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Having Girl Issues: As well as Guy Issues

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
As the title says.

Since I'm bored and well nothing Devil May Cry related to really talk about on a Devil May Cry forum nor not much going on in the game industry at the moment outside a bunch of layoffs and people leaving companies.

So lets talk about my girl issues (how far have we fallen).

To make it short and well to not expose this girl's info to a bunch of strangers on the internet. There is this girl I like and all I'll reveal is that she is Asian and Canadian (so its not a language issue we can both speak English fine since we grew up in it, me more than her).

The issue is well she is a tough nut to crack. Its hard to put into words but to make it very simple its like flirting or trying to make the moves on this guy (if he was a girl).

Its not all easy and she mostly just makes jokes out of anything I say. Funny thing about the Cerberus video was we had a discussion about her pet dog....well I tried to do all she did was make jokes and give me half assed cynical answers like I asked what was her dog's name she said "Dog" as well as gender she said "it". Granted that made me laugh. Its not the first time she did this....to me. Actually she doesn't really makes jokes just likes to have witty comebacks and cynical/snarky answers............to everything I say. It really does feels like making the moves on Dante (DMC3/4). I would also say like Bayonetta but since there is no teasing just making me look like an idiot no....I wish though.

Truth is I never had to deal with a girl like this. I was always the troll and cynical person with odd answers not the person on the receiving end. However, I like her sense of humor and it does make me laugh its just hard to well you know....get in there...or get to know her better if I'm constantly getting cock blocked by a joke, one liner, or sarcastic remarks (yes I'm getting cock blocked by sarcasm).

She is like a 8.5 to me but her sense of humor and colorful personality makes her a 9.5. She makes me laugh (at my own expense sometimes) and I love to laugh.

P.S. I told her she was very pretty.

Now you know of my girl issues.....don't know I wanted to share it with you guys...was just feeling bored and its the closest thing to a DMC related topic I can think of.

Got any girl or guy issues any of you want to share?


Whale well whale...what have we here?
Looks like I'm your buddy for now till others awaken.
Now, I'm typing this on my phone, and my girlfriend is literally asleep on the phone (I have it on speaker just in case she awakens)

Now, your girl problem. I only have a few...theories (?)
1. Is she a tomboy? (Doesn't act like a girly girl)
2. What's her name? I'm interested! :) well only first names obviously, like mine is Cody.
3. You never had to deal with something like this before right? Well, looks like you found your spitfire who will make you question, and won't take anything you do. (It's a quote I completely ****ed up from Young Justice)
4. As said above, you'll do anything for this person, craving their attention and just for them to open up to you.
5. Which...opening up is something she's not used to, maybe. So, start it slow, but just remember to be there for her, and be that person. So, don't force her to say anything, instead, be a smart ass back too. BUT don't overdo it, and do not seem like a jackass about it.

Meanwhile, my girl problem? WORK SUCKS.
EDIT: ohw the call dropped...imma miss that sleepyhead.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
^ This seems pretty spot on; she's probably a tom boy, to some varying degree. I was (and still am, in a lot of ways), so some of the things you mentioned come off that way to me, as well.

Chances are, she's not used to allowing people to get too close to her.

How long have you known her? Has she recently gone through any break-ups or complications that might be making her more aloof with you?

Of course, her attitude might have nothing to do with anything else, but simply be part of what makes her who she is. Is she like this with anyone else? If she is, what kind of relationship does she have with other people?

Her snarky remarks could be her way of flirting back, but she might be unaccustomed to the whole flirting thing...it's really hard to tell if she's struggling with mutual feelings, or if she only sees you as a friend.


Well-known Member
Well, speaking of Girl Issues, hmmmm............

I just wish I was really popular with Girls in my School and they would act nice to me :'((well, to be fair lol, most of them were nice to me,

I wish that I was a MOAR self-confident guy so that I could handle my **** around girls, but sadly, this wasnt the case
Also feeling sad....that i couldn't Man Up and go and talk to the girl i had a Crush On(the obstacle was, She didnt know me, we never talked)I just feel so sad... :( All I wanted was getting a Nice Girlfriend

Ah, typing of all this made me sad, and I now I want to cry over my failures :'(

Can I get a shoulder to cry on ?


