Nuuu you're not a disgrace. I've actually got some buddies on skype that I talk to and we're all hardcore DxK, we ship them like the sun and the moon we're a crazy bunch.Whopsie... Sorry, Alittleacorn, but I can't betray my OTP, nor my beloved Vergil.... VxK all the way!! And if you have me and Onecrazymonkey in the same thread discussing such things... Brace yourselves! Vergil fangirling and VxK shipping is coming! In LARGE doses! We're such a disgrace...
(Ha, seeing what's the trend on here lately, I should really start a flamewar in defense of VxK....
Naah, I won't. Too good for this.
Just kidding.
*sends peace love & flowers at everyone*)
I do ship VxK a bit, but they're like a little rowing boat compared to the Titanic of a DxK that's my main ship....a Titanic on the way to an iceberg since VxK is probably more canon if Kat winds up becoming Nero's mommy or something. :'( you guys are lucky.