How strong is Nero?

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OK, I just respond to his post in the previous post and post my motive on why Dante and lady are different... He suddenly start to go mad and offend...
What I did wrong dude?
You're David. You tell him, and everyone else why Lady and Dante are different. Why do you think Lady didn't do what Godsickle thinks she did and whatnot.
You're David. You tell him, and everyone else why Lady and Dante are different. Why do you think Lady didn't do what Godsickle thinks she did and whatnot.
I just wrote and entire post about it dude...
The developer just want her to be a boss fight but not because she is equal to Dante... That boss battle cannot be take in consideration... Even jaster boss fight can put you in danger but this doesn't mean he is equal to Dante, since jester is probably the weakest demon in dmc 3... Cerberus himself can kill you easyli but we can clearly see in the after boss baltte cutscene that dante didn't even brake a sweath to defeat him... If gameplay had to be taken in consideration than dante should be able to destroy every weak enemy whit just a single shoot or he should be able to destroy every wall whit his sword... Yamato should be able to cut trought everything and kill every enemy whit just a single hit but that doesn't happen for obvious reason, gameplay it's meant to be played, some part if not most part cannot be taken in consideration while talking about story and character power...

Yeay lady shoot dante in the head but dante didn't even care about that, he simply didn't think that lady would have shoot him because if she shoot him she would have fall, thats why he didn't se the shoot coming... Dante simply took the shoot but doesn't care about it, he could have taken another thousand shoot in the head... After the shoot dante was upset because he was trying to save lady and she shoot him instead of thanking him, not because the bullet was a treath to him...

The fact that dante and lady bullet touch each other is probably because dante shoot the bullet in a manner that they cannot kill lady but only touch her oncoming bullet instead...

In this cutscene is clear as day that dante is far superior to lady and only joke whit her... Lady fight to kill dante while dante is simply playing game whit her...
Also in this same cutscene you can clearly see that lady shoot first and than dante shoot at the bullet she is firing...

Also gameplay doesn't count because as I was saying before even a simple enemy can kill you in 3 hit at the start of the game, but we clearly see that dante can take many attack from enemy whitout even bothering it in the first game cutscene...

In the anime lady and trish combined power were not even able to scretch Abigail, they need dante help to kill him, so Its pretty ridiculous to say that lady power are equal to Dante or that she can put him in danger, since there is no single moment in cutscene in Wich lady put up a treat to Dante...
Also in the anime Trish and Lady fight but you can clearly see that Trish is playing game whit her and doesn't want to kill her while lady put all she have to fight Trish... So lady is not even comparable to Trish, let alone dante...

dante face off against stronger opponent in dmc 3 while lady only fight simply demon and always need dante help to defeat more powerful demon like in the anime...

We are comparing a simple human beings whit the legendary son of sparda dante, a being who was able to defeat opponent like mundus the demon king, Abigail and argosax, this last one whitout even breaking a sweat... For how strong lady can be for a human, there Is no way that he can be put in dante league, or that she can even prove a treat to him, the only enemy that were a treat to Dante in the entire series were mundus, vergil, and abigail, the last one only because dante get careless against him...
Lady is just zero treat to Dante
This is the post.... Are you serious? I did write my motivation here XD and you say to me again that I should write why Dante and lady are different agai?
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Lady isn't on Dante's level from the Perspective of

Endurance etc

But he is able to he hurt by piercing attacks and bullets so although she couldn't put him down properly she is still a threat to him in some ways even if it's just to hold him up or slow him down

With regards to Nero he is a super human , even though he is only quarter devil he is still a cambion demon/human hybrid

His demon blood augments his strength

Lastly humans can go beyond peak human in the devil may cry verse , so as Goldy as Dante Vergil or Nero are

They can still be shot or stabbed if their guards are down and they don't expect the attack

Clearly Dante and Vergil are in control of their powers enough they can suppress them , Dante does it in the series to make fights more fun

If he didn't then the series would be canonically like heaven and hell mode

Let's get back on topic guys , life is short and it's not worth going back and forth about trivial things on a forum
He go mad dude and he started to offend, probably you should re read the post... My opinion is that he want mad out of nowhere after I write my motivation about dante and lady.... That's all... He is winning? Is this a match? Yeah this is a forum not a ring whit insult
So, get your gloves on and tell him.
I just wrote and entire post about it dude...
Right, but you didn't convince him. You got mad and threatened to report a mod on him. That means you don't know how to persuade people, you need to learn it.
As I mentioned before, a stab to Nero's torso seriously affects him, while Dante has been shown to shrug off stab wounds since DMC3.
So without devil powers and a higher risk of dying, Nero has already been fighting demons with just his own human ability.

