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Having Girl Issues: As well as Guy Issues

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
That's a tough one considering we haven't got her on here too, and this info is filtered through your perception of her actions.

Maybe she does like you but isn't sure about it, hence the sarcasm and jokes.

Or maybe she's not looking to date anyone right now.

Maybe she thinks you're just being friendly and doesn't realise you like her a lot.

It's a tough line to walk for a guy when it comes to this kind of thing. You're not mind readers any more than women are and sometimes signals get read incorrectly as signs of romantic interest, and signs of romantic interest are misunderstood as signs of friendship.

Maybe she just sees you as a friend if she's making jokes and goofing around. So no amount of hanging around with her is going to change that if she only sees you as a friend. Either that or her sarcasm and jokes are her way of rebuffing you...who knows. o_O

I also wouldn't advise telling her that you see her as a tough nut to crack. Persisting won't always change a woman's mind, no matter how much you want to be more than friends.
That kind of persistence can be off-putting and can cost friendships depending on how the man or woman reacts to that kind of thing.
It can seem like one is pursuing the person just for the sake of it, for the sake of winning them like a prize and nothing more.

I've had it happen myself with guys. I had no idea they liked me as more than a friend, and hanging around with me in the hope that I would suddenly change my mind just didn't work.
Then they confessed their feelings, and they tried to blame me for rejecting them because, apparently, being friendly, engaging them in conversation, wearing makeup, and sharing the same interests was 'leading them on'. :facepalm: That was just plain creepy.

So now I make it a rule to tell a guy straight away that I see them as a friend only because I've had bad experiences with them being terrible at taking friendliness and common courtesy as signs of romantic interest and then trying to blame me.

Sometimes, I could tell if a guy liked me, and I wasn't sure how to rebuff them in a way that wouldn't hurt them, considering how some guys have reacted to rejection, I have been wary of even doing it at times. So, I resorted to being distant, sarcastic or disinterested in the hope that they would just give up and want to be just friends. But, it makes some guys just try even harder for the sake of dating me, and that is a whole new kind of off-putting.

These days, it's a lot easier to stop guys flirting with me, because I tell them the truth: I'm happily with someone.:happy:

Having said that, there are times where I'm not too good at reading signals either, considering I thought those guys only wanted to be friends:tongue:
According to those guys, hugging is one of those romantic signs. But I'm so used to hugging my girl friends that I just see hugging as a friendly thing whether it is from a guy or woman. However, that was no excuse for the guys to be so... I think what really got to me in those situations was how angry the guys became and how quickly they changed their personalities and tried to blame me as soon as I said I only wanted to be friends. Needless to say, I didn't see them again. That kind of reaction to rejection was like a huge red warning flag to me.

I know this is in the past for you, but for anyone else in a similar situation:
It's okay that you're not instantly confident. That sort of thing comes with time and experience. No one should expect to be super confident straight away. It is scary approaching someone you like, especially if you don't interact much with them on a daily basis.

Maybe practicing at home what you will say to this girl could help to build your confidence. Or maybe join a club she is in if she is in a club. That's a good way to make initial contact and build a friendship based on shared interests.

Maybe even just walk past her and show her a friendly smile could be the start of talking more to her.

I can handle rejection like a pro.

Well when I say "flirting" its not really flirting, its just me wanting to get to know her better. I don't see her often and when I do its either alone on the streets, bus, etc or with this other girl (I know) doing homework. Outside that and one conversation on the phone which was entirely in Chinese so I couldn't make it out outside a couple words (I'm learning Chinese by the way).

Plus when I first met her she was like that with the sarcasm and jokes but they seems to get more frequent and more sarcastic after I told her she was/is pretty (kind of wished I didn't do that).

But you're right I'm not a mind reader so I can't tell if she likes me or not or why the sarcasm/jokes. However, I noticed when its just me and her (although it was only by one brief conversation on the streets) she isn't as sarcastic.

Plus during our first encounter I guess I was badgering her with questions I guess that was why she became sarcastic....although she was sarcastic from the start and she isn't as sarcastic or sarcastic with the other girl.

I'm not sure if the girl knows but I told her friend (since I know her as well) that I like her....not sure if her friend told her that and she was willing to help me.

The only thing I see we have shared interests in is French. She wants to learn it and I know quite a lot of French.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
OP, if a woman isn't interested then she isn't interested. It doesn't matter how much you like her. If you've been trying for awhile but she isn't letting you get anywhere with her, then it's time to back off. As a woman, nothing is a bigger turn off than a guy who doesn't know when to leave women alone, or thinks that his personal feelings should be returned. That's not how it works. A woman doesn't have to like a guy back. You aren't being "friend zoned" or whatever.