Devil hunter in training
That's a tough one considering we haven't got her on here too, and this info is filtered through your perception of her actions.

Maybe she does like you but isn't sure about it, hence the sarcasm and jokes.

Or maybe she's not looking to date anyone right now.

Maybe she thinks you're just being friendly and doesn't realise you like her a lot.

It's a tough line to walk for a guy when it comes to this kind of thing. You're not mind readers any more than women are and sometimes signals get read incorrectly as signs of romantic interest, and signs of romantic interest are misunderstood as signs of friendship.

Maybe she just sees you as a friend if she's making jokes and goofing around. So no amount of hanging around with her is going to change that if she only sees you as a friend. Either that or her sarcasm and jokes are her way of rebuffing you...who knows. o_O

I also wouldn't advise telling her that you see her as a tough nut to crack. Persisting won't always change a woman's mind, no matter how much you want to be more than friends.
That kind of persistence can be off-putting and can cost friendships depending on how the man or woman reacts to that kind of thing.
It can seem like one is pursuing the person just for the sake of it, for the sake of winning them like a prize and nothing more.

I've had it happen myself with guys. I had no idea they liked me as more than a friend, and hanging around with me in the hope that I would suddenly change my mind just didn't work.
Then they confessed their feelings, and they tried to blame me for rejecting them because, apparently, being friendly, engaging them in conversation, wearing makeup, and sharing the same interests was 'leading them on'. :facepalm: That was just plain creepy.

So now I make it a rule to tell a guy straight away that I see them as a friend only because I've had bad experiences with them being terrible at taking friendliness and common courtesy as signs of romantic interest and then trying to blame me.

Sometimes, I could tell if a guy liked me, and I wasn't sure how to rebuff them in a way that wouldn't hurt them, considering how some guys have reacted to rejection, I have been wary of even doing it at times. So, I resorted to being distant, sarcastic or disinterested in the hope that they would just give up and want to be just friends. But, it makes some guys just try even harder for the sake of dating me, and that is a whole new kind of off-putting.

These days, it's a lot easier to stop guys flirting with me, because I tell them the truth: I'm happily with someone.:happy:

Having said that, there are times where I'm not too good at reading signals either, considering I thought those guys only wanted to be friends:tongue:
According to those guys, hugging is one of those romantic signs. But I'm so used to hugging my girl friends that I just see hugging as a friendly thing whether it is from a guy or woman. However, that was no excuse for the guys to be so... I think what really got to me in those situations was how angry the guys became and how quickly they changed their personalities and tried to blame me as soon as I said I only wanted to be friends. Needless to say, I didn't see them again. That kind of reaction to rejection was like a huge red warning flag to me.

Well, speaking of Girl Issues, hmmmm............

I just wish I was really popular with Girls in my School and they would act nice to me :'((well, to be fair lol, most of them were nice to me,

I wish that I was a MOAR self-confident guy so that I could handle my **** around girls, but sadly, this wasnt the case
Also feeling sad....that i couldn't Man Up and go and talk to the girl i had a Crush On(the obstacle was, She didnt know me, we never talked)I just feel so sad... :( All I wanted was getting a Nice Girlfriend

Ah, typing of all this made me sad, and I now I want to cry over my failures :'(

Can I get a shoulder to cry on ?
I know this is in the past for you, but for anyone else in a similar situation:
It's okay that you're not instantly confident. That sort of thing comes with time and experience. No one should expect to be super confident straight away. It is scary approaching someone you like, especially if you don't interact much with them on a daily basis.

Maybe practicing at home what you will say to this girl could help to build your confidence. Or maybe join a club she is in if she is in a club. That's a good way to make initial contact and build a friendship based on shared interests.

Maybe even just walk past her and show her a friendly smile could be the start of talking more to her.


