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How could have Capcom "reconstructed" the old series?


A lot of people complain (and with reason!) about DMC storyline, narrative, character development, plots and things like this.

So how could Capcom have reorganized this? My take on that is as it follows:

1. First things first

Capcom would needed to fill the plotholes and make the storyline coherent to begin with. The question that comes to our minds is "how?". The more reasonable path to take is starting by the most earlier games on the storyline: DMC3. DMC3 doesn't had much plotholes, i mean, they leave some things open besides these things being rather important to further understanding (even if they are not necessary) of what is going on, like when Dante says to Vergil that had passed one year since their last meeting, i'm not sure if the manga is canon but i think it's not since it was never finished, but it came with at least one idea of how followed the events we're talking about. What they could have done were adding some data in the game itself as an unlockable feature (like a mode were you can read the story with some more details and cool arts), preferable even on that HD Collection to start things up, but this is not a big issue at all and can even stay as this to give the players that mysterious feel of what the twins were doing at that time. I will talk more about DMC1 in another topic, and i think it has no real big plotholes or things like that seeing how simple the plot is and the flow of the events in that game. Now onto DMC4, this is our champion in plotholes, lack of storyline coherence and things that remain roaming in the air like if they has no importance at all. I think they can take two paths to fit this game on the storyline: complete rework his story (but keeping the new characters and the story as a whole, just fitting it to the storyline and explaining better the new characters and the plot) or make the earlier games more fitting to his storyline and explaining this better on a next game on the franchise. Remembering now that it's my take on that: scrap out DMC2 from the timeline, just don't consider it canon and that is it, this games doesn't make sense at all and Dante was entirely redesigned (on his personality) on the later games and they were the most sucessful and iconic appearences of him to most gamers and fans of the franchise.

2. Remaking and fitting, a personality matter.

A thing that a lot of users in this forum complains and other fans of the franchise too is the lack of coherence of Dante's behaviour in DMC3 to 1 and to 4. I mean, really doesn't make sense and has no explanations of him being so mature in DMC1 and a joker on DMC4. So i will explain my approach to that, we could make fans of both Dante's personalities happy while sustaining the coherence between games. And that could be achieved by doing a remake and explaining things on another way, and it's very much the same as the original game but with a different approach and a more rich explanation of the events and of Dante's acting style, but this would be connected inherently with the decision of reworking DMC4 story or make the older ones more fitting to DMC4 that i explained before. And if they decided to rework on DMC4 story they could make Dante a more serious character like he was on the original one while still keeping her sense of humour and that "funny uncle" relationship with Nero, but if they decide to take the other path it could follow as that on a remake of DMC1:

Dante could be acting "cheesy" until Trish explains about the mission she came for to "hire" Dante. When he hears about the "Dark Prince" he could take a more serious attitude, because he knows what this mean on a personal level to him and what this means to humanity if he fails, this is the moment were he will need to be as strong as he father was in the past even if he don't knows too much (and don't care too much) about what happened back there. He at least knows who he (Sparda) fought in that time (this could be explained by Dante as the game flows, or in a conversation with Mundus in the end), and who the "Prince of Darkness" is.

Gameplay-wise, i can begin saying that he could taunt the way he taunts in the original game. It's cut, clean and sharp without being immature and "CUHRAYZEE" like DMC3 Dante. It would fit very well even if it was made entirely in the original game itself, but he could be a little more funny in his conversations even with some bosses, and i think it's important to make he be more serious while dealing with Mundus himself to make that contrast with the other demons and Dante's relation with them.

And i think that's it for the original DMC, it could be a very well made remake integrating later DMCs mechanics while sustaining his own design and setting, keeping his own unique mechanics (critical hits and sword-cancelling, for example) while adding others (jump cancels or some styles, maybe?) and reworking just a bit the enemy design to fit with the new mechanics. Giving to it a more hack'n'slash feel and renewing the birth of what have become the better hack'n'slash series in the gaming story, just a recapitulation of the original game respecting his own legacy as game (not as a series) and making it more understandable and fitting with the other games. It would be much similar to what Capcom have done with the original Resident Evil, for people who already played both the games (the original RE and REmake).

Could be useful to the series to do a remake on DMC4 too, but i don't think it's necessary if they shape well DMC1 to be coherent with DMC4 and explain the bullshit they did (including explaining Nero, devil bringer and his background in details) in a later game of the series, maybe with a DMC5.

3. Concluding and moving forward.

I think that it's a simple matter to make Devil May Cry an appealing game to people who really care for coherent stories, cool characters (which the game already has) and a touching (and cool!) relation between some characters (like Dante and Vergil, as we see in the end of the third game). With my purpose the only real need is to correct some great issues with reboots, a new game to the series and maybe a manga/cartoon too to go into details of things left unexplained. And they could continue with a top quality series gameplay-wise and making a good job on storytelling, character development and appealing characters like Dante already is (besides the lack of coherence on his behaviour), Vergil, and even Nero can became appealing if they develop him well, he learned a lot in DMC4 and became a more suitable character to the series in the end of the game.

