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Ghosts and paranormal

Do you believe in ghosts?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters


Devil hunter in training
I just caught the end of some kind of ghost hauntings documentary. So I'm wondering do any of you here think ghosts are real?
Anyone here had any paranormal encounters? I haven't myself, but I have a friend that lives in an old pub and she swears the function room is haunted. I don't know though....


Single life for life
It's one of those things that can't be solidly proven and also can't be solidly dis-proven so I remain neutral.

Personally I've never had my own run in with anything paranormal. I do know someone who has said they've seen ghosts, but that's nothing to go by since they've taken drugs before. Admittedly they haven't taken drugs for a very long time, but still drugs can cause damage that remains long after stopping.


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
Mhhh, dunno... Never really saw ghosts or directly heard people saying they saw/heard them.
But I remember messing up with a friend of mine with some strange mid-summer and Halloween magic rituals. It happened two times, and both the times a series of little accidents happened to me (like I was clumsier than usual) and my cell phone stopped working altogether and I had to change it...:blink:

Btw, ghost stories scare the sh!t out of me.:p


Devil hunter in training
[quote="LysseC, post: 472631, member: 25365"
Btw, ghost stories scare the sh!t out of me.:p[/quote]
I love a good scary story round the campfire, or when I was a kid at sleepovers we used to try and scare each other.
Like I said, I'm not sure myself, but I'd never mess with a ouija board just in case something freaky did happen.

I also heard this theory that ghosts are actually the past just repeating itself in another parallel universe to ours, but sometimes the universe 'bleeds' into ours causing what look like ghosts, but really they're shadows of events happening in a parallel one. Not sure what to make of that...I guess it could be pausible....:/

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'm the only nutter who voted yes.
I believe ghosts are real.

I wish they'd make a documentary or TV series on Demon Hunters. But I guess the word 'demon' is a bit daunting.

Has anyone ever noticed that all these 'ghosts' caught on camera or film just so happen to be posing for the camera? They're always looking at the camera. It's so stupid and fake I could write a book on how stupid and fake it is.


Devil hunter in training
I'm the only nutter who voted yes.
I believe ghosts are real.

I wish they'd make a documentary or TV series on Demon Hunters. But I guess the word 'demon' is a bit daunting.

Has anyone ever noticed that all these 'ghosts' caught on camera or film just so happen to be posing for the camera? They're always looking at the camera. It's so stupid and fake I could write a book on how stupid and fake it is.
Sometimes in regular ghost hunting shows they think it could be a demon bothering them, but usually the shows focus on those lights in images from what I've seen.

One show I saw, it was about reconstructing paranormal events using actors, and one was about a dybbuk demon that was living in a box bought from ebay.>_<

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I wish they'd make a documentary or TV series on Demon Hunters
Reread my post. I mean like a real deal TV series, not Supernatural :shifty:

One show I saw, it was about reconstructing paranormal events using actors, and one was about a dybbuk demon that was living in a box bought from ebay.>_<
Kind of like the movie Possessed? With the difference that they bought the box at a garage sale instead of ebay.
I saw a clip of some kid being attacked by a ghost on camera. It was on the news in some or the other third world country.
Here it is:
Still trying to debunk it. If it's fake, he's a bloody good little actor.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
There's a few things that go on in this house that makes it had not to believe. Especially at night. (Doors opening, creaky floor boards, shadows, feel like your being watched... it all happens in the hallway upstairs.)


Oldschool DMC fan
They might be real, I have experienced some inexplicable things, but I don't want to believe in them. I don't want to believe some dead guy might be watching me sleep... or worse. I can't deal with that thought so... no, they might exist, but they DON'T for me.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
I don't think that it's possible that ghosts exist. I've never had a paranormal encounter, although I've slept in a supposedly haunted room.
Once my friend walked past the bathroom at school and she said the hand dryer turned itself on, but she believes in fairies. :I
I also think that ghosts conflict the idea of religion, as far as I know ghosts aren't mentioned in the Bible. People go to Heaven or Hell. If you're a theist I don't see why you'd believe in ghosts.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
totally believe in ghosts and since i watched the new episode of ghost adventures when zak, nick and aaron helped the family communicate with their dead daughter i believe it possible to communicate with my dead loved ones o.o


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
If Ghosts can be Real then so are Dragons and witches and demons and vampires and... and
Yeah! Vampires! I want to be a vampire!:w00t: (Not a sparkly one, though. Those are fairies. A real vampire. Like Alucard from Hellsing.) :troll:

Ok, seriously, though, I think that dragons are on a different level. They are just too... how to put it... big. Noticeable. But ghosts and paranormal events... they somehow "blend in". Maybe they do not exist, but there is still room for doubt, whie dragons, on the other hand...
Don't know if someone understands what I'm saying, sorry, but I cannot find a way to phrase this intuition of mine in a more comprehensible way...:ermm:


Devil hunter in training
Yeah! Vampires! I want to be a vampire!:w00t: (Not a sparkly one, though. Those are fairies. A real vampire. Like Alucard from Hellsing.) :troll:

Ok, seriously, though, I think that dragons are on a different level. They are just too... how to put it... big. Noticeable. But ghosts and paranormal events... they somehow "blend in". Maybe they do not exist, but there is still room for doubt, whie dragons, on the other hand...
Don't know if someone understands what I'm saying, sorry, but I cannot find a way to phrase this intuition of mine in a more comprehensible way...:ermm:
Yep, a dragon would be easily seen. They're too big to hide.:p

As for ghosts, do you mean like because there is no definate proof of existing or not existing that we cannot be sure either way. There's always a story of moving doors or vanishing figures in the corner of the eyes that could make ghosts true.


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
Yep, a dragon would be easily seen. They're too big to hide.:p

As for ghosts, do you mean like because there is no definate proof of existing or not existing that we cannot be sure either way. There's always a story of moving doors or vanishing figures in the corner of the eyes that could make ghosts true.
Yeah, that was my point. That, and, in general, strange coincidences or something like that. Things you quite cannot explain directly, and leave room for doubt. Like the thing with my cell phone. I know someone could shrug it of as coincidence, but it's still a strange one!
Or dreams. For example, my grandma sometimes dreams of her parents, and they "tell" her something that will happen. Like, when my mother was pregnant, my grandma dreamt that I was going to be a girl, even before my mom was told anything about my sex. Or other things like that. Again, coincidences, but still, the doubt remains...


Keyser Söze
Yeah! Vampires! I want to be a vampire!:w00t:
Being a vampire would SUCK LOL

you'd have to like drink blood all time and can't eat genuine food now that just SUCKS and there's nothing more pathetic then drinking animal blood LMAO so you'll get hurt like ALOT for just trying have a meal
Maybe they do not exist, but there is still room for doubt
Aren't ghosts like souls which also don't exist ?


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
Being a vampire would SUCK LOL

you'd have to like drink blood all time and can't eat genuine food now that just SUCKS and there's nothing more pathetic then drinking animal blood LMAO so you'll get hurt like ALOT for just trying have a meal
I'd still want to be a vampire, and, for hell's sake, NOT an animal drinking one! That's for pu$$y vampires like... oh well. Not even going down there again.
I'd settle with Lestat de Lioncourt's way of drinking: the right quantity of blood without killing. And the hunt is part of the fun!!

Aren't ghosts like souls which also don't exist ?
Again, there is room for doubt on that one too.
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