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Good Movies That Are Bad (According to Critics)


i like turtles
Supporter 2014

no really. this movie ain't half bad. i just rewatched it. i'd actually say it's the best of the tim/joel era of batman movies.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014

no really. this movie ain't half bad. i just rewatched it. i'd actually say it's the best of the tim/joel era of batman movies.
I loved that movie. I won't call it best out of that era, but I enjoyed it for what it was.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
Man of Steel
i really like this movie. so far it is the most misunderstood and optimistic superhero movie i've seen in years.

Superman Returns
great film. still holds up. but very misunderstood. and that's a shame because it's very well put together

Ang Lee's "HULK"
this movie is atleast 10 years ahead of it's time. coming off the heels of mindless comic book action and childish stupidity. this movie makes a cautious effort to be a great character study of a man such as bruce banner


Fake Geek Girl.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Critics really hated this one. Saw again recently and I thought it was just as great as I remember.
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is one of the greatest comic book movies ever and Edgar Wright knew what he was doing. I loved the books, and the movie was fantastic.


Fake Geek Girl.
Man of Steel
i really like this movie. so far it is the most misunderstood and optimistic superhero movie i've seen in years.
Can not agree with Man of Steel. It's not misunderstood. It's a movie that clearly shows it doesn't understand Superman whatsoever and he's more of just a super powered psycho. Plus, the film itself has a very poor screenplay.

And I do not understand what you mean by optimistic, did you see Man of Steel? I swear Henry Cavill walks on set and has to ask if he's allowed to smile in scenes. It's so depressing, moody, and gray. It tries to make Superman, Batman.

What the hell is so optimistic when Metropolis looks post-apocalyptic after Superman's fight with Zod? The damage that Superman HIMSELF is responsible for!

I never thought I'd see the day where Godzilla caused less destruction and saved more lives than Superman.
Last edited:


I Saw the Devil
Can not agree with Man of Steel. It's not misunderstood. It's a movie that clearly shows it doesn't understand Superman whatsoever and he's more of just a super powered psycho. Plus, the film itself has a very poor screenplay.

And I do not understand what you mean by optimistic, did you see Man of Steel? I swear Henry Cavill walks on set and has to ask if he's allowed to smile in scenes. It's so depressing, moody, and gray. It tries to make Superman, Batman.

What the hell is so optimistic when Metropolis looks post-apocalyptic after Superman's fight with Zod? The damage that Superman HIMSELF is responsible for!

I never thought I'd see the day where Godzilla caused less destruction and saved more lives than Superman.
I don't agree with any of this, at all. How is he a psycho? Is it because he killed Zod? Would everyone feel better if he let Zod kill those people? Is it because he didn't know those people, is that why everyone thinks he shouldn't have? 'He killed him to save some people he didn't even know?' Would've it been better if he did know them? Why does everyone blame him for the destruction that planet humping machine made of Metropolis? He didn't punch every building flat, he didn't turn the machine on, and he certainly didn't just sit by and let it happen, he went to try and stop it, which wasn't an easy feat for him.

I'm sorry, but I don't acknowledge any of those complains as legitimate. There are some that I find valid, but those aren't them.

I loved Man of Steel. It's definitely a better take on what something like Superman in a more realistic light that those of the previous movies. I liked the original fine but it's always been unrealistic to believe Superman can save absolutely everyone because he has superpowers. A Superman that can stop a robbery in Metropolis and then go save a small village from a volcano 5 seconds later is BS and unrealistically cartoonish. The notion that Superman can save everyone is childish and impossible. There is one of him and he can't be in two places at once, much less an entire city. It was stupid in the Christopher Reeves movies, it would've been stupid now.

Also, did no one understand? Did everyone miss the point? The fact that he killed Zod has become the catalyst for his moral standing. It is the reason he will never kill again. Plus the entire movie he was told that he was meant to unite two peoples, that he would be the bridge between Krypton and Earth, that he could save his people. That was something he wished for, something that meant a great deal to him, to not be alone anymore, so when he destroyed the last of Krypton, the ship with the embryos and Zod, it wasn't a moment of 'Oh, well, C'est la vie, moving on,' it was a sacrifice, the greatest sacrifice he could make and he made it for the people of this planet.

So, sorry, I find those complains invalid and unreasonable. If you didn't like it I won't make you watch it again until you do, or something to that effect, your opinion is yours.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
I have to say this because of the message translated.

