I play the DMC5 Demo

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Legendary Devil Hunter
Nov 8, 2013
So I get home, and the DMC5 demo is available, so what do I do? I download it, and record myself playing it. So you guys can have a laugh at me being a noob

Also, Goliath slapped me around pretty easily in this demo, but for the full game, I'll be ready for him
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So I get home, and the DMC5 demo is available, so what do I do? I download it, and record myself playing it. So you guys can have a laugh at me being a noob

Also, Goliath slapped me around pretty easily in this demo, but for the full game, I'll be ready for him

You'll get used to it. I've been playing DMC1, 3, Bayonetta 1 & 2, and so on, and if you play each long enough your brain will start to associate the different games with muscle memory, even if they all play very similarly you'll be able to distinguish them all without having to think about it before long. Even DMC4 with it's Dante and Nero differences just require repetition to not instinctively try to do a grab with Dante.
I was going to make a thread of my own demo impressions but I'll do it here instead and try to make it brief.

The demo didn't really raise my hype any further than it was before (may have disappointed me in a few categories) but all those footage we recently saw sure as hell did. I'll go with a structured approach for my opinion of the demo.

Red Queen. Its probably the only thing that is the same as it was in DMC4 but is the thing we will be using the most of so that is why (at this moment) Nero in this demo doesn't seem so far off from his DMC4 counterpart despite changes, alterations, and additions in other categories. I was told the timing for Ex-Act and inputs like Shuffle and Calibur where more lenient....I don't see it, especially for Exceed. Although I do find myself performing back forward inputs more frequently but during combat especially during the frenetic parts I find it hard to pull off mostly due to the camera. The default camera settings are trash and I'm still adjusting it to see what works best for me. I don't mind Split being back instead of forward and I honestly mess up Split as much now as I did in DMC4 (mostly due to the camera). However, once I can calm down and play both diligently yet effective I usually land my inputs. It's probably due to playing on Turbo but my pause combo inputs tend to be off. I've been playing DMC4SE on turbo for the past month in preparation so I probably still need time to adjust to the timings for everything.

Same apply to Ex-Act since I feel like I whiff her more often in the demo than I do in DMC4. My room is super cold due to the weather so I am in a state of rather intense discomfort so that could be messing with my performance (my fingers are rather numb after playing for a bit never an issue in DMC4) might need to get personal heater. Another problem could be the fact I'm missing Max-Act i feel like a lot of my missed Ex-Act inputs would've been Max-Acts. Maybe I'm being full of myself but I Ex-Act and Max-Act very frequently in DMC4 (like 50-75% of the time) don't know why it could also be the animations. Before DMC4 had very strong and clear swing archs this emphasis on realism make it harder to tell where the sword is to get the timing especially during combat where so much stuff is happening. I still Ex-Act in the demo very often like around 50% of the time. However, I have got the timing down to Ex-Act Split, Streak, Calibur, Ex Shuffle, Double Down, and Shuffle. So I need to practice doing some maybe armless runs to learn this game's timing. Outside giving you some Exceed fragments with missed inputs that build up to a Full Exceed bar they really didn't do much to make Exceed more easier like they did other things. Hopefully the inclusion of Max-Act somewhat remedy this or its a demo thing. It seems you still picture perfect accuracy to hit Ex-Act sometimes it feels harder than DMC4. I may need to boot up DMC4 and refund Max-Act and see the timing there too. Honestly the cheap bastards at Capcom at the very least could allow Max-Act. It would make Nero's combat in the demo more enjoyable. I was told that they changed it so when you perform an Ex Special we can now determine how much Exceed bar to use for what level so when performing Ex Streak we press the attack button once for level 1, twice for level 2, and three times for level 3. I've been doing that and I don't see it no matter what I always get level 2 whenever I press it once and I make sure not to press more than once. I need to look more into that and where people are getting that.

A cool detail that I like whenever Nero is armless some of his attack animations look slightly different like Streak looks a bit off since he is performing it with one arm and I recall seeing him performing Combo B in one of the previews and it looking a bit off compared to its DMC4 counterpart.