Well-known Member
Well, @Loopy
I appreciate it, but, Sadly, I wont be seeing that Gal anymore :'(
The only one who was there to advice me was my Male Friend
But Man, His so-called "advice" was Bullshit cuz all he was telling me to do was just go in front of her and talk to her
Wish I had a Female friend who could help me to look into things from a Girl's Perspective so that I could understand what girls like and dislke so that I could understand what to do and what not to

Oh Well, It's too late for now :'(, I know, Most people will say that I will find a better girl than her, but the question is ? Is there even a Girl who is BETTER than her ? I dont think so :'(

I try to forget about her, but she keeps coming in my mind from time to time


Oldschool DMC fan
Well, @Loopy

Wish I had a Female friend who could help me to look into things from a Girl's Perspective so that I could understand what girls like and dislke so that I could understand what to do and what not to
Dude, there's no one way to understand all women, every one is different and they don't all like the same things. Other women don't always "understand women" either.

I'unno, just live by two tenets: don't be a dick, and don't be desperate. Girls generally don't go wild for either of those.


Well-known Member
Dude, there's no one way to understand all women, every one is different and they don't all like the same things. Other women don't always "understand women" either.

I'unno, just live by two tenets: don't be a ****, and don't be desperate. Girls generally don't go wild for either of those.
I see Mr. Ieyasu

Well, Bout the last 2 things you said, well,i understand, But I wasnt being **** nor i was being desperate lol :p

My Main regret(as you might have observed from the post) is the fact that i couldnt Man Up and go talk to her..All I did was just hide like a coward and hope about some magical incident take place which results in both of us meeting rather than DOING something about it

Oh Well Nevermind

EDIT : Oh Well, Guess I should stop blaming myself for what happened...........Loopy is right, That kind of thingy only comes off by experience and time
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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Dude, there's no one way to understand all women, every one is different and they don't all like the same things. Other women don't always "understand women" either.

He's right; there are a lot of females I don't get at all. Half the time I feel like I missed a damned seminar, or something. XD

Mostly though, Maxman, you need to be yourself. if you pretend to be other than who you are, and a girl winds up interested in you, her interest would be based in a lie.

Furthermore, if this was a girl you never really interacted with, trust me, you'll find someone else. Putting all your hopes and dreams on this one girl might make it so you miss out on a relationship with someone right in front of you. You know the adage, "Lost the moon while counting the stars"? That's pretty much it. :)

Look at all your strong points, your personality and your physical traits, and build yourself up from there. Confidence makes a world of difference-both in how others see you, and in how you see yourself.


Oldschool DMC fan

Well, Bout the last 2 things you said, well,i understand, But I wasnt being **** nor i was being desperate lol :p

Didn't say you were, just 2 things that win friends and influence people (and more). There's no magical rules governing women or their ways. =p

My Main regret(as you might have observed from the post) is the fact that i couldnt Man Up and go talk to her..All I did was just hide like a coward and hope about some magical incident take place which results in both of us meeting rather than DOING something about it

Well hey, I just laid all my cards on the table with someone else too. Crashed and burned, but now I know. So yeah... don't run away but don't pin everything on someone else's affection. Regrets suck.


Well-known Member
He's right; there are a lot of females I don't get at all. Half the time I feel like I missed a damned seminar, or something. XD

Mostly though, Maxman, you need to be yourself. if you pretend to be other than who you are, and a girl winds up interested in you, her interest would be based in a lie.

Furthermore, if this was a girl you never really interacted with, trust me, you'll find someone else. Putting all your hopes and dreams on this one girl might make it so you miss out on a relationship with someone right in front of you. You know the adage, "Lost the moon while counting the stars"? That's pretty much it. :)

Look at all your strong points, your personality and your physical traits, and build yourself up from there. Confidence makes a world of difference-both in how others see you, and in how you see yourself.

