That's simply not true; Dante was interested and engaged, just not in a stereotypical ''hang on! I'LL SAVE YOU! *DRUMROLL*'' type of way. Not in the Pablo Francisco-esque way of movie trailers. He helped Nero by shooting the Yamato to him, he helped bring the Savior down, he helped rescue civilians by sending Trish (and possibly Lady or other characters) and so on. Seriously, he was even watching Nero in the intro, at 2:40 or so and at 3:42. Besides, I wasn't talking about how engaged he seemed, I was talking about his sense of humor, his wit. He taunts enemies (very well, I might add), he makes cynical comments, etc etc. DMC1 Dante didn't have that much, so in a sense, I would want new Dante to be like DMC1 Dante plus some of the humor from DMC3/DMC4.

I was on a serious mission in the novel he drops his sarcasm when he's dealing with serious sh*t.

He got angry & jacked up Enzo when it came to Jessica(his friend's daughter).


Solid Ocelot
I was on a serious mission in the novel he drops his sarcasm when he's dealing with serious sh*t.

He got angry & jacked up Enzo when it came to Jessica(his friend's daughter).

I don't know much about the novels, and to be honest, they might as well be non-canon to me, since many of the characters in the novels haven't been mentioned even once in the games, and because some characters act differently than in the games (though I heard they are canon). My point is, he doesn't seem to joke around as much in DMC1 as in DMC3 or DMC4, and I think that's a bit of a shame. I don't want him to be like DMC4 Dante, but he can definitely incorporate some more wiseass sarcastic/sardonic or cynical comments.


Beer and big tits all around! XD
I agree with most of what you said, except Dante being cool. You're gonna have to accept the fact that Dante will never be cool. He'l always be an idiotic goof with terrible lines and a pretty botched character. That's just the end result since Capcom are lousy when it comes to making an actual good version of Dante. Example is DMC4; his voice was so fake an very uninteresting that I felt as though I was watching a 4kids dubbed version of Devil May Cry. I wish they got a better voice actor for Dante in DMC4 because Reuben's losing his edge in a very disappointing manner.

I do think he needs to have better one liners. DMC3 and DMC4 were childish and immature lines, not something a man in his prime should be spewing like some pre-pubescent nancy boy who copies what he sees on a Saturday morning cartoon. And before anyone jumps on my nuts about DmC, the same goes for new Dante. I don't need to have some teenage punk with anger issues yell in my ear like some street punk, but at least with that street punk I could take him seriously instead of laugh at how idiotic he tries to be in a flashy red coat.

Point being; Classic Dante will always be a stupid anime character unless Capcom can actually make him a cool character for once. New Dante will always be an annoying little asshole if NT doesn't try to make his character grow.


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
Because I love papa-Tam Tam. He's cool. Unlike a certain someone in a red ugly coat and nasty white hair. :cool::troll:

Well no arguments there...

That's where you're wrong. Not every post is against DMC4. I just happen to have to include DMC4 in these arguments since I'm putting the whole DMC series in to the argument. Since DMC4 is part of DMC, obviously I have to include it. Does that mean I have to pretend I like it? No, I don't.

Oh I know not every post. Just 3/4. It's second nature for you as far as I've seen. When making a point of any kind, it's not impossible to not always compare it to the one entry you most likely assault on your down time. I'm just saying:ermm: Lay off.


Excellent point sir. And if I may provide a rebuttal...


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I agree with most of what you said, except Dante being cool. You're gonna have to accept the fact that Dante will never be cool. He'l always be an idiotic goof with terrible lines and a pretty botched character. That's just the end result since Capcom are lousy when it comes to making an actual good version of Dante. Example is DMC4; his voice was so fake an very uninteresting that I felt as though I was watching a 4kids dubbed version of Devil May Cry. I wish they got a better voice actor for Dante in DMC4 because Reuben's losing his edge in a very disappointing manner.

Don't blame Reuben. Blame Capcom for doing Dante wrong in DMC4. Reuben was just following instructions.

