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Hmm, Just A Thought.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I had this idea, but I don't know if it's achievable. I was thinking about this for a while now. Basically, next to our information present in our posts, we have a little box where we ourselves can write messages in such as:

LordOfDarkness Is Currently Busy.

I thought of this so perhaps people could know other member's current status. For instance, if you are waiting on a message from someone and they never said they were going, but they had done so in the box; then you'd know why they are not replying.

And yes, I know you could put your current status in your sig or your user title; but that takes a lot longer to do. And besides, most people don't check sigs for text; they like the pretty images :lol: And most have something cool in their user title also, and that feature is not for showing what you are currently doing.

I am aware that there is also a thread, but that's a little more detailed and such. This would be a fast and simple way of informing people as to what you are doing, and if you are not at your computer .etc.

So, what do you guys and girls think? Feel free to say it's crap, if that's what you truly think :)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
You mean like MSN messenger,where you can say that you are 'busy','away',etc?

I support this because it is a great idea.:)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Chaos Master;150949 said:
You mean like MSN messenger,where you can say that you are 'busy','away',etc?

I support this because it is a great idea.:)

Yes, I mean just like that.

But maybe also like the feature on Facebook, and also other social networks. Where you can type in a sentence such as: LordOfDarkness Has Gone To Get A Drink.

But I don't know, my main point was actually to just have things like "busy", "away", "be right back" .etc. It all comes down to what can be done with the whole thing, should the idea be liked enough.

And thanks Chaos ^_^

Angelo Credo;150951 said:
Good idea, it'd stop people having a go when you don't reply to messages, speaking of which, I have some to reply to. :lol:

But yeah, great idea, let's hope it's achieveable.

I'm glad you also like this idea Sir ^_^ And you best reply to them, before you forget :) But, thanks.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Good idea, it'd stop people having a go when you don't reply to messages, speaking of which, I have some to reply to. :lol:

But yeah, great idea, let's hope it's achieveable.


Anti - Little D
ok , well as we are all aware some members think this place is a social networking site like facebook and myspace and bebo .. so adding this feature would say to those members " dmc forum = social networking site " soz buts that what i feel and if members dont want to talk to other members put them on your ignore list or bann them from viewing profile :p

but the idea is a good one but i think some modifications need to be done to make the idea not sound like a socail networking site like facebook so the dmc forum retains its indentity :p

any supports dont need the feauture as they have the :ninja: mode which says to all members im offline when your not ...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
TimeLord;150955 said:
ok , well as we are all aware some members think this place is a social networking site like facebook and myspace and bebo .. so adding this feature would say to those members " dmc forum = social networking site " soz buts that what i feel and if members dont want to talk to other members put them on your ignore list or bann them from viewing profile :p

but the idea is a good one but i think some modifications need to be done to make the idea not sound like a socail networking site like facebook so the dmc forum retains its indentity :p

any supports dont need the feauture as they have the :ninja: mode which says to all members im offline when your not ...

Um, we already have tons of things that people are using perfectly fine. If there were any problems with them as of such, they would of been removed. This place isn't a social network, but it's still nice to inform people as to what you're doing :p And those who take this place as some sort of social network, have most likely been warned in the past already.

I know what you're saying though. You're saying that this idea which would make this place look more like a social network, would be a bad one as it would give off the wrong impression. But should anyone join here purely for thinking that they can use this place like MSN or whatever, would definitely get warned or possibly banned. The Staff know how to handle situations, and you could indeed say the profile messages make this place seem more social than this idea would. But nonetheless, I understand where you're coming from and I appreciate your feedback and your opinion.

But admit that this is typical behaviour of you to point holes in my ideas Damien :p Friend or foe is what I ask :lol: (I'm joking :p)

And about the ninja mode. Some Supporters, Mods or Admins who choose to use invisible mode, can do so as they are already doing. The feature would purely be there to be used, should you so wish to. I'm not saying that it should be put in place and used by all. Not everyone posts on profiles, but that doesn't mean they can't go and do so if they so wish to.


Anti - Little D
like i said i like the idea but it needs somw modifications made to it :p
and i dont poke holes in your idea :rolleyes: :dry: *jokes*

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I don't know about this, if you are busy doing something else just log off.

I don't think you should be logged on and not doing anything.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Dark Prince;151730 said:
I don't know about this, if you are busy doing something else just log off.

I don't think you should be logged on and not doing anything.

Yeah, but if you have to leave your comp for a few minutes (Called Away) Yet, haven't got time to (Or don't see the need to) log out; then you can leave a message quickly (Or just click busy or something like that - one click would be a lot quicker than logging off.


Is not rat, is hamster
I don't know if it would be possible given that it would likely involve a hack which Steve is loath to add to our already rather-taxed server...it's a good idea but if people were capable of exercising a little patience that would be handy too - or when they check to see who is online they bother to check the last time the person in question actually did anything. I'm often logged in 24 hours a day, but I'm certainly not on here all that time and my last activity would indicate that.