I see Ms. Rebel Dynasty

Maybe you are right :p

Let's see what are my Strong Points in Personality Department :

I like to be friendly, and a bit silly and goofy in a *cough* "cute" *cough* sort of way :p
Though I have never been given a chance to, But I can be a Good Listener too :p and be there for support for someone who is going through a difficult time(did it for my sister who was going through a heartbreak)

I like to listen to their Opinions, To See what's going on their mind

Whenever I am talking to a girl I try to make her smile and laugh as much as possible :)

For some Reason I dunno why, I really hate the "tough-guy" attitude most guys my age like to display, Ya Know,
Thinking highly of themselves, being arrogant, engaging in all these so called "manly" things

If you wanna get an Idea of my personality.......Try looking up Spider-Man's Alter-Ego Peter Parker :p
Easy-Going and Friendly :p

Now lets see Physical Department lol :p

Dunno LOL, Well, let's just say that I am Okay looking and Taller than most of the Guys are, :p

Cool, I would say thank you for the words of advise Ms. Rebel Dynasty and Ms. Loopy :p
and You too Mr. Ieyasu(seriously ? How could I ever forget you ? :p)

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
@Maxman See? You've got a lot going for you. ^^ You're open, honest, friendly, and you genuinely like being there for others, whether they are in need of a shoulder or a good laugh. Keep your chin up, you'll find the right person.


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
...Alright confession time....
I haven't had a "real" girlfriend since Senior year of High school. There was a short fling about a year ago but it just wasn't going to work out in the long run.... *whew* Now that that's out of the way I can help you. From the sounds of things, she might like you but hides behind a sarcastic bravado. The last girl I truly dated (she stole my heart actually) was quite tomboyish, and when she was nervous would approach things halfheartedly. Examples of downplaying the situation or hoping she could make some type of "crude" yet self assuring joke out of it. She was kind of hands on and a bit aggressive but was secretly hoping I wouldn't move things too quickly yet expected me to make the first move. She apparently never truly dated a guy before me and nearly lost her **** when I said her face put the goddess to shame. Despite all this she never wanted me to give up on her. I could see it in her eyes that she was saying "Hey I know I'm not good at this but please don't give up on me, I'm doing my best here."

Basically if she still grabs for your attention after confessing to her there's a chance she feels the same way but has a funny way of showing it. Now of course this is just how it happened to me. Oddly enough she too was Asian (though she spoke English pretty well... not perfect but well) and again had never dated an American before.

It was when I felt like it was getting nowhere and slightly giving up when she finally started to come out of her shell more. I'll never forget the day she stopped me in the hallway "...So do you want me to walk you to class?" I just looked at her flustered face and almost started laughing when she looked like she wanted to die. I was like, [WELL DAMN! ISN'T THAT WHAT I LOOK LIKE WHEN I'M TRYING TO FLIRT WITH SOMEONE?] Before I knew it we're holding hands, I was skipping lunch to be with her (that would prove to be a mistake sometimes but meh) and when I finally had the nads to kiss her she.... made a joke about it again. But you know what I knew that this was just how she was. We dated for over two in a half years!

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Well-known Member
As the title says.

Since I'm bored and well nothing Devil May Cry related to really talk about on a Devil May Cry forum nor not much going on in the game industry at the moment outside a bunch of layoffs and people leaving companies.

So lets talk about my girl issues (how far have we fallen).

To make it short and well to not expose this girl's info to a bunch of strangers on the internet. There is this girl I like and all I'll reveal is that she is Asian and Canadian (so its not a language issue we can both speak English fine since we grew up in it, me more than her).

The issue is well she is a tough nut to crack. Its hard to put into words but to make it very simple its like flirting or trying to make the moves on this guy (if he was a girl).

Its not all easy and she mostly just makes jokes out of anything I say. Funny thing about the Cerberus video was we had a discussion about her pet dog....well I tried to do all she did was make jokes and give me half assed cynical answers like I asked what was her dog's name she said "Dog" as well as gender she said "it". Granted that made me laugh. Its not the first time she did this....to me. Actually she doesn't really makes jokes just likes to have witty comebacks and cynical/snarky answers............to everything I say. It really does feels like making the moves on Dante (DMC3/4). I would also say like Bayonetta but since there is no teasing just making me look like an idiot no....I wish though.

Truth is I never had to deal with a girl like this. I was always the troll and cynical person with odd answers not the person on the receiving end. However, I like her sense of humor and it does make me laugh its just hard to well you know....get in there...or get to know her better if I'm constantly getting cock blocked by a joke, one liner, or sarcastic remarks (yes I'm getting cock blocked by sarcasm).