Only God Forgives. Because the movie is so ambitious and seeks to tell a story without using much dialog, it scored low. It's quite possibly the darkest movie you'll find Gosling in. But, trust me, if you open up to it's world. You'll feel attached to the characters and understand exactly what they're thinking.


Fake Geek Girl.
I don't agree with any of this, at all. How is he a psycho? Is it because he killed Zod? Would everyone feel better if he let Zod kill those people? Is it because he didn't know those people, is that why everyone thinks he shouldn't have? 'He killed him to save some people he didn't even know?' Would've it been better if he did know them? Why does everyone blame him for the destruction that planet humping machine made of Metropolis? He didn't punch every building flat, he didn't turn the machine on, and he certainly didn't just sit by and let it happen, he went to try and stop it, which wasn't an easy feat for him.

I'm sorry, but I don't acknowledge any of those complains as legitimate. There are some that I find valid, but those aren't them.

I loved Man of Steel. It's definitely a better take on what something like Superman in a more realistic light that those of the previous movies. I liked the original fine but it's always been unrealistic to believe Superman can save absolutely everyone because he has superpowers. A Superman that can stop a robbery in Metropolis and then go save a small village from a volcano 5 seconds later is BS and unrealistically cartoonish. The notion that Superman can save everyone is childish and impossible. There is one of him and he can't be in two places at once, much less an entire city. It was stupid in the Christopher Reeves movies, it would've been stupid now.

Also, did no one understand? Did everyone miss the point? The fact that he killed Zod has become the catalyst for his moral standing. It is the reason he will never kill again. Plus the entire movie he was told that he was meant to unite two peoples, that he would be the bridge between Krypton and Earth, that he could save his people. That was something he wished for, something that meant a great deal to him, to not be alone anymore, so when he destroyed the last of Krypton, the ship with the embryos and Zod, it wasn't a moment of 'Oh, well, C'est la vie, moving on,' it was a sacrifice, the greatest sacrifice he could make and he made it for the people of this planet.

So, sorry, I find those complains invalid and unreasonable. If you didn't like it I won't make you watch it again until you do, or something to that effect, your opinion is yours.
How is what I said invalid or unreasonable. If you knew anything about Superman you'd see why it fails to present him properly. It's an insult to everything he stands for and the movie is about as dumb as they come. It's not remotely realistic either. A Nolan filter on the whole film doesn't mean it is.

My problem is not with him killing Zod. Superman should be forced to face the line where his ultimate ideal will come in to question. But the scene is poorly executed and just dumb. He thinks of no other alternative because evidently the only people worth saving is the ones who are villain bait, the family just stands there, and a little b!tch scream followed by literally no reflection whatsoever afterwards I can't buy ESPECIALLY when 5 minutes before he was destroying Metropolis along with Zod assisting in injuring or killing who knows how many people.

The Superman I know would go out of his way to stop a building from falling over, not be the goddamn cause of it. It takes the HERO out of SUPERHERO.

All the movie cared about was making a mindless action flick with as much destruction as the budget would allow. Toss aside proper character development, turn Superman in to a depressed and confused god who is allowed no levity whatsoever, and just insult the blue boy scout and everything he stands for.

You want Superman and how he should be? Watch Superman Vs. The Elite or the Justice League cartoons. Read up on All Star Superman or something.

Man is Steel is pretty much the best DBZ adaption I've seen, but is one of the worst Superman movies ever created.

Don't you dare try to tell me I don't know my Superman and misunderstand what they did to him. Zack Snyder and the rest of them don't get Superman. He is the blue boy scout. The ultimate good that stands for truth and justice. If that's not cool to you, then too bad. You don't like Superman.

Funny, Captain America:The Winter Soldier was a better Superman movie than Man of Steel.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
How is what I said invalid or unreasonable. If you knew anything about Superman you'd see why it fails to present him properly. It's an insult to everything he stands for and the movie is about as dumb as they come. It's not remotely realistic either. A Nolan filter on the whole film doesn't mean it is.

My problem is not with him killing Zod. Superman should be forced to face the line where his ultimate ideal will come in to question. But the scene is poorly executed and just dumb. He thinks of no other alternative because evidently the only people worth saving is the ones who are villain bait, the family just stands there, and a little b!tch scream followed by literally no reflection whatsoever afterwards I can't buy ESPECIALLY when 5 minutes before he was destroying Metropolis along with Zod assisting in injuring or killing who knows how many people.