Blue Rose is so different I'm surprised its still called Blue Rose. I'm not sure which I like more this or the DMC4 version. I love the Charge Stock ability or Color Up and the B/A rank bullet toss taunt. I've even found ways to let go after gaining all 3 stocks and not lose the first bullet and its so simple too. Just perform any action (except for a dodge) and release the gun button at the starting frames of that action. Works EVERYTIME and with any action (minus the dodge and jump) even taunting. Because of this I keep the gun button where it is and not change it to R2 like in DMC4. The only downside is the fact I have a hard time performing attacks with RQ while holding the gun button so I mostly use other actions to release or might quickly nudge my finger or adjust my hand to perform a quick slash/combo, and release there but I usually release with my DB action or use Wire Snatch since I have that mapped to L1. I miss the glorious knockback of DMC4 Blue Rose and how if you used it on a downed enemy they will fly up. I hope we can get something like that for an upgrade since Blue Rose is upgrabable. I hope this version of Blue Rose is the base Blue Rose from the start but I expect upgrades to be more charge stocks and longer hit stun. Also, I like the new charge shot a great way to keep enemies suspended for a bit. I find it funny that Blue Rose can stop an enemy right in their tracks like you can knock an enemy away and shot them and they would stop flying away. For a game that is trying really hard to be realistic that is bizarre but I'm not judging.

Dodging. Even though Dodging is the same as it is in past DMC games I found myself using it more often and the basic dodge action seems more reliable now. One noteworth improvement is that you can chain dodge rolls now (not so sure if they last forever but they seem like it) and they circle around the lock-on enemy and if you perform a dodge after an attack you get the famous side step that can be chained almost forever and has a lot range of movement, has less recovery frames (almost making Table Hopper obsolete), and just looks so glorious. I found myself using dodge roll way more often than DMC4 once I figured out to effectively use it. I still use jump as a dodge method since jumping seems far more flexible in maneuverability and intended for that purpose too. So while not the dedicated dodge so many people yearn for its a definite improvement over DMC4 as far as I'm concerned. Not once did I wish I had a dodge button and I honestly rarely used Gerbera especially for that purpose (I mostly used it to gain distance, more aerial mobility, and to scoop up enemies). Especially with the added air dodge and more lenient jump canceling I found myself maneuvering around enemies and especially Goliath like a goddamn acrobat dodging his swings, and attacking him in all fronts and so effectively using the Air Taunt and at times Gerbera to gain distance only to close the gap with Calibur or Wire Snatch like it was Attack on Titan and keep it going (I should try to beat Goliath without ever touching the ground). It felt so good.

The Style Meter is very strict again unlike DMC4 being in the DMC3 and DmCDE range. I have a really hard time building to SSS combos but apparently, aerial combos and maneuvers raise the style meter quicker now and I noticed it was tough building meter until I noticed I was gaining a lot of it in mid air. Mission ranking is also more strict too. So I need to get on that aerial combo game and master Jump Cancelling. My only issue is that taunts don't seem to work that often to raise style meter. It rarely ever works and it leads to me losing meter since the taunts are longer than usual. That is honestly the demo's biggest issue for me they need to fix that. But the taunts as stylish and in some cases hilarious as **** and some have neat utility but never tried the hoodie taunt though.

Speaking of Jump Canceling, its far more lenient than DMC4 a bit more forgiving than DMC3 but not as broken as it was in DmC. However, it seems they added Jump Cancel damage scaling making it so your damage done to enemies while you repeatedly jump cancel becomes lower and lower. Great way to encourage people to mix things up while making Jump Canceling more accessible to everybody and even pro players who spam Jump Cancel combos probably won't be too upset it just means they can spam those combos longer. Especially with very little practice stuff like Jump Canceling Split or Double Down at the right moment to knock an enemy directly down so you can line them up for an easy Downward Boost Knuckle feels so goddamn rewarding yet not too hard to pull off.