I do think he needs to have better one liners. DMC3 and DMC4 were childish and immature lines, not something a man in his prime should be spewing like some pre-pubescent nancy boy who copies what he sees on a Saturday morning cartoon. And before anyone jumps on my nuts about DmC, the same goes for new Dante. I don't need to have some teenage punk with anger issues yell in my ear like some street punk, but at least with that street punk I could take him seriously instead of laugh at how idiotic he tries to be in a flashy red coat.

I love how you call him a nancy boy and yet I don't even think you've actually played DMC3 to see that his one liners in DMC3 were because he was young and brash, and thus he's just a witty ass guy.

Point being; Classic Dante will always be a stupid anime character unless Capcom can actually make him a cool character for once. New Dante will always be an annoying little asshole if NT doesn't try to make his character grow.

Agree with Classic, but disagree with New Dante. I do want him to grow though.

I meant this ugly guy



Keyser Söze
That's simply not true; Dante was interested and engaged, just not in a stereotypical ''hang on! I'LL SAVE YOU!
DMC 4 dante serious& engaged ?

I don't think so.
because in DMC4 he acts very similar to how he does in DMC3
Do you still act&behave the same way you did when you were 12 yrs old ? dante should behave like the immature brat that he was 10 years ago ? that makes no logical sense whatsoever.

>It seems as though you're parroting DragonMaster2010 here
This is like the 3rd time you're making a random arbitrary assumption about me,i still remember you blatantly accusing me of hating anime&japanese culture and having a basic lack of understanding for anything japanese which is bullsh!t !
>he has always been like that (aside from in DMC1 and the often unaccepted DMC2).
DMC 3 is just a prequel which just leads up DMC 1 anyway so there’s no gap for If’s or but’s its either DMC 1’s dante or a disaster of a character continuity(DMC4 dante).
>If they did become like that, it wouldn't be DMC anymore, just like DmC is not DMC
I didn't quite follow you here, enemy designs were always demonic in DMC series,God of war just uses more greek mythological creatures gameplay styles are still vastly different.

DMC 1 heavily borrows from resident evil atmosphere so is it a resident evil game ? no it just takes artistic inspiration from resident evil to make something new.
>Nothing really anime-like in that game to me - it's more like an American cartoon
Newsflash ! Anime is a cartoon.
>I'm saying that, overall, there are more realistic games than anime-like games, and I think people should stop acting like everything that's Japanese is inherently bad or something.
I don't think any games are remotely "realistic" in any sense whatsoever only few games come close to actually portraying realism.

Secondly no one is acting like japanese is inherently bad that's just bullsh!t,if that was true then we wouldn't have such a huge market for japanese games or anime period.


Keyser Söze
Example is DMC4; his voice was so fake an very uninteresting that I felt as though I was watching a 4kids dubbed version of Devil May Cry. I wish they got a better voice actor for Dante in DMC4 because Reuben's losing his edge in a very disappointing manner.
That's not ruben's fault he did a good job for the anime version of dante.


DMC1 Dante>>>>>>2-4
I don't know much about the novels, and to be honest, they might as well be non-canon to me, since many of the characters in the novels haven't been mentioned even once in the games, and because some characters act differently than in the games (though I heard they are canon). My point is, he doesn't seem to joke around as much in DMC1 as in DMC3 or DMC4, and I think that's a bit of a shame. I don't want him to be like DMC4 Dante, but he can definitely incorporate some more wiseass sarcastic/sardonic or cynical comments.

Enzo has been around since the first DMC. DMC1 Dante acts just like he did in the DMC1 novel.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i wouldn't mind more music like DmC and DMC3. if anything if we are going back to the original universe, i'd like to see dante from DMC1 or the anime. he and DmC dante are the only two i can really take seriously. they don't feel like parodies. they feel like real people.
i would also like gameplay mechs like DmC and DMC4 ,and with a scoring system like special edition DMC3.
i'd like an open world game as well. so like, after the story is over, i can choose my missions and upgrade my weapons and customize dante.
get some good writers for once. like srsly. there are only 3 devil may cry games with good story imo. DMC3, DMC and DmC
finally, i want a good environment. i really appreciated DmC's environments because i felt like i was in a music video most the time. DMC3 i felt like i was actually in an anime world (and even though thats generic, there's a certain flare to it).


