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Ghosts and paranormal

Do you believe in ghosts?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I guess from the Pope's point of view, from what I understand, the reasoning was that if god made humans with a soul, and god also made animals, so they have a soul too purely because god made them.
That would be a faulty point of view though, considering God made humans in His image. That in itself should set us apart from the animal kingdom.
I wonder if the belief in everything having an energy does come from the science of energy not dying?
My understanding of everything having an energy (note:frequency) comes from the Bible, not science. When Cain killed Abel, God said that his blood 'calls out' to him. In Psalms David says that the heavens 'declare' the Lord's glory, and somewhere else in the Bible somebody says that even if believers were stilled, the rocks would still 'cry out' praise. Everything has an energy to it.
The way humans are made of all sorts of minerals that have lasted for millions...billions of years before they were formed into humans, and when humans die, those parts are reabsorbed and become a part of another lifeform. That kind of thing? Almost like a Lion King's 'Circle of life' moment:p
And yeah, I was actually hinting at the Circle of Life theory :3 It makes sense, but that's only for the physical. Our souls are made up of matter, it doesn't disintegrate or simply cease to exist.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I think a human could live alone, but it would be a dangerous thing to do because it's only you and your mind. That sort of thing can get pretty ugly.
Failing that, people left on their own for a long time have been known to 'make friends' with inanimate objects and have conversations with them. I guess it's something to do with humans being gregarious, so they make company even with objects to stop being alone.

Not really. in summer I stay home alone all day and I'm fine.


Well-known Member
Well, people who have been stranded on islands have gone completely insane.

Literally, they had no grasp on reality whatsoever.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
Not really. in summer I stay home alone all day and I'm fine.
It takes longer than that to lose your mind, it could take years if you're resilient enough.

Going back to the animals may or may not have souls thing, while I don't believe in souls, I think that if humans have them then animals do too. Animals live in the same world as us, they sense and react to the world around them and they are capable of feeling emotion. Some scientists think that Whales are just as emotional as humans, if not more. Animals are just as advanced as humans, but not in the same areas. Humans can't fly, live without sleeping or migrate across thousands of miles without help. Humans have intelligence and creativity.
This is why it always confuses me when people say that humans are just better than animals somehow. I think it's a very old-fashioned idea; to assume that just because animals haven't developed a wholly unuseful trait such as creativity, to then suggest that animals are any less valuable than us.


Welcome to my world....
I watched horror movies from a very young age and have always loved anything scary and paranormal. The first thing I wanted to try was a (SPaG: should be ‘an’ but doesn’t sound right to me..) Ouija board but my mother wouldn’t let me, which I thought was to be expected of her since she believed in such things. (My father and I went ahead and tried it but I caught him moving the glass, so I wasn’t convinced) I also wanted to try the Hail Mary backwards or the Candyman thing but even my father forbade me, his words being “You should never tempt fate.” Of course, 8 year old me has no idea what this means. So I asked him to explain “You’ll understand when you’re older” was all I got back. The fact that it was my father, in my eyes, a completely logical, intelligent man told me not do meddle in such things, that made me think there’s something that adults know that they’re not telling us and that one day, I would know the truth.

When I became and adult and didn’t get my revelation, I asked my mother why my father acted all weird around it. It turned out he was just concerned about my mental health as he heard so many stories of adults who tried such things and the paranoia, as opposed to anything supernatural, drove them mad.

Was a bit disappointed at that.

I still don’t believe in ghosts/spirits/demons/souls but I love reading about them. I also like to put myself in supposed haunted places and try all those little ghost tricks for fun.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Well, that explain why my dad's family are all wack-jobs. My gran messed around with Oujia boards when she was younger. Or it was my auntie. I can't remember which. Family's been tormented by something malicious ever since, this ranges from my gramps losing his legs to our maid seeing shadows to my cousin being visited by something at night (I couldn't sleep on my side for years after that). I think I got off lightly, compared to the crap the others have had to deal with.


Devil hunter in training
Yes. I started Wiccan, but I've slowly changed to where it's just "witch". *just sticks to healing and divination*
Like herb healing, or white healers, crystals or positive energy? Just wondering as I have a friend who identifies as wiccan and she likes to do crystal positive energy healing.
And how do you do divination?

I'm not asking too much am I? I'm just curious. But say if I'm asking too much. ^_^


the horror was for love
Like herb healing, or white healers, crystals or positive energy? Just wondering as I have a friend who identifies as wiccan and she likes to do crystal positive energy healing.
And how do you do divination?

I'm not asking too much am I? I'm just curious. But say if I'm asking too much. ^_^

Herbs and tea-potions, mainly. I don't know enough about crystals or white healing, etc. to really feel comfortable going beyond that. After everything, I still stick to my Wicca roots, I guess. Spells, which I guess you could classify as positive energy, are rare for me, but I do at least one a month. (I don't really care if people say spells aren't real, it makes me feel better to do a protective one, and, if they do work, what's the harm in trying? ^_^)
Tarot cards, mainly, though occassionally pendulums and mirrors (though mirror scrying creeps me out). I dunno if meditation counts, but I also meditate often.