Be her friend. If she opens up to you eventually, great. If not, oh well.

Hmmmm....I haven't known her that long and only seen and talked to her like 5-6 times...maybe 4 times. One of which I didn't get to speak at all. So it hasn't been awhile.

So I can't tell if she isn't interested or is interested if almost everything I say gets turned into a joke.

Who says anything about returning feelings I just want to maintain a conversation and get to know her and she gets to know me so she can see for herself what type of dude I am outside that "guy who asks questions". Forget returning feelings, relationships, or even being "friendzoned" (although that would be nice. I need more funny friends) just trying to get a conversation going is the challenge.

Its trying to win a race let alone participate in a race but its hard to start the race when someone keeps f*cking with the traffic sign. (I have a feeling that might offend some people but f*ck it).

This isn't a simple "she isn't interest" issue (I would know I had to deal with that so many times to know what its like) and if that was the case I would've gave up by now. Plus that happened quite recently and I was able to quickly spot it and gave up. This is another deal entirely.

Plus I guess "flirt" was the wrong word since I'm not a flirty person nor do I handle getting flirted on well either.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Whale well whale...what have we here?
Looks like I'm your buddy for now till others awaken.
Now, I'm typing this on my phone, and my girlfriend is literally asleep on the phone (I have it on speaker just in case she awakens)

Now, your girl problem. I only have a few...theories (?)
1. Is she a tomboy? (Doesn't act like a girly girl)
2. What's her name? I'm interested! :) well only first names obviously, like mine is Cody.
3. You never had to deal with something like this before right? Well, looks like you found your spitfire who will make you question, and won't take anything you do. (It's a quote I completely ****** up from Young Justice)
4. As said above, you'll do anything for this person, craving their attention and just for them to open up to you.
5. Which...opening up is something she's not used to, maybe. So, start it slow, but just remember to be there for her, and be that person. So, don't force her to say anything, instead, be a smart ass back too. BUT don't overdo it, and do not seem like a jackass about it.

Meanwhile, my girl problem? WORK SUCKS.
EDIT: ohw the call dropped...imma miss that sleepyhead.
^ This seems pretty spot on; she's probably a tom boy, to some varying degree. I was (and still am, in a lot of ways), so some of the things you mentioned come off that way to me, as well.

Chances are, she's not used to allowing people to get too close to her.

How long have you known her? Has she recently gone through any break-ups or complications that might be making her more aloof with you?

Of course, her attitude might have nothing to do with anything else, but simply be part of what makes her who she is. Is she like this with anyone else? If she is, what kind of relationship does she have with other people?

Her snarky remarks could be her way of flirting back, but she might be unaccustomed to the whole flirting thing...it's really hard to tell if she's struggling with mutual feelings, or if she only sees you as a friend.

I wouldn't say she is a tomboy, she probably isn't girly, but a tomboy nope not really. Like in between. Like a guy who wasn't overly manly or machismo (I don't mean ripped meatheads but the type of guys who feel they have to prove themselves or they aren't a man) but isn't feminine or boylike. I guess me.

I have known her since the middle of February but only like ran into or talked to her a couple times and yesterday was my last time seeing her.

I asked one of my friends on this issue and he says she could be a troll. Nice conclusion but she doesn't 100% fit the description of a troll.


Well-known Member
Oooooooh! I see now. :smile:

Well, in that case, just keep showing her you want to be friends. Maybe she's getting over a bad break-up or something, and is wary of new guys in general. Either way, I think the best thing to do is just to keep showing you want to be friends and hope for the best. :thumbsup:


Like, do you know her in person, orrrr?
If not, it could be a troll.
> save a picture of her
> reverse image search
If nothing turns up, it's not a troll person.
BUT if something does, along a with a name, but it's not the name she gave you.
Probably a troll, unless you've done 2-3 things before hand
1. Webcam
2. Phone call
3. Know her in real life.
(4). You trust her.

Now I'm not saying it's a troll or not, it's just the same thing happened to my friends and I once or twice.