Solid Ocelot
DMC 4 dante serious& engaged ?
I don't think so.Do you still act&behave the same way you did when you were 12 yrs old?

Look, this is your opinion, it's not a fact. Just because Dante doesn't act very serious doesn't mean he isn't serious about helping Nero or the other things he does.

I do not think he acts like a twelve year old, because twelve year olds usually don't have anything witty to say or innuendo to make, and they aren't in the habit of being total heroes in the sense that Dante has been in the DMC games. This is just the character of Dante - this is his personality. Besides, we were talking about whether Dante is engaged in the story of DMC4, then you suddenly present these images? What do these have to do with him being emotionally engaged? If you're gonna take these as examples, you might as well include every single cutscene from DMC3 too. Or even of the jokes he makes in DMC1, because apparently, as soon as Dante starts joking around, he's ''not serious or engaged'' to you. That just doesn't make any sense. I also like how you ignored pretty much all of my comment, just like you quoted half a sentence of one of my earlier posts, ignoring the rest. You want prepubescent behavior, then look at DmC Dante (''F you'', acting like an asshole, etc), not DMC4 Dante. No offense intended, but if you want to have a serious debate with me, don't misquote/partially quote me, please.

And why do you feel the need to steer every single thread in this direction? We're talking about the possibility of development of DMC5 and what it would look like, not DMC4's faults. Seriously, it's like that thread 'Shouldn't we be grateful for DmC' all over again. Don't agree with what I think? Then don't reply. You see, everybody has their own opinion, and just keeping on screaming and yelling ''but Dante is sooo childish and no fun at all! That's somehow a fact!'' isn't going to get you anywhere.

>It seems as though you're parroting DragonMaster2010 here
This is like the 3rd time you're making a random arbitrary assumption about me,i still remember you blatantly accusing me of hating anime&japanese culture and having a basic lack of understanding for anything japanese which is bullsh!t !

Well, excuse me, but you did pretty much say what DragonMaster2010 said word by word. Again, if you just feel the same way as him, no problem.

No, I'm pretty sure I never said that, and if I did, then I had a good reason for believing that. If you don't hate anime-like things or do not lack understanding, you should have proved that in that thread. You don't bring it up in a totally unrelated thread. I did say in this thread that I believe many people treat everything that's Japanese as though it's inferior to western things.

>he has always been like that (aside from in DMC1 and the often unaccepted DMC2).
DMC 3 is just a prequel which just leads up DMC 1 anyway so there’s no gap for If’s or but’s its either DMC 1’s dante or a disaster of a character continuity(DMC4 dante).

*ifs, buts
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that just because DMC3 is sort of like an origins story and prequel, that somehow makes it less important or valid than other DMC games? If anything, you should realize DMC1 is probably not coming back in terms of what type of Dante it had. DMC1 was made by different people who had a different take on Dante. Sorry to say this, but you have to deal with that and shouldn't go ''ooh well DMC3 Dante acts so drastically different because he's nineteen'' (because apparently people who are nineteen act completely different from when they are 28) :/ No, he and DMC4 Dante act differently because they are different interpretations of a character.

>If they did become like that, it wouldn't be DMC anymore, just like DmC is not DMC
I didn't quite follow you here, enemy designs were always demonic in DMC series,God of war just uses more greek mythological creatures gameplay styles are still vastly different.

DMC 1 heavily borrows from resident evil atmosphere so is it a resident evil game ? no it just takes artistic inspiration from resident evil to make something new.

Well, then what are we talking about here? You said them looking like God of War demons wouldn't be that bad. I'm saying it would be bad because DMC is not God of War - because that would be ripping off God of War. If you're saying they could look a bit more demonic like in God of War, that's a totally different matter than saying ''they should look like GoW demons''.

>Nothing really anime-like in that game to me - it's more like an American cartoon
Newsflash ! Anime is a cartoon.
Well, no **** -_- I just use those terms to distinguish between the two. American cartoons have a totally different style than anime, I hope you realize that. For example, I wouldn't say Cow and Chicken looks anime-like; it looks cartoon-like. Cartoons are moving images, anime is specifically cartoons in a Japanese style.