As for the enemies they are decent enough. There are like 5 enemy types. Empusa, Red Empusa, Green/Flying Empusa, Hell Caina, and the Qliphoth Tentacle. The Tentacles are basically stage hazards than actual enemies. You'll really only ever get hit if you're careless. Red Empusas are basically Red Orb clusters that can run away and are super fast but if you can damage them while they are escaping they stop escaping. The Green Empusa actually heal other enemies very frequently and its clear when they're about to. I always go after them first or not if I want to drag the fight out for a higher rank. Only the Hell Cainas are actual direct threats and seem more on par with Scarecrows and the early Hell enemies in DMC3 and attack very frequently. The Regular Empusa are more Red Orb guzzlers than actual threats. It seems their jobs is to steal our red orbs. I need to observe their behaviors more and see if killing one after their hides become Red by eating red orbs will they drop more Red Orbs than the regular Empusas or not. These suckers may not be much of a threat to us directly but they may hinder our Orb collection rate and Red Orbs are far more significant now. For what is essentially the first 2 Missions the enemy variety is quite diverse and impressive. Not challenging but I hope later enemies prove to be far more challenging like in the old titles but actually fair this time (seems to be the case going by the previews).

Also maybe its me but Red Orb gains are far more generous now than they were back in past games. Not only that but there are hidden Red Orb deposits all over the place and we can gain like 20,000 Red Orbs just from combat encounters and hidden deposits. I heard miscellaneous stuff like balloons and destructible items drop Red Orbs (need to test this). If it stays like this for the final product we can easily gain enough Orbs to purchase abilities at a decent rate for all characters and the removal of a timer for ranking encourage looking around for hidden combat encounters (that may not affect rank), Red Empusas, hidden deposits and Red Orb Clusters and redoing Secret Missions I like to gain more Red Orbs. I'll probably spend an hour now looking around my environment in each Mission now). Also, now that we need to spend Orbs to have more Breakers made and Dr Faust uses up Red Orbs. Red Orbs still have significance after we purchase our abilities.

Oh and Nico Shop is cool.

As for the Devil Breakers, I will get to those later. They deserve their own post.
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@Stylish Nero Destructible objects (like the balloons you mentioned) don't directly give you orbs, but you get bonuses after the mission.

Environment Wrecker +200
Balloon Popper: +500
Get Wet: +50
Red Empusa Hunter: +100

Stuff like that
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I guess its time to give my impressions on the Devil Breakers

Overall just with these 3 DB it is a massive improvement over the Devil Bringer system in 4 regardless of how you feel about having to break them to switch. Now I will evaluate each Breaker individually. Overture is a good standard introduction DB. Its not as stylish as Gerbera and Punchline and have nowhere near as much utility and depth as those 2 but it works wonders as a finisher and a massive damage dealer. I'm still getting the hang of its context sensitive Battery attack. It also has strong knockback at walls compared to your other attacks. The best DB for dealing consistent damage against Goliath especially with jump cancelling Battery (still getting the timing on that) and parrying his rush attack feels so damn exhilarating and stacking bombs on him to deal massive damage is a perfect way to clean off a good chunk of boss health and I was able to easily stack 4 bombs. I want to see if you can stack up to 5 before the first one detonates. Dealing so much damage to Goliath seems to stagger him too. Either I crossed a health threshold that causes the stagger or perhaps high volumes of cumulative damage in certain areas (either his head or his balls). Using High Shot to keep enemies in the air makes JCing with Battery a lot easier too since High Shot stun locks the enemy in place. The Exploder bomb is a great set up tool and you can plant it on certain objects like vehicles (I've been trying to plant it on the vehicles and debris that Goliath picks and either toss or eats and causing it to explode in his hands or stomach. It can plant on those objects but he never picks them up in time). Still trying to master the High Exploder technique (where you shoot High Shot and perform Exploder immediately afterwards so it explodes on contact). Overture while not as cool as the other 2 two still has ton of uses and I pop it in from time to time.

I never bought the hype for Overture until I learned that you can JC Air Jockey so you can cancel the first Air Jockey to make the next Air Jockey come out faster and repeat this process (but works better if you're more under the enemy and stops working the moment you're above them). It makes Nero boost through the sky at Mach 10.