The Superman I know would go out of his way to stop a building from falling over, not be the goddamn cause of it. It takes the HERO out of SUPERHERO.

All the movie cared about was making a mindless action flick with as much destruction as the budget would allow. Toss aside proper character development, turn Superman in to a depressed and confused god who is allowed no levity whatsoever, and just insult the blue boy scout and everything he stands for.

You want Superman and how he should be? Watch Superman Vs. The Elite or the Justice League cartoons. Read up on All Star Superman or something.

Man is Steel is pretty much the best DBZ adaption I've seen, but is one of the worst Superman movies ever created.

Don't you dare try to tell me I don't know my Superman and misunderstand what they did to him. Zack Snyder and the rest of them don't get Superman. He is the blue boy scout. The ultimate good that stands for truth and justice. If that's not cool to you, then too bad. You don't like Superman.

Funny, Captain America:The Winter Soldier was a better Superman movie than Man of Steel.

All of my friends agreed that Superman wasn't doing anything that makes him Superman. I guess this is their attempt at reinventing Superman to make him more "badass". I liked the combat and what was done for action in the movie. I just don't know why Superman's name is tied to it if it isn't him.

You see, after he kills the Joker in Injustice, Superman becomes exactly what you're seeing in Man of Steel. He just doesn't give a **** anymore. I'm assuming BATMAN will be the one to change him...I guess this is hollywood's way of bonding the two characters. Problem is, if you change Superman, you have to change Batman.

Batman has to be accepting to superheroes killing villains. That's NOT Batman!

There's how the foundation collapses. Because Superman murdered. It's hard the first time, but the next time, it'll be easier.

Think about the fanbase and the questions that will be asked. Will Superman just use murder as a way to end conflicts from here on? Why doesn't he just murder the dude like he did in Man of Steel?

That "S" on his chest stands for I Hope You Have Life Insurance.


Fake Geek Girl.
All of my friends agreed that Superman wasn't doing anything that makes him Superman. I guess this is their attempt at reinventing Superman to make him more "badass". I liked the combat and what was done for action in the movie. I just don't know why Superman's name is tied to it if it isn't him.

You see, after he kills the Joker in Injustice, Superman becomes exactly what you're seeing in Man of Steel. He just doesn't give a **** anymore. I'm assuming BATMAN will be the one to change him...I guess this is hollywood's way of bonding the two characters. Problem is, if you change Superman, you have to change Batman.

Batman has to be accepting to superheroes killing villains. That's NOT Batman!

There's how the foundation collapses. Because Superman murdered. It's hard the first time, but the next time, it'll be easier.

Think about the fanbase and the questions that will be asked. Will Superman just use murder as a way to end conflicts from here on? Why doesn't he just murder the dude like he did in Man of Steel?

That "S" on his chest stands for I Hope You Have Life Insurance.
"The S stands for hope."

Hope doesn't start with a "S", but I know what does, stupid.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Sucker Punch: I hated that this movie was so low in scores. It deserved more then it got. It had its own style of story, the fight scenes were amazing, and the cgi was very top notch. Just the aspect five beautiful woman kicking ass with swords, guns, giant robots, and airplanes against zombie nazis, giant samurai robots, androids, gargoyles, knights, and a GIANT F*CKING DRAGON in an old snowy dojo, a fiery castle, and all these other amazing areas is enough to definitely make for an epic movie. The only thing I would see wrong is that it all happens in Babydoll's head as an over-exaggeration to what's really happening.

POTC: On Stranger Tides: This movie got really low scores on Rotton Tomatoes. It was actually a pretty good flick in my opinion. Elizabeth and William's love affair was honestly too boring for me. I really couldn't care for what they were doing and how they were to get their love story back together. To me it wasn't important at all. All I really cared about was what would be the result of Jack Sparrow and his own comic-relief mixed with badassery. He was the ideal break out character for a pirate movie. So when I heard that there would be a movie where Jack would take center stage as the protagonist, I flipped my **** in excitement. The movie itself was a great side story to the main plot and I did enjoy Angelica's part to play as it was a proper rival for Jack. The only thing I didn't like was how small the movie felt compared to Dead Man's Chest and At World's End. Plus Blackbeard wasn't as threatening or as pirate like as I wanted him to be.

