How b@d@ss r u

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descendant of Sparda
Nov 16, 2008
I am pretty good at dmc3. Whenever I play I feel like a total beast i know how to jump cancel and use ultimate tempest. my sickest moment i had was on dmd rockin out on nevan owning demons. what was your b@d@ss moment.
... not much, i just stay too focus playing dmc, i can´t talk or lisening to anything else, nothing especial i guess :)
How badass am I? Not very... I do get a bit of a rush whenever I manage to successfully clear a room, or a boss, without taking damage on Dante Must Die Difficulty.
I'm just bad. As in utterly, utterly dreadful...
My badass moments are so many...

I recall beating Beowulf with Vergil, just using Yamato's Aerial Combo on DMD.
I think I started out doing pretty good in DMC3. Angi and Rudra(however you spell their names) was no problem for me. As well as Cereberus. I sucked at the Vergil battles though. But I'm a pro now on pretty much all the battles now. It still only took me one month to finish all three games. Does that make a bad***? lolz
I Hate Fighting With Beowulf In DMD Because When His/Her (I Dont The Gender OF tHat Monster :lol:) Become 1/2 or 3/4 He/She Suddenly Makes An UFo ( I Like To Xpres That Light Flying Thing Summoned By Beowulf ^^) I Hate That Thingy I Dont Know How To Dodge of Escape To That UFO ahahah
I have lots of badass moments. The best mainly are when I unleash my full potential and am able to use royal guard at the right time against Vergil in Mission 20 DMD.
I set a pretty high standard for myself in those games. I'm usually discouraged if I get hit at all. But my favorite badass moments are usually flukes, like this one time I had like 8 of those teleporting demons floating on my flickering Cerberus nunchaku. That was funny. I love those nunchaku.
My Bad*** moment??? none and it will stay that way pretty long... my most extreme was killing Vergil 3 on DMD without items (i had less than a bar left XD XD XD) i can't even kill all the monsters in one room with super costume without being hit (the costume doesn't higher my evasion skill :P).
but i had a moment when i thought i was so cool and look like in the trailers on DMD mission 2 with Vergil. that was my first no damage award until i meet Hell Vanguard and i slipped from my tactics and thought i will take him on like i did on the others and got kicked in the butt... i lost that mission, my dream my glory my path to enlightment is all destroyed! All because of an Adrenaline rush!!!
I weak at agni and rudra afer agni dierudra take his sword den combine i die edi. lol
How badass am I? Not so badass like others here in the forums.
I'm not so badass in Devil May Cry 3. My highest record is in Devil May Cry 4, beating Berial in like 27 seconds without taking damage.
when i was fighting angi and rudra i killed on of them. the other ran away but he had almost no life left so i shot him with e&i it all happend in 2 secs :p
When I had DMC3 (not the SE since on the SE I had to RESTART my entire adventure), I must say I was pretty epic. I think I was very close to mastering Dante completely, with the exception of Trickster and Royal Guard of course, since I didn't use them at all. Well okay, maybe once or twice. But yes, considering I beat that game around thirty times I became quite masterful at it, even for a girl. ;) I think my proudest moment was when I handed Vergil his backside because of an EPIC combo I pulled off. It was like no other. Then of course, I was rather upset because I'd killed VERGIL. xD I also used to feel pretty epic when battling Hell Vanguard because I handed his behind to him too. But on DMC4, I... well, I don't know. The Son of Sparda difficulty is proving a bit difficult for me but it's probably because I haven't played the game in a while so I need to readjust myself to it again. THEN I WILL BE EPIC. xD
oh i clearly recall it like it was a while ago, man when fighting vergil i kinda transform from wacky to a darn tazmanian DEVIL

for V1 i fought him with rebellion and E&I in less than 2 mins,on trickster

for V2 i used the samen thing though it took me longer blocking starfall is soooooooo funky

for V3 thats where demon comes in, i turn all psyced up, i frown i blink twice a minute, and i held my butt fo a whole 5 mins of badass vergil kickin blocking judgement cuts like nuts!!!!!!!!
My badass moment was when I was fighting with Vergil against Arkham, my second moment was the credits (the music was what got me revved up).
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