Keaton;199768 said:SEGA will never make another console, not for a very long while.
Nintendo have DOMINATED the market with the DS and the PSP fills the gaps where it doesn't cover. SEGA hasn't got any room to fit into the current market.
As for a DADDY console, following SEGAs Dreamcast, its doubtful that they will gather enough confidence in the next few years to develop a console.
In my opinion, I imagine that SEGA/Bayonetta will follow Devil May Cry . It will simply keep producing DADDY console games that can take advantage of graphics, speed and game size. Shrinking a game like Bayonetta down would kill the experience, the only thing that they could do is port the Angel Attack Mini-Game into an App form for the iPhone. Otherwise, I doubt it would ever really work otherwise.
That's not entirelly true.These last two-three years they have started developing their exclusive games intheir exclusive...arcades...yeah.Still it's a step.And you will be amazed if you know about Shining Force Cross for the SEGA arcade.Still,yeah they don't fit THIS generation's market.Soon though...[just my belief]
Also[a tad unrelated],don't forget Dissidia and now Birth By Sleep.Sure the graphics aren't as magnificent,but the rest are covered once you Data Install.Besides spin-off games are always unpredictable.Couple it with the "Kamiya" factor,who knows what the man can pull.[Imagines a Rodin exclusive game,like DOA XTREME series,only Rodin is serving drinks to hot chicks.LOL

Also good find VB.Nice.
On the DMC5 subject.It would be cool to see Kamiya work on DMC5,but i think they are gonna fuse the DMC and BASARA studios together,to get things better.