Constantine: Now for those who don't know, know that I am a huge fan of Hellblazer and John Constantine. So when I heard that they were going to change a blond, trenchcoat wearing British loser with a heart of gold and a brain of occultism and conning skills into a brunette, black jacket wearing American douche with a gold crucifix shotgun and a brain of revenge and less conning skills, I wasn't too stoked. However I went to go see the movie and it honestly wasn't that bad. The plot was pretty good, the characters were interesting, and I really had a good time viewing it. Rotton Tomatoes gave it such a low review though so that ****ed me off.


I Saw the Devil
How is what I said invalid or unreasonable.
Because you are placing blame on Superman for things he didn't do and are distorting the facts of what happened and why. Show me where It was Superman that flattened the city and not the terraforming beam. You are saying that it was infact Superman who destroyed the city and not the Kryptonian machine or the other Kryptonians, I'd like to know where in the film when the Earth is getting literally humped by two machines it's not them but Superman doing it.

If you knew anything about Superman you'd see why it fails to present him properly.
Ok, without Googling, what do I know about Superman? Name, Kal-El, son of Jor-El, Kryptonian, adopted parents Jonathan and Martha Kent, works at the Daily Bugle as a reporter by the name Clark Kent. Gets his powers from our yellow sun. Love interests have included, but not limited to, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Wonder Woman, all whose names and last names seem to start with the same letter. First issue featured a cover of him lifting a car and it's current market value was like $10 mil. During the war soldier protested at the notion that a comic book character fight against the Nazis since he is not real and it diminished their actions some toon solving the very much real war. The very first Superman cartoon cost a $1 million an episode, this is the quantity the studio gave as a deterrent to produce the show since they didn't want to do it but when the they said yes the studio had no choice since the amount was too large to say no to. Superman's best friend is often either Batman or his 'buddy,' Jimmy Olsen, who has a watch that emits a high frequency sound that allows him to call at him if there is ever any trouble. First time he died was against a creature called Doomsday. Theres a lot more but I can't remember off the top of my head.

It's an insult to everything he stands for and the movie is about as dumb as they come.
Truth, Justice, and the American way? That's what you wanted out of this movie? If you think it was dumb, that's fine, but that reasoning is really meh. I would have not gone to see another Superman Returns. If you would then by all means, enjoy.

It's not remotely realistic either. A Nolan filter on the whole film doesn't mean it is.
An alien that looks human and can fly and has superpower that he gets from sun is not a realistic notion to begin with. No delusions there but I certainly wasn't going to pretend that this was more realistic than that:

My problem is not with him killing Zod.
And yet you are about to list why you have a problem with it.

Superman should be forced to face the line where his ultimate ideal will come in to question. But the scene is poorly executed and just dumb. He thinks of no other alternative because evidently the only people worth saving is the ones who are villain bait, the family just stands there, and a little b!tch scream followed by literally no reflection whatsoever afterwards I can't buy
That's fair.

ESPECIALLY when 5 minutes before he was destroying Metropolis along with Zod assisting in injuring or killing who knows how many people.
Yeah, I remember that scene where Superman is punching people on the streets and killing them and turns to Zod and he's all 'Isn't this fun?' and Zod's like 'Yeah, glad I could help you hurt people.'

What exactly do you think would happen when two super beings got into a fight? Did you really think the city would be left without a scratch?

The Superman I know would go out of his way to stop a building from falling over, not be the goddamn cause of it. It takes the HERO out of SUPERHERO.
And where exactly did you think Zod would be while Superman is holding the building? Just letting him do it? You don't think he'd take advantage of the opportunity to strike him dead? Do you really think that's an option in a life and death situation? That is some extreme idealization of the events. In fact, that kind of describes all of what you are saying. Your views on Superman are extremely idealized.

All the movie cared about was making a mindless action flick with as much destruction as the budget would allow. Toss aside proper character development, turn Superman into a depressed and confused god who is allowed no levity whatsoever,
If that's how you feel those are fair complains.

and just insult the blue boy scout and everything he stands for.
Again, extreme idealization.

You want Superman and how he should be? Watch Superman Vs. The Elite or the Justice League cartoons. Read up on All Star Superman or something.
Did that years ago.

Man is Steel is pretty much the best DBZ adaption I've seen, but is one of the worst Superman movies ever created.
No it's not. Superman 3 and 4 are by far the worst.

Don't you dare try to tell me I don't know my Superman and misunderstand what they did to him.

Zack Snyder and the rest of them don't get Superman. He is the blue boy scout. The ultimate good that stands for truth and justice.
So stick with the Bryan Singer way of making Superman movies. I'll stick with this one.