I probably should use Petal Ray and Stamen Ray more often and learn how to effectively use them. Petal Ray doesn't seem all that effective outdoors and Stamen Ray makes for more cool-looking finishers. Can deflect projectile attacks very stylishly. I didn't really learn this one very well so I should probably more into it. To me Gerbera's best usage is its ability to scoop up enemies with its dash and especially in confined spaces that is where the party happens just dragging a bunch of Hell Caina's around taking them for a wild ride:cool:. I didn't use Gerbera as much of a dodge function (since it has less i-frames than jumping) but more for maneuverability and controlling both enemy and player positioning. Also the neutral Jockey is the closest in DMC I've seen to a force push and makes for amazing set ups too.

Lastly Punchline is probably the show stealer. I thought when I first saw it demonstrated at Pax I thought it would be janky and a total pain to operate its flying features and at first it was but once you learn there is a whole moveset to this weapon Capcom for dumb reason didn't include in the move list than is when it opened up as probably the best Breaker in the demo for me. Just the sheer amount of tricks and moves you can perform on it and once you learned these tricks, how they work, mounting the arm and unmounting and the timing with that and chaining that into other combos, and how to chain them it makes the riding part so much more smooth and stylish. Its honestly Tony Hawk skateboarding at that point. I even used the Rocket Arm to outrun Goliath's suction tornado vortex. If it was just the Orbit/Round Trip and its Break Age moves then it would've been a Badass Breaker but this makes it a Smoking Sick Breaker. Also there is some exploit were you can cause the arm to orbit around you like summon swords but calling it back when you're next to the enemy it is orbiting that I've only triggered like 2 times that I am trying to master how to always replicate it but no one has yet to make a decent via explaining the proper timing.

Also just like Round Trip I've used it to damage enemies on its way back to me. Unlike Round Trip when used next to an enemy it knocks them away and feels more like a punch. Perfect for manipulating enemy placement and I can detonate the arm a few frames upon contact to make an explosive punch. It doesn't stop there apparently when the arm is orbiting a target and it explodes depending on where on the enemy is explodes it can send them flying in a multitude of directions. Punchline has as much moveset, options, and depth of a weapon. Its a blast! The only nitpick I have is the fact its Boost Knuckle moves pretty slow (especially in the air) and doesn't seem to launch enemies when on land but can launch Goliath. It works perfectly for him....hmm needs to test out Boost Knuckle more.


Overall I'm loving the Breaker system so far and don't mind how it is now it adds a different flair of gameplay that is pretty unique (granted a bit counter productive to these type of games) and offer a drastically different gameplay loop compared to everybody else. I'm still not 100% on board (would be if the Pasta Breaker was a default function) but I'm willing to wait and see when Nero has his full kit. His Devil Trigger offers some thing that might compliment this system.

BONUS: Criticisms

I just want to add some nitpicks and issues I have.

First I love how the Rainbow dropkick can be performed so easily now but I hate how the kick lack impact. It just pushes the enemy back a little. In DMC4SE whenever I could land a drop kick it send even enemies like the Frost flying and felt so satisfying. I guess that is the price of photorealism. It doesn't get in the way of combat and executing moves like many feared but now so many attacks lack impact when compared to the last games. Some attacks still feel impactful especially the Breaker moves but oh well.

The Camera even on the best settings I can make it is still wonky (better than the past games) but now its issue isn't the static camera now the camera is too dynamic and at times will screw me over not too often but it enough to make it noteworthy. My lock-ons sometimes disconnect and might even lock-on to a different target. When manually trying to lock-on to a specific target it would at times lock-on to the wrong enemy (this happens pretty often). Might need to play more and test how to utilize it or see if this is a genuine issue. Never noticed any issues with changing targets while locked on. Need to test that out to see if that is an issue too.

The demo stage itself is pretty alright. None of the enemies really push you and only the boss offers a decent challenge. Only the combat and its insane amount of depth for a demo is keeping me going after 20 runs so far (that is 20 completed runs, I've made about a dozen or so runs of just messing with mechanics, practicing jump canceling, trying out new tricks, and testing stuff). Another issue is all those long loading screens and other contrivances that I hope don't persistent in the final product makes replaying the demo tough for practicing and experimenting purposes.

That is all I don't really remember any other issues that I didn't already mention from above.
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