I heard *a* voice in my room when I was six. I don't go for ghosts, or supernatural or religious stuff particularly, and whenever I think about it, it sounds totally ridiculous to me. Yet, I heard that voice and everything it said, and it scared the everloving crap out of me. Either a real stranger with a disgusting disfigured voice was hiding under my bed talking to me after midnight, or it was something inexplicable.
Never heard anything since. I don't imagine 'angels' would have voices like this one did.
It's weird, you know? I take all that supernatural jazz lightly. But this thing actually happened to me and I wasn't some delusional kid with an over-active imagination that would 'hear things' all the time. I guess I just accept that the experience was real, but it can't be lumped with the rest of life or everyday experience... and the voice never made good on its threat. But I've never been as petrified in my life as I was at that moment.