Losing both the Devil Bringer and Yamato kinda made him "human" again in DMCV and while he's dependent on Devil Breakers, he could still take on the likes of Malphas.
It's worth mentioning that even when stripped away of his Devil powers, Nero is still quite powerful.
I never said she was Dante's "equal".
Don't put words in my mouth.

You just can't stop yapping because you're a hypocrite who told me we should respect other people's opinions but here you are, always flagging me whenever I say something you disagree and won't rest until you have changed my mind with poor arguments.
You saw Lady and Dante's interactions in one way, I saw it differently.

End of story.

I will continue walking the earth believing that Lady is a considerable threat to Dante.
Deal with it.
Dude are you serious? .. This was his post after my motivation... He went mad first... And say end of story my opinion win... Dude just read post before writing anything because it seems you didn read them @Carlos
As for the topic , after going back and forth about it in my own mind more than once I changed my mind

I personally (in my own opinion) and I respect all others , I believe Nero after gaining his own devil trigger is around dmc5 Dante level before the sin dt power up , but would only be that in raw power, doesn't have the hax and abilities his dad and uncle have and so may still lose to mundus based on that

Who knows , brute strength wise he is possibly above Dante and Vergil , but brute strength doesn't make a difference against skill and abilities and speed , be like Bruce Lee Vs Dwayne Johnson

The rock is stronger but Bruce Lee would kick his ass all over the place

Also goldsiclle losing his devil bringer and yamato did take away his ability to devil trigger , but he was still powered by sparda blood

Remember that before Dante unlocked Dt in 3 he was super powerful aswell , way beyond human

Nero is a prodigy , and for all we know being more human than demon may empower him more
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As I mentioned before, a stab to Nero's torso seriously affects him, while Dante has been shown to shrug off stab wounds since DMC3.
So without devil powers and a higher risk of dying, Nero has already been fighting demons with just his own human ability.

Losing both the Devil Bringer and Yamato kinda made him "human" again in DMCV and while he's dependent on Devil Breakers, he could still take on the likes of Malphas.
It's worth mentioning that even when stripped away of his Devil powers, Nero is still quite powerful.
To be fair, Dante, did the same, but Vergil seems to have learned to hone, and master using the human form, so he can masquerade his demon powers as human. This allows him to easily change into DT quickly, and efficiently. Dante does the same, but the games don't tell us the difference between the two when talking about demon differences.

I think Nero hasn't learned how to do what Vergil and Dante has learned. I think that's where the next game is going to lead us into. The rise of Nero.
Also goldsiclle losing his devil bringer and yamato did take away his ability to devil trigger , but he was still powered by sparda blood
He's still born with "the right stuff" but I wonder if he can shrug off wounds like Dante does, without the Yamato.
At the very most, the game showed him suffering when the Devil Bringer was ripped off of him but it was never shown if he can "walk it off" with a scythe in his gut.

By the time he awakens his true Devil Trigger, he regenerated a whole arm, so I'm looking forward for a cutscene where he takes over Dante's role and walks around with Red Queen stabbed through his chest.

To be fair, Dante, did the same, but Vergil seems to have learned to hone, and master using the human form, so he can masquerade his demon powers as human. This allows him to easily change into DT quickly, and efficiently. Dante does the same, but the games don't tell us the difference between the two when talking about demon differences.
Is Vergil's new DT form his "Sin" Devil Trigger?
Dante had to absorb both Rebellion and Sparda for his transformation, so maybe Vergil got his from the Qlipoth fruit?
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As for the topic , after going back and forth about it in my own mind more than once I changed my mind

I personally (in my own opinion) and I respect all others , I believe Nero after gaining his own devil trigger is around dmc5 Dante level before the sin dt power up , but would only be that in raw power, doesn't have the hax and abilities his dad and uncle have and so may still lose to mundus based on that

Who knows , brute strength wise he is possibly above Dante and Vergil , but brute strength doesn't make a difference against skill and abilities and speed , be like Bruce Lee Vs Dwayne Johnson

The rock is stronger but Bruce Lee would kick his ass all over the place

Also goldsiclle losing his devil bringer and yamato did take away his ability to devil trigger , but he was still powered by sparda blood

Remember that before Dante unlocked Dt in 3 he was super powerful aswell , way beyond human

Nero is a prodigy , and for all we know being more human than demon may empower him more
Well, he did come from a demon, and a human.
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Nah he clearly hasn't got the regeneration Dante had in 3 at the start of 4 , also I think it was stated he died when Agnus gladius swords stabbed him and Yamato revived him. although I am not 100% certain on that .

Strength and speed wise though, he is beyond super human before acquiring yamato

Ya he will become the new poster child for sword implement ha ha , that would be cool
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He's still born with "the right stuff" but I wonder if he can shrug off wounds like Dante does, without the Yamato.
At the very most, the game showed him suffering when the Devil Bringer was ripped off of him but it was never shown if he can "walk it off" with a scythe in his gut.