It's fine. ^^ Go ahead and ask. :3


Devil hunter in training
Herbs and tea-potions, mainly. I don't know enough about crystals or white healing, etc. to really feel comfortable going beyond that. After everything, I still stick to my Wicca roots, I guess. Spells, which I guess you could classify as positive energy, are rare for me, but I do at least one a month. (I don't really care if people say spells aren't real, it makes me feel better to do a protective one, and, if they do work, what's the harm in trying? ^_^)
Tarot cards, mainly, though occassionally pendulums and mirrors (though mirror scrying creeps me out). I dunno if meditation counts, but I also meditate often.

It's fine. ^^ Go ahead and ask. :3
I've never tried a tea potion, but I like those herbal teas you can buy from a store.

Do you do a positive visualisation when you do the spell? My friend tells me that helps. Also, what sort of spells do you do? Ones for luck? My friend likes using crystal energy to get her in a good mood, says they make her feel warm and puts her in the right mood for the day.

Ever had anything scary happen when using the cards? I hear sometimes you can get a bad omen. And how do you use a pendulum?


the horror was for love
I've never tried a tea potion, but I like those herbal teas you can buy from a store.

Do you do a positive visualisation when you do the spell? My friend tells me that helps. Also, what sort of spells do you do? Ones for luck? My friend likes using crystal energy to get her in a good mood, says they make her feel warm and puts her in the right mood for the day.

Ever had anything scary happen when using the cards? I hear sometimes you can get a bad omen. And how do you use a pendulum?

*nods* Well...it's pretty much the same as regular tea. XD

Sometimes. Other times I'll say it like a prayer or write it down and burn the paper. It's more about the intent than anything, for me. I've done a couple luck spells, but mainly spells for protection. Meditation does that for me. ^^

Yeah, though it's mainly scary if the reading is accurate. It's really not the way tv makes it out to be, tbh, there's rarely foretellings of doom and a bad card might not really be bad. Death, for instance, usually is a card of change. And, usually, the cards end up balancing each other out. Pendulums are the easiest form of divination, imo. You just write yes, no, maybe, and not sure on a piece of paper and you swing the pendulum in a circle and whatever answer it swings towards, is supposed to be the answer to whatever question you ask.


Welcome to my world....
. Death, for instance, usually is a card of change.

Please tell that to all the movie producers XD It's always bugged me in movies when they use Tarot cards (usually in low budget films) and when they draw the Death card, they literally take it to mean, you’re going to die. Research people!

I have Tarot cards too and Runes. Though I guess you’d surprised to know the Runes belonged to my father and passed on to me. He had all these science books and one random book on Runes and a velvet bag with them in. Very odd.

Now I’ve got all his science books, added some of my own and have expanded on the Runes, Tarot, Palmistry, Tea Leaves etc. I find all of it fascinating. Especially the effect it can have on people.


the horror was for love
Please tell that to all the movie producers XD It's always bugged me in movies when they use Tarot cards (usually in low budget films) and when they draw the Death card, they literally take it to mean, you’re going to die. Research people!

I have Tarot cards too and Runes. Though I guess you’d surprised to know the Runes belonged to my father and passed on to me. He had all these science books and one random book on Runes and a velvet bag with them in. Very odd.

Now I’ve got all his science books, added some of my own and have expanded on the Runes, Tarot, Palmistry, Tea Leaves etc. I find all of it fascinating. Especially the effect it can have on people.

Ugh, I know what you mean. >_< It's really rather annoying.

:O Nice! Those must be very special. :3 To be honest...I never got the hang of runes (or palmistry or tea leaves...). It just kinda betwazzled me.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Herbs and tea-potions, mainly. I don't know enough about crystals or white healing, etc. to really feel comfortable going beyond that. After everything, I still stick to my Wicca roots, I guess. Spells, which I guess you could classify as positive energy, are rare for me, but I do at least one a month. (I don't really care if people say spells aren't real, it makes me feel better to do a protective one, and, if they do work, what's the harm in trying? ^_^)
Tarot cards, mainly, though occassionally pendulums and mirrors (though mirror scrying creeps me out). I dunno if meditation counts, but I also meditate often.

It's fine. ^^ Go ahead and ask. :3

I've always wanted my tarot read... *would probably get three death cards...* (I know that last bit isn't possible... at least, I don't think it is.)
Mirror Scrying... is that something like a 'crystal ball' type of thing?


the horror was for love
I've always wanted my tarot read... *would probably get three death cards...* (I know that last bit isn't possible... at least, I don't think it is.)
Mirror Scrying... is that something like a 'crystal ball' type of thing?

To be honest...I've never had someone else read my tarot cards before.... :| *wondering how it would feel now* LOL That wouldn't be bad, though. =) Just means there'd be lots of change. (It's not. :p)
Sorta. Basically, you look into a mirror in the dark with a question in mind and you're supposed to see an answer. I stopped with trying it cuz I only ever saw my ugly mug and the ceiling in it. :lol:
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