>I'm saying that, overall, there are more realistic games than anime-like games, and I think people should stop acting like everything that's Japanese is inherently bad or something.
I don't think any games are remotely "realistic" in any sense whatsoever only few games come close to actually portraying realism.

You know what I mean; games that deal with realistic themes and feature realistic-looking characters with realistic personalities. Uncharted, CoD, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed, you name it. Of course most games aren't totally realistic; that's why they're games, not simulations.

Secondly no one is acting like japanese is inherently bad that's just bullsh!t,if that was true then we wouldn't have such a huge market for japanese games or anime period.

That's not the impression I get from visiting forums, or even talking to my friends. Almost everyone I speak to acts like everything Japanese is somehow inferior to games like Call of Duty or other 'semi-realistic' games, if you catch my drift. I've noticed plenty of hate on this forum too - not from everyone, but definitely from the most vocal members.

Besides, isn't the market for anime-like games actually pretty small, considering most studios that make anime-like games are originally Japanese?


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Look, this is your opinion, it's not a fact. I, for instance, do not think he acts like a twelve year old, because twelve year olds usually don't have anything witty to say or innuendo to make, and they aren't in the habit of being total heroes in the sense that Dante has been in the DMC games.

because apparently, as soon as Dante starts joking around, he's ''not serious or engaged'' to you.

It's one thing to joke. Its another to seemingly forget you're saving the world and is on borrowed time to reinact a Shakespeare play.

. You want prepubescent behavior, then look at DmC Dante (''F you'', acting like an asshole, etc), not DMC4 Dante.

True the F you line (which is what everyone, even you, says more then once) was immature, bu tthat's nothing compared to a 30 year old man who can't act his age.

That's not the impression I get from visiting forums, or even talking to my friends. Almost everyone I speak to acts like everything Japanese is somehow inferior to games like Call of Duty or other 'semi-realistic' games, if you catch my drift. I've noticed plenty of hate on this forum too - not from everyone, but definitely from the most vocal members.

That's where you're wrong. I don't mind japanese anime-like things in games IF done right and fun. This is something DMC fails to do for me. Look at Suda 51's games; they are fun and suppose to be over the top funny and also cool from the start. DMC was once a game I took seriously from the beginning and I expected that to stay the same, but DMC4 came around and that image failed to grasp the seriousness I felt for the series. It now became an anime-esque series that, if a DMC5 comes, will just try to parody most anime out there which in this thread I hope they don't do. Hell, I won't be surprised if they copy Bayonetta 2 or add moe things into it. GOD, if they add a single moe thing in DMC, I'm gonna be done.


Solid Ocelot
Ugh, I should've figured the drama play in DMC4 would come up again. It's indeed like that previous thread all over again. Games need to be totally politically correct, games need to totally account for everything that happens, they need to chew everything up and regurgitate it for everyone. Sorry, I'm just sick of this. DMC games have always been pretty much about this fairly uncaring guy who does weird, funny stuff at inappropriate times. DMC3? Go taunt bosses when Lady could be in grave danger. Go jump off of the tower, doing acrobatics and killing every demon when you could be saving time by doing something else. You see what I mean? I can think of this stuff even for DMC1 if I wanted to. DMC4 is no different in that regard.

A thirty year old man who can't act his age? You realize this is a video game, not real life? This is a character, not an actual person. 'Character' in the sense that he has a specific character/personality that's meant to stand out. I mean, do you seriously watch Johnny Bravo and go ''how dare he act like a buffoon instead of a grown man''? That's the whole point! Besides, I can say Trevor from GTA V doesn't act his age, but that doesn't stop me from liking him. You can think he's immature, that's fine. I wouldn't say that's the absolute truth though, because there are people who disagree with that sentiment. DmC Dante insulting Mundus like in DmC, bragging about how his child exploded, repeatedly saying (and even writing) 'F you', Vergil saying he has a bigger d*ck, that's what's juvenile, not some witty wordplay on sex like in DMC4, which is called the worst example. Imagine that! That's the worst example? Wow.

