SuperDante;199784 said:
hey guys, I pried myself away from my DMC5 thread to comment a little

First thing is first, I bought Bayonetta so I actually play it (so I'm not commenting on something I have no idea about). Now I will first state that I think it is an OK game (kill me now)! The witch-time is crazy, I really like it. The fact you are fighting Angels is very cool!
Glad to hear you like it so far -- Witch Time is pretty tough to get used too, but fun s hell when you Master it ^^
The story is OK (nothing on the original DMC IMHO though) I like certain other elements as well. But here's where I will get blasted on! I just don't get into it enough to play it much at all. I don't even bother watching the crappy, image cutscenes (which I think are ridiculous), the loading times make me wanna punch my LCD, the soundtrack is horrible (again, this is only my opinion) and the characters (especially Bayonetta), while cool, seem like they are simply much overdone versions of DMC characters.
Shame to hear that the plot hasn't geled with you ^^
Do you think perhaps that you might not be into it as much BECAUSE you are skipping the cutscenes?

Afterall, they tend to be responsible for all the relationship building between the player and the game.
It's like the creator (don't know his name sorry :/) simply wanted to outdo his original creation - Dante - by making Bayonetta simply super sexual and Dante's personality 5x overdone. Also, I feel certain parts (like when Bayonetta blasts Jubilius into the sun) waaaaaaaaaaaaay to overdone and extreme.
I agree here, sending the 'Creator' into the Sun was way over the top, but when I think that, I do remind myself that the game DOESN'T take itself very seriously at all, when you apply such logic, it just becomes a bit of fun, rather than something that you hold particularly seriously ^^
Now even after all of this, I'm NOT saying this is a terrible game. As I said, certain parts are very good, genius in fact and new but as an avid DMC fan (freak fan almost

) I am just not that into Bayonetta (when I got DMC4 I played it over and over until I unlocked everything, I have played through Bayonetta once and haven't looked back at the game :/) Now I also think that a supercharged version of DMC4 combat system (If pushed to the limit) would feel A LOT smoother and more polished, Bayonetta is good, but I find myself just button mashing at time - maybe I'm just a crap player, whereas DMC, I can easily remember how to perform every move instead of getting lost trying to dial combos. Anyway guys, that is just my 2 cents, I am not trying to offend anyone who loves the game, I am just posting my opinion
The combat System in Bayonetta is different from Devil May Cry. BUT there are very simalar mechanics.
For example, while you don't Style Swap you have accessories that can benefit your character (there's even an accessory that imitates the Royal Block), also you have Witch Time also which far exceeds Quicksilvers shadow.
I also feel that personally, Aerial combat in Bayonetta is far easier and more fun. In Devil May Cry 4, you feel constantly anchored, whereas in Bayonetta you can spend entire battles without touching the ground, combining enemy step, weapon grabs, attacks and evasions to keep up and away ^^
I adore both games, and DMC4 will always be a solid title in my eyes, afterall, it has some truly magnificent moments and some fantasticly solid combat
But, Bayonetta has a solid combat engine and it is also alot of fun. I feel that because it doesn't take itself seriously you can overlook plot holes and cheesy moments, whereas plot holes tend to stand out a mile in Devil May Cry 4, because it take itself a little bit too seriously ^^
Both great titles though, and I would'nt give either up for the World