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Genesis (Crisis Core) vs. Dante (DMC4 ; without DTing)

Genesis vs DMC4 Dante (without DTing)

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New Member
Genesis wins.

At the end of Dirge of Cerberus, Genesis is seen fully regenerated, not showing a single sign of degeneration. That means his power levels can be equalized to that of Sephiroth.


SSSlayer of demons
Sparda™;175123 said:
Genesis wins.

At the end of Dirge of Cerberus, Genesis is seen fully regenerated, not showing a single sign of degeneration. That means his power levels can be equalized to that of Sephiroth.

I've said Crisis Core.


Don't trust people
Genesis is awesome. he got equal power as Sephiroth and the only way Zack actually won over him was because he was degrading. Dante with or without DT loses easy in word and in a fight

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
-B.(o).C-®;175450 said:
My vote goes to Dante because I don't know jack-**** about genesis.

So why post at all?

Seriously, that is ignorant, contributes nothing to the discussion, and taints the poll result.

Poll is already full of uninformed Dante votes from other people who don't know crap about the topic.

If you don't know why do you feel your ignorance needs to be reflected here?

Just don't post.

As for the topic, with no DT Genesis wins.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Black Angel;175482 said:
So why post at all?

Seriously, that is ignorant, contributes nothing to the discussion, and taints the poll result.
Because there's a post button maybe?

Oh, I had an idea of genesis somewhat from what you guys posted... And to say the least, I wasn't impressed much.


Well-known Member
Genesis- Genesis, to some of you are saying this, does not, I repeat, does not have as much power as Sephiroth. The only attacks he has are shooting feathers at you that disable you from using any special moves and a sword combo. Sephiroth has a ton of powerful moves that make me shiver in fear everytime I fight him. So, Genny, no Sephy.

Dante- Dante will kill Genesis. Seriously, he has fought with armies of demons without breaking a sweat, he can't get killed (unless you chop off his head or something), and he has guns. Genesis may have the ability to shoot feather, but Dante can shoot those feathers, then kill Genesis without him even realizing it.

Dante pwns (don't expect me say "pwn" any other time) Genesis.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^Genesis holds back much of his power in the game dude.

He is Sephiroth's equal, or at the very least easily has the potential to be just as strong.


Well-known Member
I put a scenario, just so I think more clearly about this:

Genesis flies down to meet Dante, then just dashes at Dante without saying a word. Dante clashes swords with him, knocks his sword out of the way, and shoots him in the head. Dante wins

Thats with the guns, Here's without the guns:

Genesis flies down to meet Dante, then dashes at Dante without saying a word. Dante clashes swords with him, knocks his sword out of the way, then tries strike him again. Genesis was able to block the attack and jump back. Dante Dashes towards him and strikes at an almost incomprehensible speed and chops Genesis into bits. Dante wins.

You might think I'm giving Dante too much credit on this scenario, but can I remind you of the opening scene in DMC 3 and the first Dante vs Nero fight in DMC 4? May I also add that the only time Genesis was able to go toe to toe was the flashback cutscene when he, Sephiroth, and whatshisname were playing around in the training simulation. Genesis and whatshisname fought Sephiroth two on one, but were unable to even touch him. Then, Genesis fought at his full strength with Sephiroth, and was still unable to touch him. Sephiroth was playing around until Genesis tried to blow him up with a fire attack, but he was stopped by whatshisname, then Sephiroth came bursting out of the Firaga shell and started attacking Genesis at his full, destroying the simulation in the process. Plus, Genesis was at his full strength when he fought Zack in the final boss fight, and he still wasn't that much of a challenge.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^You can't kill Sephiroth or Genesis with a bullet to the head or one simple sword move, both your scenarios are stupid.

And of corse he wasn't much of a challenge in Crisis core, thats cause the combat in that game was stupid.

I got thru the whole thing just mashing the attack button and abusing a ridiculous amount of health potions.


Don't trust people
and playing on easy right? try it on hard just mashing attack button or even better try an low level game on hard with just mashing attack button. easy is for those who doesn't care to the gameplay of a game and i hope that you didn't play easy because then you would say the combat was stupid and easy when you play on easy. it is meant to be easy when you play it on easy :p

He wasn't at his full strength that is nonsense. he had stopped degrading but still he need time to regain his strength right? it is like you have caught a sickness and you think you are at full health when you have recovered.

whatshisname is Angeal Hewley.

Damn i know that Dante pwns and owns but come on... you don't have to underestimate everyone around him for that and think that Dante beats all.
And then you can just say things without even solid proof wich is dumb. Zack could block bullets with his sword and why shouldn't Genesis do that? And what speed? dante doesn't have such speed in real game either. and both Dante or Genesis is slashing someone to pieces because that is not the way Dante does... i haven't seen in any of the games that he slashes someone in pieces. And what makes Dante able to just having the upper hand in your thoughts? i mean it would be an incredible even fight but in your scenario Genesis acts stupid.

I just wanted to clear my thoughts on this matter


New Member
Black Angel;176026 said:
^You can't kill Sephiroth or Genesis with a bullet to the head or one simple sword move, both your scenarios are stupid.


Dante is not a god and these two guys are the proof.


Well-known Member
The reason why I made those scenarios because those are the only scenarios that I can envision (I can think of more, longer scenarios with Genesis . I don't think that Dante beats everybody, I just think that he's better than Genesis, and no one hasn't given me any evidence to prove other wise. In fact, the only evidence that gives Genesis any form of upperhand against Dante is what you said about him being able to cut bullets. Also, I know Dante doesn't cut people into pieces, but that doesn't mean that he can't, and he has the speed to do so. Genesis hasn't shown, to me, that he can match Dante's top swing speed.

And Genesis was at his fullest potential in the final fight, because, and this a cliche' for Final Fantasy, he found some way to empower himself to unimaginable limits, turned into a giant monster, which took his whole entire life force and phyiscal being to maintain, and, in the end, he is halfway down to death because that last of his life force and physical being was being expended to maintain his life, thus boosting him from 60% degraded (at the most) to 99% degraded. So, its not nonsense..

In fact, do you guys believe that Genesis is as strong as Sephiroth?
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