What is your opinion about this? Do you agree or disagree with my purposes? Do you have something to add or subtract from it? Do you have a totally new purpose of your own?

Tell us what you think about this!

PS: Sorry for some fuzzy writing of mine, my language has a very different (and complex...) structure than the english, i can often commit mistakes and use some words before in a phrase (because they are written this way in my language). But if something is really unintelligible make me know of it and i'll correct and try to put it in the right words and sentences.


I Saw the Devil
Solution: Hire a highly competent writer. Problem solved.

They hired a fairly successful writer for DMC3 and 4. An anime writer but successful none the less.

The problem, I think, is that they actually think that what is usually successful in Japan will also work everywhere else. The issue with that theory is kinda highlighted on the visual, thematic, and design alterations from 3 to 4 which went from gothic, bicker, action movie sorta look to a baroque, anime, romance one. So to please both Eastern and Western might be an impossibility.

That and Capcom keeps trying to make a game that sells rather than a good game. What is the difference, you ask? Well, one is a game where your entire efforts are solely based on financial gain, design, music, themes, characters. So what, you may ask, that's how all media are made. Yeah, but think of it as big budget Hollywood movie that is all flare, explosions, special effects and no content, and from what I saw from people's reaction to the Battleship trailer people have really grown tired of those. I know I want another DMC1 or 3 and not another DmC or DMC4.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Just make Dante more mature
Stop with the crappy one liners
Make Nero be less of a total poser to Dante
An actual good story writer

and what else?

oh yeah



Praise the Sun!
I say remake 2 and fix it up to have improved combat like 3&4 while giving him a more mature and cocky attitude like in 1 if anything you could fix most of the plotholes right there


I Saw the Devil
I'm pretty sure you know that one's success isn't always proportional to their skill.
My point was that they already tried that and they dropped the ball, and they don't know that they did so hiring a good writer didn't do much for them in their eyes.


Lord Cheesington
My point was that they already tried that and they dropped the ball, and they don't know that they did so hiring a good writer didn't do much for them in their eyes.
You said that they hired a SUCCESSFUL writer. I said that Capcom should hire a HIGHLY COMPETENT writer. Judging by the story of DMC4, I wouldn't say that the person they hired is highly competent.


I Saw the Devil
You said that they hired a SUCCESSFUL writer. I said that Capcom should hire a HIGHLY COMPETENT writer. Judging by the story of DMC4, I wouldn't say that the person they hired is highly competent.
I hardly think they saw a difference.


Your Friend and Mine
Capcom wanted to emulate the sales numbers of God Of War, that much is clear. The more interesting question is working out what exactly made GoW so popular in the first place and then postulating how those elements could be applied to Devil May Cry to make a product which could win over both audiences.

In my estimation plot and pathos have little to do with either franchise's success; although both have had their good points in both regards, I think most would agree that it isn't the primary reason why people reach for GoW on the shelf. GoW made bank on the backs of two principles: presentation and simple combat. The gratification of slugging away at damage sponge enemies with absurdly far reaching attacks and superficially pleasing canned QTE animations of gigantic creatures is a big part of why the typical player is happy to button mash through GoW and never touch it again.

I'd say the ideal solution would be to have a campaign that splits the difference, with both a character that functions as a style fighter and another who uses a Hit Combo system that is easier for more casual players to grasp. Taking the DMC4 model but actually diversifying the core gameplay for both characters beyond what we saw with Nero and Dante could provide that common ground that new players want while still appeasing old hands.

A high skill ceiling is important too.


Well-known Member
It was fans that made the character Dante mean something to Capcom.
Capcom paid for creation.
Designers created DMC 1 for Capcom.

Fans supported DMC and it's character over course of 10 years.
Drawing fan art. Creating videos. Cosplay Etc

Fans aren't entitled to anything but respect for what they are supporting and themselfs from Capcom.
Capcom didn't respect Dante:

They rejected him for sake of money. Yes, DmC is product of greed (irony: DmC story). Capcom wanted God of War sales.
They also showed little respect towards fans of DMC or their general fans what so ever.

Even though Ninja theory did alot of things DMC fans did not approve of: at end of day Capcom is the "person" responisble for us not seeing Dante.

If Capcom created a DMC 5, i would pirate it (perhaps not even play it). Because they rebooted DMC and rejected Dante for money. And creating DMC 5 won't be because of anything but money.

Any fans who welcome Capcom to create a DMC 5 with open arms have no selfrespect or respect for what they are fan of.


I Saw the Devil
Kojima to do the story capcom japan design platinum gameplay....
Kojima is the metal gear dude, mate, you are thinking of Kamija.

It was fans that made the character Dante mean something...

...open arms have no selfrespect or respect for what they are fan of.
That is a bit excessive, mate. The same could be argued about wanting a DmC2, where the hell does that leave anyone?


Under the Promised Flag
Huh sorry for the double post I read your post wrong...i meant to say yes i am thinking of kojima
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