By the time he awakens his true Devil Trigger, he regenerated a whole arm, so I'm looking forward for a cutscene where he takes over Dante's role and walks around with Red Queen stabbed through his chest.

Is Vergil's new DT form his "Sin" Devil Trigger?
Dante had to absorb both Rebellion and Sparda for his transformation, so maybe Vergil got his from the Qlipoth fruit?
Forgive me. I'm currently on my phone, laying on my bed, when I'm supposed to be sleeping, but I will respond as I see it. :wink:

I agree that the difference between Vergil and Nero is night and day. When Vergil felt sick of his demon powers (wonder why now of all times...?), he wanted to lose it, in order to regain himself. That whole story itself is confusing in itself - I hope Capcom answers these questions eventually. But in doing so, he lost some of his powers too... like those 3 familiars.

I'm not sure if Vergil's DT was sin, but I have a feeling that Olipihoth is the Sin Devil Trigger. V got to Olipihoth to stab it with his cane... And in turn it has the Yamamoto. Dante has the more powerful version of Sin DT, though. It took 2 of the most powerful weapons in DMC to form it.

[And, yeah, Nero didn't feel anything once he lost the DT. I mean, initially he did, but he acted like the missing arm wasn't like a knife stabbed into him. It felt like business as usual.]
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Forgive me. I'm currently on my phone, laying on my bed, when I'm supposed to be sleeping, but I will respond as I see it. :wink:

I agree that the difference between Vergil and Nero is night and day. When Vergil felt sick of his demon powers (wonder why now of all times...?), he wanted to lose it, in order to regain himself. That whole story itself is confusing in itself - I hope Capcom answers these questions eventually. But in doing so, he lost some of his powers too... like those 3 familiars.

I'm not sure if Vergil's DT was sin, but I have a feeling that Olipihoth is the Sin Devil Trigger. V got to Olipihoth to stab it with his cane... And in turn it has the Yamamoto. Dante has the more powerful version of Sin DT, though. It took 2 of the most powerful weapons in DMC to form it.

[And, yeah, Nero didn't feel anything once he lost the DT. I mean, initially he did, but he acted like the missing arm wasn't like a knife stabbed into him. It felt like business as usual.]
The familiar weren't actually vergil power if I remember right... They were is nightmare and suffering while he was nelo Angelo, they are not real they are memory that's why they can't kill enemy ... Vergil discharged them alongside his humanity because that memory were weakening him... Vergil think that his human side was weakening him that's why he want to discharge it, also to survive he had to do orribile things something that his human side was not capable of... But he later realize that his most important part and most powerful part was his human side... He was not sick of his demon power but of his human side...

Vergil dt in dmc 5 is sin dt, he manage to get to sin because as urizen he gain all the power from the blood of human for one mounth, than he augmented his power once more by eating the fruit, and finally he merged back whit his human self and manage to get sin dt and equal dante power...
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My thanks to @Carlos and @ef9dante_oSsshea for helping get this thread back on track - appreciate it.

Not going to beat a dead horse here, but if you don't get along and cannot see past one another's posts without perceiving slights and insults? Use the ignore/block buttons accordingly. Because we just had however many pages of bickering over, essentially, not a great deal.

Keep it respectful, or at least civil, and carry on.

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I will continue walking the earth believing that Lady is a considerable threat to Dante.
Deal with it.
As shown with Lady, humans can train hard enough to take on demons and may be able to go toe-to-toe with Dante, even for a short while.
Totally not the case, due to the fact that Lady was an actual boss fight and not just in cutscenes.
So why cant Lady fight Mundus and Argosax and all the demon kind all by herself?
She is 'comparable to Dante' who has surpassed Sparda who did all by himself.


Lets get back on track with analysis on a wonky lore written by at least 3 different writers.
What can possibly go wrong?
I will deliberately take the plot seriously and sound obtuse just to point out how inconsistent the writing is.
Mundus was using is full power in dmc 1
He just resurrected and had a giant gaping hole on his chest.
Sparda was more powerful than mundus...
Nowhere stated in the lore. Also Sparda is MIA/dead while Mundus is still alive somewhere.
since dmc 5 established that sparda separate his power in 3 sword, the Yamato the rebellion and the sparda
That is a retcon. The original lore had him seperate his power into only Sparda.
it's most likely that sparda is at least 3 times more powerful than mundus,
And? So why is a random non immortal demon stronger than the demon king? And by 3 times?
Nero Is probably powerful as dmc 3 dante in the end, since nero only got dt in dmc 5, and vergil say that he was holding back during his fight with nero
Nero got DT in DMC4.
Nero is way powerful than that. Nero at the end of DMC4 is DMC3 Dante level.
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