Like, my friend had a boyfriend who claimed to be in the navy seals, posted pictures, but reverse search shows he damn liar...impersonating a poor guy in the military
Or this guy who USED to be my friend, claimed to be a girl and got a boyfriend

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Oooooooh! I see now. :smile:

Well, in that case, just keep showing her you want to be friends. Maybe she's getting over a bad break-up or something, and is wary of new guys in general. Either way, I think the best thing to do is just to keep showing you want to be friends and hope for the best. :thumbsup:

Hmmm...guess that is the case. I need to develop my sense of humor. Best way to understand someone is to be like them.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Like, do you know her in person, orrrr?
If not, it could be a troll.
> save a picture of her
> reverse image search
If nothing turns up, it's not a troll person.
BUT if something does, along a with a name, but it's not the name she gave you.
Probably a troll, unless you've done 2-3 things before hand
1. Webcam
2. Phone call
3. Know her in real life.
(4). You trust her.

Now I'm not saying it's a troll or not, it's just the same thing happened to my friends and I once or twice.

Like, my friend had a boyfriend who claimed to be in the navy seals, posted pictures, but reverse search shows he damn liar...impersonating a poor guy in the military
Or this guy who USED to be my friend, claimed to be a girl and got a boyfriend

I know this person in real life. I physically seen and met her on multiple occasions and I know her friend as well. She goes to my school and everything.


Stylish Nero post: 545542 said:
I know this person in real life. I physically seen and met her on multiple occasions and I know her friend as well. She goes to my school and everything.
Well then, buddy. Sorry for asking, just got to make sure.
Make sure to be a spitfire back then. Afterwards, just ask her out to see Godzilla ne- wait that's my plans.


Well-known Member
@Maxman See? You've got a lot going for you. ^^ You're open, honest, friendly, and you genuinely like being there for others, whether they are in need of a shoulder or a good laugh. Keep your chin up, you'll find the right person.

Well, I disagree upon the "honesty" part


But Seriously, I wish that girls would give me a chance though, they only seem to follow the "judging the book by it's cover" principal, if they do so, they will find that theres more than meets the eye

Other Girl Issues, hmmm....................
Seriously ? WTF is wrong with my society living here ? Why do they tend to hold back girls from dating.....from BEING Normal Girls ?
It has really come up to this point where Girls don't even like Boys anywmore -_-

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Tell her you like her and if she likes you back? (Simple I know. But straightforward is my method so why not give it a try?)
If she doesn't dig ya, pack up and move on to the next fish. Never look back.


Fake Geek Girl.
Girl issues? Well, this one girl I've been talking to for quite some time suddenly popped up with a boyfriend so now I guess me and her ain't happening.

However, I am talking to another girl right now and she really likes me. Like, really really likes me and I don't know if I feel the same way. I mean don't get me wrong she is super sweet, caring, cute and likes me regardless of all my baggage yet, I just find it hard to establish connections with people. She's coming stay with me for her spring break though so maybe I'll figure sh!t out.

Still bleh though. Guess all the physical and mental abuse growing up dealt me I'm just really not up to those points just yet. I mean, I've had quite a bit of girlfriends and all but, I've never actually fallen in love. Except with maybe one girl I think but me and her will never happen and maybe I'm still hung up on that. I don't know. Am I just an emotional roller coaster? F#ck you brain.

Maybe if I was like some full blown sociopath I wouldn't care.

Chancey's relationship advice of the day: Unlucky in love and want to stop fearing rejection? Become a sociopath.

I hardly know what I'm even talking about anymore. I've been up for quite some time and I'm a little delirious it seems.

And old high school fling has also just got back in touch with me. I'm guessing she wants to try to get back together with me but, I'm not really interested. Sure I'd like to hang out and catch up but I'm not in to hooking up with her.

I don't know what to do man.


Supporter 2014
How I solve my romantic issues:

Last edited:


Well-known Member
Girl issues? Well, this one girl I've been talking to for quite some time suddenly popped up with a boyfriend so now I guess me and her ain't happening.

However, I am talking to another girl right now and she really likes me. Like, really really likes me and I don't know if I feel the same way. I mean don't get me wrong she is super sweet, caring, cute and likes me regardless of all my baggage yet, I just find it hard to establish connections with people. She's coming stay with me for her spring break though so maybe I'll figure sh!t out.

Still bleh though. Guess all the physical and mental abuse growing up dealt me I'm just really not up to those points just yet. I mean, I've had quite a bit of girlfriends and all but, I've never actually fallen in love. Except with maybe one girl I think but me and her will never happen and maybe I'm still hung up on that. I don't know. Am I just an emotional roller coaster? F#ck you brain.

Maybe if I was like some full blown sociopath I wouldn't care.

