Well I told you how for the first bit lol.I didnt know you could kill the snake thing tell me how??????? and yah well it says s rank on any diffuculty for the achievement(so im on easy...DONT JUDGE ME LOL) i will be doing the harder diffuculties i just dont wanna worry about s ranking them lol so yah i s rank damage and items and style but time and orbs kill me and how do you get orbs in the boss fight there absorbed?
For the boss battle orbs, you need to hit the organ on the left to allow you to collect red orbs. The organ on the left stops you picking up orbs, while the one on the right drains your DT gauge. As long as you hit it about once every 10 seconds or so you can farm orbs, grouping them up and either doing a DTE (if you have the DT) or Judgement Cut is the most efficient method for me.