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Games last year you where happy with, or hated.

was last year good for gaming?

  • yes

    Votes: 16 94.1%
  • no

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
List games that you where acctually happy with last year^_^

For me, the new Prince of Persia was worth getting.

As was fallout 3, I loved the depressing overtones.

Call of Duty World at War(even though CoD4 is still better.)

Oh and World of warcraft is epic win.


New Member
Definitely happy about playing Devil May Cry 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4. FIFA 09 is epic win also.

The most disappointing game, is absolutely Need for Speed Undercover.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Sonic unleashed would have been a disappointment, but I expected that to suck.

Need for speed undercover was bad.

Also Condemned 2, what where they thinking?


Luce & Ombra
Condemned two got silly at the end but when you had to fight that bear... That was no joke.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
2008 Was a mediocre year for gaming, there were some real gems, like Fallout 3, Fable 2 and Left 4 Dead, but for every real gem, there were at least 3 games that were either smoldering piles of garbage, or just mediocre.

Good game: Fallout 3.
Bad games: Far Cry 2, Army of Two, Silent Hill: Origins.

Good game: Gears of War 2.
Bad games: Condemned 2, Sonic Unleashed, Spore.

Good game: Left 4 Dead.
Bad games: Too Human, Spore, Alone In The Dark.

And so the trend continues, some real gems were released, but the good is outweighed by the bad, this year especially, for every game I can think of that is absolutely superb, I can think of three that sucked, a lot.

I hope 2009 is going to be a better year. (Keep in mind, my bad game selections were mostly my opinion, along with the popular opinion of many people I know, I do like to think I have a relatively fair view on these sorts of things too, considering my stint as a review writer.)

Summary: It was neither a totally bad, nor a good year for gaming, rather a medicore one.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I was pretty happy with lots of titles from last year and i think it was one of the years where i was spoilt for choice. I must have purchased about 10 games in 3 months and havent done that for some time. Not all were classics but for the most part they were enjoyable and fun. The 5 games in my GamerTag were all purchased in space of 3 weeks & im still playing through them all.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Actually, I'll amend Fable 2, thinking about it, it wasn't great, but it wasn't awful, it makes my mediocre list, I was really looking forward to it, but as per usual, it was a tad too hyped up, and it let me down. -Fixes to Gears 2.-

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Angelo Credo said:
Good game: Left 4 Dead.

Left for dead was O.K. when playing as the humans. I like traditional survival horror better than this action based shooting thing that games are obsessed with.

But I LOVE playing the infected.^_^

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Survival horror as a genre died this year.

That's why I said Left 4 Dead was good, whilst playing as the humans got a little boring, killing them as the Infected never lost the appeal. :lol:

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Angelo Credo;152970 said:
Survival horror as a genre died this year.

I know, and it saddens me deeply.:dry:

On that note, Deadspace is on the crap list.

Also Gears of war(both of them) is on my crap list.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Gears 2 was pretty good, a marked improvement over the first one, playing Horde mode with friends is the most fun I've had with a game in quite a long time, sure, the campaign is lacking, and criminally short, and the multiplayer is...In a word, awful, to be frank, Horde makes up for all of the game's shortcomings for me.

Really, I've found little else quite so fun as running around with a friend, slaughtering wave after wave of suicidal Locust, makes for great giggles. ^_^

Ai-Katsumi Haru

odaya kana ha to ~ 穏やかなハート
Black Dragon Knight;152935 said:
1. metal gear solid 4
2. devil may cry 4
3. call of duty world at war

yes of course the last year was good for gaming.....and I used to play the same of these games in addition "Iron Man"

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;152981 said:
Gears 2 was pretty good, a marked improvement over the first one, playing Horde mode with friends is the most fun I've had with a game in quite a long time, sure, the campaign is lacking, and criminally short, and the multiplayer is...In a word, awful, to be frank, Horde makes up for all of the game's shortcomings for me.

Really, I've found little else quite so fun as running around with a friend, slaughtering wave after wave of suicidal Locust, makes for great giggles. ^_^

Gears Of War 2 is a great game, really enjoyed it so far and enjoyed it more than the first so far and it too was excellent. Thought the campaign was longer than the firsts also so that was an improvement.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
You do have a good point.
The campaign was longer than the first, but really, it didn't feel long enough if you get what I mean, I practically shot through the game in about a total of 8 hours, and I don't really have an incentive to do it again, I just play it for the Horde mode now.

Don't get me wrong, Gears 2 is a massive improvement over the first, by miles, and Horde mode is sheer brilliance, and is more fun than several barrels of particularly whimsical monkeys, it just felt a little too short for me to get into it, nor form any real attachment to the characters.

Take Carmine for example, when he kicked the bucket, I felt nothing for him, I'm surprised he lived as long as he did after the team got back together...

And if anyone complains at Carmine kicking the bucket being a spoiler, you've clearly never played the first Gears.

I'd still be willing to name Gears 2 one of my top 5 games of 2008.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;152999 said:
You do have a good point.
The campaign was longer than the first, but really, it didn't feel long enough if you get what I mean, I practically shot through the game in about a total of 8 hours, and I don't really have an incentive to do it again, I just play it for the Horde mode now.

Don't get me wrong, Gears 2 is a massive improvement over the first, by miles, and Horde mode is sheer brilliance, and is more fun than several barrels of particularly whimsical monkeys, it just felt a little too short for me to get into it, nor form any real attachment to the characters.

Take Carmine for example, when he kicked the bucket, I felt nothing for him, I'm surprised he lived as long as he did after the team got back together...

And if anyone complains at Carmine kicking the bucket being a spoiler, you've clearly never played the first Gears.

I'd still be willing to name Gears 2 one of my top 5 games of 2008.

I liked some of the wise cracks Dom made at Carmine about snipers, that made me laugh. Yeah guess by some games terms it could be said it was short but i did it once alone and now doing it on co-op so guess thats a good 14-16 hours play there with 2 playthroughs. Then theres Horde and also online so a decent amount to keep a player busy. Plus collecting the collectables as its much harder to find the ones in Gears 2 than it was the Cogs in Gears 1.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
I was obsessed with MGS4 ever since they left a cliffhanger in MGS2 like 8 years ago and thought there was no way it could live up to what I was expecting (because I thought about it all the time). But it somehow managed to surpass it, definitely the most overwhelming game I will ever play in my life it gave me everything I was waiting for and more.

Tomb Raider Underworld
This game was the complete opposite. I had got back into the TR series when Legend came out and I fell in love with it, as did I with Anniversary. Then the next one Underworld was supposed to tie the two together in an epic super adventure. Instead it left me angry, let down and cheated.. It had the potential to be an beautiful epic game but all it was was a broken half-assed mess of a game. It didn't even have the boss fight it was building up to. God there were SOO many things that ****ed me off about it.

But yeah, there you go the best and worst of last year for moi.
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