If that's not cool to you, then too bad. You don't like Superman.
Yes I do.

Funny, Captain America:The Winter Soldier was a better Superman movie than Man of Steel.
No it's not.


Fake Geek Girl.
Because you are placing blame on Superman for things he didn't do and are distorting the facts of what happened and why. Show me where It was Superman that flattened the city and not the terraforming beam. You are saying that it was infact Superman who destroyed the city and not the Kryptonian machine or the other Kryptonians, I'd like to know where in the film when the Earth is getting literally humped by two machines it's not them but Superman doing it.

Ok, without Googling, what do I know about Superman? Name, Kal-El, son of Jor-El, Kryptonian, adopted parents Jonathan and Martha Kent, works at the Daily Bugle as a reporter by the name Clark Kent. Gets his powers from our yellow sun. Love interests have included, but not limited to, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Wonder Woman, all whose names and last names seem to start with the same letter. First issue featured a cover of him lifting a car and it's current market value was like $10 mil. During the war soldier protested at the notion that a comic book character fight against the Nazis since he is not real and it diminished their actions some toon solving the very much real war. The very first Superman cartoon cost a $1 million an episode, this is the quantity the studio gave as a deterrent to produce the show since they didn't want to do it but when the they said yes the studio had no choice since the amount was too large to say no to. Superman's best friend is often either Batman or his 'buddy,' Jimmy Olsen, who has a watch that emits a high frequency sound that allows him to call at him if there is ever any trouble. First time he died was against a creature called Doomsday. Theres a lot more but I can't remember off the top of my head.

Truth, Justice, and the American way? That's what you wanted out of this movie? If you think it was dumb, that's fine, but that reasoning is really meh. I would have not gone to see another Superman Returns. If you would then by all means, enjoy.

An alien that looks human and can fly and has superpower that he gets from sun is not a realistic notion to begin with. No delusions there but I certainly wasn't going to pretend that this was more realistic than that:

And yet you are about to list why you have a problem with it.

That's fair.

Yeah, I remember that scene where Superman is punching people on the streets and killing them and turns to Zod and he's all 'Isn't this fun?' and Zod's like 'Yeah, glad I could help you hurt people.'

What exactly do you think would happen when two super beings got into a fight? Did you really think the city would be left without a scratch?

And where exactly did you think Zod would be while Superman is holding the building? Just letting him do it? You don't think he'd take advantage of the opportunity to strike him dead? Do you really think that's an option in a life and death situation? That is some extreme idealization of the events. In fact, that kind of describes all of what you are saying. Your views on Superman are extremely idealized.

If that's how you feel those are fair complains.

Again, extreme idealization.

Did that years ago.

No it's not. Superman 3 and 4 are by far the worst.


So stick with the Bryan Singer way of making Superman movies. I'll stick with this one.

Yes I do.

No it's not.

He fights Zod with complete disregard for public safety. If Lex would rally against Superman in the next film, he'll have a point. He's not a superhero.

You talk Superman trivia, but you still don't understand Superman. You don't understand what makes him special.

He's not a superhero that needed to undergo some tragedy to be who he is. He was raised by awesome parents that helped influence how he is and he chooses to be a superhero because of it. Standing up for everything that's right. He isn't a nut like Batman suffering from post traumatic stress, suiting up like a bat, punching out other crazy people. He's a normal guy who has super powers. The best superpowers which ultimately deems him responsible for them and how he handles them.

Superman can kill pretty much all his villains in a heartbeat if he wants to, but he doesn't because he strives for an alternative. He tries to save villains from themselves even. However, when there are no other options, he will make all the necessary decisions for the greater good.

Superman may not have been the one hitting the button trying to use the dubstep machine to alter the Earth, but there is a lot of stuff he could have done to prevent Zod's massive destruction he was causing.

And even so, he decides the best option to save the people, after Zod f#cked a lot of things up with his ship, was to get in to a punching match causing even more destruction. He knocked Zod through buildings and all with complete disregard to anyone else who may have been around.

Superman would have never done that.

Superman feels responsible for the people he protects like an adult watching over children in a playground. Superman in Man of Steel doesn't become a beacon of hope. He becomes very rightfully so something to fear.

He stands tall and victorious over a leveled city...................and you want me to believe he's a hero?