That's where you're wrong. I don't mind japanese anime-like things in games IF done right and sun. This is something DMC fails to do for me. Look at Suda 51's games; they are fun and suppose to be over the top funny and also cool from the start. DMC was once a game I took seriously from the beginning and I expected that to stay the same, but DMC4 came around and that image failed to grasp the seriousness I felt for the series. It now became an anime-esque series that, if a DMC5 comes, will just try to parody most anime out there which in this thread I hope they don't do. Hell, I won't be surprised if they copy Bayonetta 2 unless the get their sh*t together.

1 Alright, well, I guess not everyone hates Japanese humor and other Japanese stuff. I'm glad to hear that.
2 Like I asked in one (or perhaps even two) different threads, I don't see how DMC4 somehow messed everything up, when you consider DMC3 was very much like DMC4 - it was about as anime-like as DMC4, I think. It even had a vaguely similar story with Lady in DMC3 vs Kyrie in DMC4 (minus the nonexistent sexual attraction between the protagonists in DMC3). If you're not complaining much about DMC3, then why are you complaining so immensely about how 'anime-esque' DMC4 is?


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
I agree with this.


It also hurts because he's not even that bad looking. It's just his character, the way he speaks, he's lazy, he only eats pizza, he's probably still a vergin (see what I did there), immature, and honestly he's an idiot.


Hey man you're entitled to whatever you want but it sounds to me like you're in the wrong series. I much prefer the old Dante because he's a fun loving cartoon character that knows he's a knuckle head. Even in DMC1 he had the dialogue of a mid 90s B movie. And I really don't see why him being a virgin would matter to anyone. This isn't a Jason Statham film :/ . Over dressed or not, I'd rather the series have that kind of early charm than some unrelenting talking skid mark the with a sad story hanging on his shoulders like epaulets. There are enough protagonists like that. A fun protagonist is all I really want (and that's perfect for a game that doesn't have a large emphasis on story to begin with) and I just didn't get that with this guy.





Solid Ocelot
Hey man you're entitled to whatever you want but it sounds to me like you're in the wrong series.

Who are you responding to, exactly (genuine question)? Anyway, yeah, I totally agree. With the DMC series, I didn't want a smartmouth (well, maybe not so smart in DmC) ass who looks like any person you could meet on the street, under a bridge or whatever. Like I said, these characters are... characters. They are not meant to come across like real people. Like I said in my previous post to DragonMaster2010, I wouldn't go watch the cartoon Johnny Bravo and suddenly go ''holy ****, this guy is an asshole and needs to start acting normally''. I mean, that's exactly the point of the show; to show the exploits of a character that is... extreme, in a way. When I see Bugs Bunny, same deal. They're meant to be over the top and as funny as possible, usually in totally unfitting circumstances (remember Wile E. Coyote presumably falling to his death constantly?) That said, I don't mean humor is the main focus of Dante in the DMC games, it's just the idea that he's strong, stylish and cool overall, and there are many definitions of cool, and everybody will say ''this definition is wrong and the other is right'', and vice versa. The truth is, there is no wrong or right definition of cool (which Tameem doesn't understand).


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
Who are you responding to, exactly (genuine question)? Anyway, yeah, I totally agree. With the DMC series, I didn't want smartmouth (well, maybe not so smart in DmC) ass who looks like any person you could meet on the street, under a bridge or whatever. Like I said, these characters are... characters. They are not meant to come across like real people. Like I said in my previous post to DragonMaster2010, I wouldn't go watch the cartoon Johnny Bravo and suddenly go ''holy ****, this guy is an asshole and needs to start acting normally''. I mean, that's exactly the point of the show; to show the exploits of a character that is... extreme, in a way. When I see Bugs Bunny, same deal. They're meant to be over the top and as funny as possible (though humor isn't really the main focus of Dante in the DMC games, it's just the idea that he's strong, stylish and cool overall, and there are many definitions of cool, and everybody will say this definition is wrong and the other is right, and vice versa).
I was quoting the Bazilican guy. And yes I agree. Dante is the kind of character I thought the series needed. The atmosphere of DMC is mostly gritty, hellbound and for the most part dark. But Dante is like a walking nightlight and I thought that was the point. A man unaffected by his dark past He puts things in order because no one else will. He's a cartoon character like I said. The difference between him and his fellow demons is the fact that he has that piece of humanity in him and for his fellow humans, he will represent the strength, that normals like you and I don't have. When I'm playing the game on DMD and the difficulty was putting me on edge, I think "what would Dante do?" and start kicking ass again. He's basically bugs bunny wielding a pair of dual pistols and a half empty box of digiorno's waiting for him at home.