She is like a 8.5 to me but her sense of humor and colorful personality makes her a 9.5. She makes me laugh (at my own expense sometimes) and I love to laugh.

P.S. I told her she was very pretty.

Now you know of my girl issues.....don't know I wanted to share it with you guys...was just feeling bored and its the closest thing to a DMC related topic I can think of.

Got any girl or guy issues any of you want to share?
She kind of sounds like me when someone tries flirting with me in person. Though she might not be doing it to keep you at a distance. Maybe what you need to do is be straight with her. Don't try flirting too much. And the next time she's sarcastic, respond the same way. If it makes her laugh, then you did the right thing.


A self-diagnosed misanthrope
As the title says.

Since I'm bored and well nothing Devil May Cry related to really talk about on a Devil May Cry forum nor not much going on in the game industry at the moment outside a bunch of layoffs and people leaving companies.

So lets talk about my girl issues (how far have we fallen).

To make it short and well to not expose this girl's info to a bunch of strangers on the internet. There is this girl I like and all I'll reveal is that she is Asian and Canadian (so its not a language issue we can both speak English fine since we grew up in it, me more than her).

The issue is well she is a tough nut to crack. Its hard to put into words but to make it very simple its like flirting or trying to make the moves on this guy (if he was a girl).

Its not all easy and she mostly just makes jokes out of anything I say. Funny thing about the Cerberus video was we had a discussion about her pet dog....well I tried to do all she did was make jokes and give me half assed cynical answers like I asked what was her dog's name she said "Dog" as well as gender she said "it". Granted that made me laugh. Its not the first time she did this....to me. Actually she doesn't really makes jokes just likes to have witty comebacks and cynical/snarky answers............to everything I say. It really does feels like making the moves on Dante (DMC3/4). I would also say like Bayonetta but since there is no teasing just making me look like an idiot no....I wish though.

Truth is I never had to deal with a girl like this. I was always the troll and cynical person with odd answers not the person on the receiving end. However, I like her sense of humor and it does make me laugh its just hard to well you know....get in there...or get to know her better if I'm constantly getting cock blocked by a joke, one liner, or sarcastic remarks (yes I'm getting cock blocked by sarcasm).

She is like a 8.5 to me but her sense of humor and colorful personality makes her a 9.5. She makes me laugh (at my own expense sometimes) and I love to laugh.

P.S. I told her she was very pretty.

Now you know of my girl issues.....don't know I wanted to share it with you guys...was just feeling bored and its the closest thing to a DMC related topic I can think of.

Got any girl or guy issues any of you want to share?
Though I am not exactly the best person to talk about girls OR relationships, for that matter, I know a thing or two. Yeah, I never really even attempt to get into a relationship mainly because where I live, the options are limited. Those that I find attractive make me feel socially uncomfortable, and those that have a little bit of brains are drop-dead ugly. My friends often jokingly predict I'll either end up marrying some foreign girl or join an activist group and spend my life throwing eggs at pencilnecks, or maybe both.

So, anyway, onto discussing your girl issue.

In this case, it's really hard to determine what she's trying to communicate at you. It's evidenced that females are more likely to show clearer signs of sympathy towards someone they sympathize with than males, however how they decide to display these signs is entirely up to their personality. Does she act like that with everybody, or only when she's around you? If she acts like that only with you, that's a solid indicator she likes you. Try to observe the way how she reacts in different situations and with different people, but don't try hard, otherwise you'll come up as some overly-analytical creep.

If she does like you, then you're one of the lucky chaps. There are people I know, me included, that would sell their kidneys just to have a chance with a real life female version of Dante.


Well-known Member
OP, if a woman isn't interested then she isn't interested. It doesn't matter how much you like her. If you've been trying for awhile but she isn't letting you get anywhere with her, then it's time to back off. As a woman, nothing is a bigger turn off than a guy who doesn't know when to leave women alone, or thinks that his personal feelings should be returned. That's not how it works. A woman doesn't have to like a guy back. You aren't being "friend zoned" or whatever.

Be her friend. If she opens up to you eventually, great. If not, oh well.
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