People are impatient and don't like waiting for replies - but like I say, the feature sounds good, I just don't know if it could be implemented and even if it could, whether Steve would think it a worthy addition to the site.


Don't trust people
i usually show when im going offline by writing a message in my own profile so when others are trying to write a profile visitor message they see my post that im asleep.
you can write that you're busy when you are busy... otherwise your really really lazy

shadow master

New Member
aka958;151781 said:
i usually show when im going offline by writing a message in my own profile so when others are trying to write a profile visitor message they see my post that im asleep.
you can write that you're busy when you are busy... otherwise your really really lazy

cool idea . And jus' coz u leave a messge doesnt mean every1 do that 2 :huh:

*its not lazy . wth r u talking 'bout ? o_O


Well-known Member
**I agree, it would be a nice gimmick to have.
But, to be honest why not just leave a message to yourself in your Visitor Messages section? So that if someone tries to leave you a message they will see...

"Keaton Says: AFK until 15:30 GMT"

Or something less robot-like.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Keaton;151830 said:
**I agree, it would be a nice gimmick to have.
But, to be honest why not just leave a message to yourself in your Visitor Messages section? So that if someone tries to leave you a message they will see...

"Keaton Says: AFK until 15:30 GMT"

Or something less robot-like.

I'm glad you think so :D
And I completely understand where you are coming from, Steve ^_^ I myself tend to leave notes in my own profile, in case people wonder why I'm not replying. However - from time to time, I have the tendacy to forget to do so. With a feature put in place, I'd be aware as to let people know where I am at. I think it'd be easier to use, than to post a VM (As not everyone may go to check your profile, and may assume you're simply ignoring them) It would save the occasional VM's that I sometimes receive, such as "I guess you're not talking to me then"... Oh no, on the contrary; I was just slightly busy at that time. :p

If it were possible, I'm thinking you could either change it in your own profile, and in the info area when you post. That way, should you go to your profile to post a VM; whilst there you'd be able to simply write a message in the box and click "ok"... That way, everyone will see you are busy if they see one of your posts. Either that, or we have little icons that show we are busy.

Example: I go to my profile, select busy; and it shows a little icon. That way, people would be able to recognise I'm busy if they go to my profile, as the icon would be present both there and in my posts. Either way, there's a few ideas as to how this could all be done. However, we just need to know if this is achievable or not. I've also taken what Angel said earlier into consideration also, and I completely understand. I am also glad this idea is somewhat liked :)

Angel;151765 said:
I don't know if it would be possible given that it would likely involve a hack which Steve is loath to add to our already rather-taxed server...it's a good idea but if people were capable of exercising a little patience that would be handy too - or when they check to see who is online they bother to check the last time the person in question actually did anything. I'm often logged in 24 hours a day, but I'm certainly not on here all that time and my last activity would indicate that.

People are impatient and don't like waiting for replies - but like I say, the feature sounds good, I just don't know if it could be implemented and even if it could, whether Steve would think it a worthy addition to the site.

I'm glad you like the idea, and I understand where you're coming from. It could indeed, be a bit of hassle on the server (As you yourself, already mentioned). I wouldn't want the feature to seem like a bit of a hassle at all. And usually simple ideas like this one, are deemed as "Not needed".

I can see why also, but it was merely an idea :) I understand the reasoning behind what you said also, and I do indeed think that people should exercise a little more patience. But nonetheless, I think most don't like to wait around as they themselves have things to do. But either way, this could all be dealt with simplistically. And I see how you could simply leave a message in your profile; or how you can check the last activity. But, if people are in invisible mode (Which about 5 people are in most of the time, I believe) Then they don't know if they are busy or not if they stop replying to people in profiles and everything) But by this, I am not implying that just because 5 people go invisible, that this feature should be put in place; not at all. I only just remembered the whole invisible mode aspect behind this.

From hearing views from everyone, I believe this idea is liked but not really necessary at all. It would probably be somewhat hassle, and it shouldn't be applied if there are other resorts already in place at this moment in time. But this is what I believe now -

(As when I replied to Keaton, I had it my mind that this was a worthy idea. But now I think differently, and it's not liked by everyone here; so I see that it's perhaps not so great. But even so, when I thought it up it was merely an idea :p Just trying to give some ideas out to try and help the Community as much as I can, to be honest with everyone).

And I'm unsure as to whether this would be a worthy idea or not. I'll see what more think first, then see what happens.

And straight up, I'm not going to act like I know everything about this place, as I definitely do not :lol: But I do see what you mean by this, and I understand where you're coming from. Nonetheless, I'm glad you like the idea and everything :) Much appreciated ^_^
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