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
Right, sorry about that. Somehow the forum isn't showing his posts for me, even though I don't have anyone on my ignore list :/. Anyway, totally agree with the rest of your post.
Haha it's alright. You might want to check your url and make sure cookies are allowed. Sometimes when my computer runs low on memory I completely miss half a page because it loads for like 5 minutes straight and thanks for agreeing.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Ugh, I should've figured the drama play in DMC4 would come up again. It's indeed like that previous thread all over again. Games need to be totally politically correct, games need to totally account for everything that happens, they need to chew everything up and regurgitate it for everyone. Sorry, I'm just sick of this. DMC games have always been pretty much about this fairly uncaring guy who does weird, funny stuff at inappropriate times. DMC3? Go taunt bosses when Lady could be in grave danger. Go jump off of the tower, doing acrobatics and killing every demon when you could be saving time by doing something else. You see what I mean? I can think of this stuff even for DMC1 if I wanted to. DMC4 is no different in that regard.

Again, you'd be wrong. DMC1 was both interesting and had a good sense of badassery that was Dante and feel to it. DMC3 and DMC4 were more anime induced with the appeal to a younger generation of gamers, its female audience, and the nostalgia factor of fans from DMC1.

A thirty year old man who can't act his age? You realize this is a video game, not real life? This is a character, not an actual person. 'Character' in the sense that he has a specific character/personality that's meant to stand out. I mean, do you seriously watch Johnny Bravo and go ''how dare he act like a buffoon instead of a grown man''?
But johnny Bravo isn't a video game character nor was he ever actually mature like DMC1 Dante was. Not only that, but Johnny's about in his early 20's not early 30s. Like I said, DMC1 Dante was mature, but suddenly in DMC4 he's a goof? I just can't get behind that and call it a good sense of character development. No offense, and you're free to like DMC4 Dante, but...to me he just sucks.
DmC Dante insulting Mundus like in DmC, bragging about how his child exploded, repeatedly saying (and even writing) 'F you', Vergil saying he has a bigger d*ck, that's what's juvenile, not some witty wordplay on sex like in DMC4, which is called the worst example. Imagine that! That's the worst example? Wow.

First of all that "bragging" was part of Dante's plan to get Mundus mad and get him away from the hell gate. He didn't really want to say that but had no choice in the matter. Secondly, the F*ck you argument was only done once. He doesn't actually yell f*ck you to every single thing that moves. Third, the bigger d*ck joke is a small joke and not that big of a deal. Fourth yeah that d*ck joke in DMC4 is an example of DMC4's immaturity.

DmC was just better in my opinion because it appealed to my interest in edginess, artistic design, and refusal of the latest trending when it came to Dante's attire. I'm sorry bro, but DmC was the better game out of all the DMC games for me, and that's not gonna change anytime soon. Of course if DMC5 is good then maybe, but it's doubtful.

Alright, well, I guess not everyone hates Japanese humor and other Japanese stuff. I'm glad to hear that.
2 Like I asked in one (or perhaps even two) different threads, I don't see how DMC4 somehow messed everything up, when you consider DMC3 was very much like DMC4 - it was about as anime-like as DMC4, I think. It even had a vaguely similar story with Lady in DMC3 vs Kyrie in DMC4 (minus the nonexistent sexual attraction between the protagonists in DMC3). If you're not complaining much about DMC3, then why are you complaining so immensely about how 'anime-esque' DMC4 is?

Because DMC3 was more bearable with its anime-esque style. DMC4 took it to a whole other level with a cheesy romance, the wanna be anime punk as a protaganist, a damsel in distress, and the sterotypical anime lines that are used for Nero. I'm sorry but there is no way I can believe he's a tough guy. annoying yes, but tough guy...no.
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