Chancey's relationship advice of the day: Unlucky in love and want to stop fearing rejection? Become a sociopath.

I hardly know what I'm even talking about anymore. I've been up for quite some time and I'm a little delirious it seems.

And old high school fling has also just got back in touch with me. I'm guessing she wants to try to get back together with me but, I'm not really interested. Sure I'd like to hang out and catch up but I'm not in to hooking up with her.

I don't know what to do man.

I know what you have to do, just grab her along and play Max Payne 3 :whistle:

Trolling aside, That girl you mentioned, who's cute,caring and likes you, the one thats coming to stay with you for the winter break.....

Looks like she has a Crush on you C:



Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Girl issues? Well, this one girl I've been talking to for quite some time suddenly popped up with a boyfriend so now I guess me and her ain't happening.

However, I am talking to another girl right now and she really likes me. Like, really really likes me and I don't know if I feel the same way. I mean don't get me wrong she is super sweet, caring, cute and likes me regardless of all my baggage yet, I just find it hard to establish connections with people. She's coming stay with me for her spring break though so maybe I'll figure sh!t out.

Still bleh though. Guess all the physical and mental abuse growing up dealt me I'm just really not up to those points just yet. I mean, I've had quite a bit of girlfriends and all but, I've never actually fallen in love. Except with maybe one girl I think but me and her will never happen and maybe I'm still hung up on that. I don't know. Am I just an emotional roller coaster? F#ck you brain.

Maybe if I was like some full blown sociopath I wouldn't care.

Chancey's relationship advice of the day: Unlucky in love and want to stop fearing rejection? Become a sociopath.

I hardly know what I'm even talking about anymore. I've been up for quite some time and I'm a little delirious it seems.

And old high school fling has also just got back in touch with me. I'm guessing she wants to try to get back together with me but, I'm not really interested. Sure I'd like to hang out and catch up but I'm not in to hooking up with her.

I don't know what to do man.

Looks like someone needs to jack it and relieve some stress.

As for your last issue just say NO and you're not interested but would like to still be friends......nah forget it you guys can never go back to being friends. Whats done is done. Move on and so should her....especially her.

Unless she is okay with just being friends but even then it'll be awkward and could lead to some rough situations.

I know one couple who dated for Godknows how long broke up then got back together again especially when the girl was dating another dude (dumped the other dude of course) and then dated some more. Was having issues and then she cheated on him and they broke up and a couple months later they're just friends and still hang out and everything.

So well who knows everybody is different so no one piece of advice or other's personal experience will work on everyone.


Fake Geek Girl.
That could mean you're an a$$hole.

Not saying you're an a$$hole but Scott Pilgrim is kind of an a$$hole.
He is an a$$hole but, I wasn't talking about in that regard. Back in high school I maybe fooled around a lot and it ended up with clashes one way or another but not anymore. I've dealt with stalkers though and also girls fighting about me though so in that regard maybe a little. The fight was more of a cat fight than a bada$4 video game fight though. A shame.


Well-known Member
I don't know what to do man.

The best thing to do is to let things happen as life will allow them. You may not like the girl (who likes you) now but just give her time and maybe she'll grow on you. Don't think about how you feel, just do you and let life decide what's best.

I can handle rejection like a pro.

Well when I say "flirting" its not really flirting, its just me wanting to get to know her better. I don't see her often and when I do its either alone on the streets, bus, etc or with this other girl (I know) doing homework. Outside that and one conversation on the phone which was entirely in Chinese so I couldn't make it out outside a couple words (I'm learning Chinese by the way).

Plus when I first met her she was like that with the sarcasm and jokes but they seems to get more frequent and more sarcastic after I told her she was/is pretty (kind of wished I didn't do that).

But you're right I'm not a mind reader so I can't tell if she likes me or not or why the sarcasm/jokes. However, I noticed when its just me and her (although it was only by one brief conversation on the streets) she isn't as sarcastic.

Plus during our first encounter I guess I was badgering her with questions I guess that was why she became sarcastic....although she was sarcastic from the start and she isn't as sarcastic or sarcastic with the other girl.

I'm not sure if the girl knows but I told her friend (since I know her as well) that I like her....not sure if her friend told her that and she was willing to help me.

The only thing I see we have shared interests in is French. She wants to learn it and I know quite a lot of French.

When you're trying to get to know a person, you don't ask questions about them. You just talk to them like you've met them before. People open themselves the more familiar they are with a person, so making them feel like they know you or want to know you is something you should strive for.
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