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I can't say how much it annoyed me


Anti - Little D
So I was walking back from a friends house ( a lady ;) ) at like 3am this morning and i lent down to put my bus ticket in the drain and what happens ... MY BLOODY HOUSE KEYS FALL IN AS WELL ... so i'm like panicing about them and turn my phone light on and they had sunk to the bottom of the drain as it was raining as well which wasn't much help .. I phoned my mother asking her to un-lock the front door and she said NO !! So i was forced to stay out from 3am to 8am in WINTER .. and in like -4 with only a stupid thin coat to protect me from the weather ...

So when i was finally allowed back onto my house i asked my mother why she didn't let me in and her answer was .. IT'S YOUR FAULT YOU LOST YOUR KEYS ... so she wasn't going to help me ...

HOW ANNOYING IS THAT ... But on the plus did spend 12 hours at a lady friends house ;)

Tell me about your annoying moments ..


Don't trust people
I've got annoying moments but nothing like that...

Man that's an experience, what did you do to spend your time?
All i would do is walk round the same place, sit down doing absolutly nothing, kick around with my feet or reminisce good old days while lying down almost sleeping.


The devoted
Why didn't you call a friend and say "Err... Can I crash at your for a couple of hours?"

I guess it's karma that you were littering and you lost your keys :p

Lesson to be learned: Don't litter! :lol:

I was planning to meet up with a friend that I hadn't seen in a long time, and we had planned it a couple of weeks in advance as I knew that she would usually get busy. We agreed 11AM at the train station that was in the middle of our two towns. So I was there nice and early about 10:40, as that was the best train to catch, and I spent a bit of time shopping, and whatnot. I got to the station at 10:55 and expected her to be there shortly. I waited for about 10 mins, then watched some american couple lock their keys in their car, luckily they got them back, and that killed a further 10 mins, so it was about 11:15 and no show. I started to wonder where she was, I tried calling her, and got nothing, just the answer phone. At this point I was thinking "Oh great... She's stood me up" and I headed round the corner to the bus station, and I took the slightly more scenic route, but didn't see her. Headed back to the station the same way and saw her waiting there, turns out, she'd missed her bus and had taken the direct way to the station. >.<

I hate it when people are late...

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Recently, the only thing that annoyed me to any serious extent was playing Fallout 3, walking around the wasteland for two to three hours only for me to alt-tab out to answer an MSN message from a friend, then to tab back in and have Fallout crash on me.

3 hours of unsaved progress...Gone. I flipped out. ¬_¬


Devilicious Devi
Hmm, one annoying thing was actually last Saturday night. There i was, being the humble, friendly sauna guard that i am, working at friends sauna to pick some green from the visitors. The visitors - they turn out to be kids and get drunk in the 1st hour.. and i still had 11 hours to babysit them, well that`s fine, i was expecting as much. So then, the first mischief that they did, was irritate me by going in and out all the time... i can live with that, everybody wants to have some air, every freaking 5 minutes... Second, they somehow managed to get one of the offices doors open, how the hell did they do that? And the alarm goes off... Damn, fine, got my hands on the bastard that did it and told him to gtf-out. Third, finally the 12 hours of annoyance have come to an end. What do i find when i walk down the stairs to tell everyone else to gtf-out? Rocks from the sauna laying on the bottom of the pool, a broken table, the floor all oily(prolly puke... ugh) and what`s the worst all the visitors still drunk and drinking...
Well, after some annoying yelling at the kids and some nerve wrecking insults, I got the money out of them for the broken roperty and even managed to make one of the girls go after the rocks in the pool, lovely, dummy, she didnt even take her clothes off... i`m laughing hysterically in my cautience. As they left the sauna the soaking wet girl yelled GAAAY at me and slammed the door shut.
Well, funny from one side, sad from the other and in the middle, totally annoying.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;202713 said:
Recently, the only thing that annoyed me to any serious extent was playing Fallout 3, walking around the wasteland for two to three hours only for me to alt-tab out to answer an MSN message from a friend, then to tab back in and have Fallout crash on me.

3 hours of unsaved progress...Gone. I flipped out. ¬_¬

Had that happen quite a few times on different titles back in the day.


Don't trust people
Angelo Credo;202713 said:
Recently, the only thing that annoyed me to any serious extent was playing Fallout 3, walking around the wasteland for two to three hours only for me to alt-tab out to answer an MSN message from a friend, then to tab back in and have Fallout crash on me.

3 hours of unsaved progress...Gone. I flipped out. ¬_¬

Wow... That remembers me when i played FFVIII for the first time and came to 36 hours of gameplay then i got to know that i've forgot 3 GFs and they aren't attainable to me anymore (didn't know you could get them again in disc 4). I restarted my game from the beginning to catch up.
Or when i had a DMC3 savefile for 200 hours of gameplay erased by mistake.
Also i forgot to save once playing my oblivion save file and lost 5 hours of gameplay (yes i know it is a long streak to play at once...)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
The only specific thing that annoys the crap out of me is when someone interrupts me when I'm talking. In real life, unless I completely trust the person I'm chilling out with, I keep conversation short and sweet, or I'll only speak up when I'm addressed directly. So when I DO have something to say and someone cuts me off - GRRRRRRRRR.