I'm gonna turn to the Transformers cartoon, which surprisingly can be brilliant here, to prove that exact point. This is the episode called The Golden Lagoon where Beachbomber finds a lovely paradise full of bustling wildlife. However, Megatron and his buddies want the power the Golden Lagoon can give thus calling in Optimus Prime and the Autobots to stop him. The good guys are showing up to stop the bad guys.

And look how this episode ends. Fast forward to about 21:25.

They won alright.

Hollywood needs to put the hero, back in superhero.
Man of Steel really is that Superman movie for the people who never thought Superman was cool. On top of all that it's directed by a guy who's not a very good director and written by one of the worst screenwriters in the goddamn biz.

And I do think Winter Soldier came off as a better Superman flick. An American icon trying to figure out his place in the world, but overcoming adversity and being the hero and hope the people truly need. Hell, Cap. even said stuff that sounded like stuff Superman would say. It's the blue boy scout character done right. Still more serious in tone than other Marvel flicks with a smart screenplay, and most importantly still fun.

I didn't want to walk in to a Superman movie that was nothing but depressing, moody, with no levity. I mean, Godzilla forbid anyone have fun in a f#cking Superman movie. Plus, I said nothing about Singer or Superma Returns, why was that even brought up?

I give a f#ck about Superman and what he stands for.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
Can not agree with Man of Steel. It's not misunderstood. It's a movie that clearly shows it doesn't understand Superman whatsoever and he's more of just a super powered psycho. Plus, the film itself has a very poor screenplay.

And I do not understand what you mean by optimistic, did you see Man of Steel? I swear Henry Cavill walks on set and has to ask if he's allowed to smile in scenes. It's so depressing, moody, and gray. It tries to make Superman, Batman.

What the hell is so optimistic when Metropolis looks post-apocalyptic after Superman's fight with Zod? The damage that Superman HIMSELF is responsible for!

I never thought I'd see the day where Godzilla caused less destruction and saved more lives than Superman.
i say it's optimistic because it's one of the few sci-fi alien invasion movies that tries to make humanity seem redeemable. the message of the film is that all people are born good naturally (compared to almost every superhero movie i've seen in the past few years with the exception of captain america). the lighting is a result of superman's inner self and how he not only views humanity but how he views himself. so far he's been surrounded by nothign but fear and hatred and how he's been bullied and picked on for his whole life and how he's now thrust into a situation where he has to save these people.
i'd say this movie gets superman quite well. all of 75 years of superman is crammed into 2 hours and 45 minutes. the only real deviation from the past comics and cartoons is the fact that lois is smart enough to figure out who superman is. other than that, the krypton stuff is ripped straight from the pages of john bryne's superman. jor-el is grant morrison's jor-el. general zod and


I Saw the Devil
I Don't know, I didn't read it.
I'm not going to read your response because it will only add fuel to a fire that needn't go on.

Like I said, your view of Superman is ridiculously idealized. You see him as the epitome of all that is good and pure. Compared to him Jesus is a d-bag. To you his farts smell like popuri, his tears cure cancer, and he never poops because that would make him less than perfect and that is unacceptable. I don't even think you like the idea that he could bleed.

Not I. I prefer him flawed and human. Benevolent but not perfect, which is what he is in MoS. i enjoy it, you don't. Let it end there.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
All of my friends agreed that Superman wasn't doing anything that makes him Superman. I guess this is their attempt at reinventing Superman to make him more "badass". I liked the combat and what was done for action in the movie. I just don't know why Superman's name is tied to it if it isn't him.

You see, after he kills the Joker in Injustice, Superman becomes exactly what you're seeing in Man of Steel. He just doesn't give a **** anymore. I'm assuming BATMAN will be the one to change him...I guess this is hollywood's way of bonding the two characters. Problem is, if you change Superman, you have to change Batman.

Batman has to be accepting to superheroes killing villains. That's NOT Batman!

There's how the foundation collapses. Because Superman murdered. It's hard the first time, but the next time, it'll be easier.

Think about the fanbase and the questions that will be asked. Will Superman just use murder as a way to end conflicts from here on? Why doesn't he just murder the dude like he did in Man of Steel?

That "S" on his chest stands for I Hope You Have Life Insurance.
well, superman doesn't get a chance to do "superman things" in this movie. he's thrust right into the middle of an all out war.
plus. superman has killed PLENTY of times. like...a lot. some kills are even considered canon. plus killing never gets easier man. it sucks everytime.
killing for superman is typically a last resort anyways. like here in MoS i don't see any logistical way that that battle could've ended
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