And society also annoys me, in general. The government, the bus drivers, the co-workers, the kid behind the counter at the ice cream bar, the shoppers, my so-called friends, my family - everyone just annoys the heck out of me because they try to force their perceptions on me and try to make THEIR way of living MY way of living. I know my place in the world, and the world don't like it, and THAT'S annoying.

Which is also why I prefer browsing forums and chatting to friends online (most of the time) because there's no perception of race or religion or whatever else society uses as barriers between people. AND, no one can interrupt me when I post (blisssss) :)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
You know what REALLY annoys me? When people don't listen to you. I had a friend working on a sci-fi story that he wanted me to co-author. Sounds great, right? Wrong. He shot down EVERY SINGLE ONE of my ideas! And then he has the gall to ask me WHY I quit!? What nerve... You should've seen his face when I told him about my new story, because he hates Sonic with a passion. :p Sucks to be him, I guess.

La Femme Fatale

Her Royal Nonsense
I get annoyed quite easily, but the only one I can recall right on the spot was a long drawn out, very ahem... vocal debate I had a few weeks ago with a Holocaust denier who was trying to convince me that there was no proof of that the Holocaust occured and that it was all Jewish propoganda and blown entirely out of porportion... and that Hitler and the Nazi's weren't really that evil. :rolleyes:

I never in my life wanted to smack someone upside the head so damn much. I had to resort to chewing him out instead.

Btw, Damien, who are you on RE News?


OMG, I'm loving your sig and avatar!

What really annoys me are people who don't know when or how to use their turning signal on their car. Annoys the absolute p1ss out of me.

La Femme Fatale

Her Royal Nonsense
MochaCub;202900 said:
OMG, I'm loving your sig and avatar!

What really annoys me are people who don't know when or how to use their turning signal on their car. Annoys the absolute p1ss out of me.
Amen, darlin'. I hate how people are too lazy to use signal lights as well. I also get über annoyed when people drive too close behind you on the highway - like I'm going to risk another damn ticket just so you can go a little bit faster-, people who weave in and out of lanes, who text while they drive, who cut infront of you and then break to turn, who end up driving through red lights because they thought they could make the yellow light... the list goes on and on...

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Something that is over the top annoying, possibly the three most irritating letters in the alphabet: LAG. Ffffudge, I HATE it, and now all these little nitwits think I don't know how to play because they keep taking me down, even though I just stabbed him in the face, twice! YES I DID!! Why won't you DIE?!

By the way, FYI, I'm playing CoD MW 2 online, so that you guys don't think I'm a psycho or anything...

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
clairavance;202931 said:
Something that is over the top annoying, possibly the three most irritating letters in the alphabet: LAG. Ffffudge, I HATE it, and now all these little nitwits think I don't know how to play because they keep taking me down, even though I just stabbed him in the face, twice! YES I DID!! Why won't you DIE?!

By the way, FYI, I'm playing CoD MW 2 online, so that you guys don't think I'm a psycho or anything...

You want lag? You haven't seen lag until you've played Bioshock 2 multiplayer. That becomes a battle of attrition more than anything else, you see an enemy fairly near to you, you start unloading shots into them until an entire clip later, the screen jerks and they're behind you unloading an unfriendly amount of buckshot into the back of your skull.

Or you're desperately trying to run away from a player who just got the Big Daddy suit, you run through a door and keep going, only to find that you rubberband into a wall that was near the door you just ran through, then you proceed to get pumped full of rivets from the Big Daddy.

This crap happens EVERY match, this is why dedicated servers should remain a staple to PC multiplayer.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
OOOOHHH! Don't get me started!!!

When i was little, i had short hair. Strangers thought i was a boy.
I was travelling yesterday. In a good mood through finding DMC3 Code 2, until someone referred to me as a bloke... i have two 'things' sticking out of my cheast... do i look lika a boy?!?! (I also wear pink glasses)

You all know of my hatred for Sanctus Diabolica on DMC4. The thought of Vergil with a prostitute (human) and Nero being his son pees me off too.

La Femme Fatale: Ppl who deny the holocaust pee me off too!

Dreadnought: Ppl who don't listen also get in my nerves

oh! Once i had a game of pokemon Yellow with a Lv 100 pikachu, by accident, i saved another game over it! The realization hit me like a 100ton weight!!! GRRRRRR!

If there is anything else... which there probably will be...i shall write it.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Stupid/Strange University teachers who have strange rules that are made to keep you endlessly reapeting their lesson foreveer.Me and like...400 people from my U.What can i expect though?

Other than that...Bandai-Namco games.When they advertse 60% of their games[made by them,not by Banpresto and/or CyberConnect2 'cause these dudes do excellent jobs] they make them look godly and you get the game,WHAM.Fooled again.Damn!Luckilly there are ways to mend that mistake.

Possibly...unfairly hard minigames[like rumble racing in BBS] in games.[Yeah i also don't like real-time strategy,board,racing and constructive-breeding video games.It just ices the cake.]
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