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Well-known Member
I had no idea this was comming but is is!
Out soon enough (i'll add a date when i find the magazine with the date in)


Prequel to FFVII - a god does exist, for gamers!

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII,is it...?

I believe it will be much better than Dirge of Cerberus,meow...:)

it will come out on 25th March,meow...:)


Well-known Member
:D +rep for confirming the name to me ^____^

Should be fantastic since VII is my personal series fav :)


Bio Hazard
I'm not to excited for it. For one, FF7 is one of the most over rated games. Its nothing special. I didn't like the story which makes me not want anything to do with it. Plus I don't have a PSP :( which I need one for FF Disedia or w/e when it comes out.


Aya Brea
SLudge;78895 said:
I'm not to excited for it. For one, FF7 is one of the most over rated games.

Amen... Rep+ for you.

Don't take me the wrong way. FF7 was a great game. It really was something else for it's time, but people who were most likely intoduced to Final Fantasy after all the god like beings of the Nintendo and Super Nintendo Final Fantasys, not much of them have a respect for the older ones. (I personally enjoy FF6, and 9 the most. 9 was so world wide under rated. It desurves some respect.)

Like most PSP games, they will get a PS2 release. Sure, I'd like to play it, but I'm not gonna become crazed about it. :/ Alot of people ruined my respect for VII. Tetsuya has a great mind and all, and as I said, 7 was a great game and desurved a sequal, but he needs to let 7 go. Hopefully this will be the last to it.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I wish I had a PSP now! :p I love anything to do with Final Fantasy - especially Final Fantasy VII - and it's a shame I'll have to miss out on Crisis Core. Hopefully it might up getting ported to the PS2, at some stage. *fingers crossed*


Bio Hazard
VI-Rainbow;78898 said:
(I personally enjoy FF6, and 9 the most. 9 was so world wide under rated. It desurves some respect.)

Final Fantasy 9 is my all time fav. game. I loved it, story was amazing, and just everything about it was amazing. Rep+ for you :p

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
I like Final Fantasy VII,but not since Dirge of Cerberus came out...it really breaks my heart playing that game...

FFX and FFIX are my best FF games favourites...

I like FFVIII too,but i don't like it's Junction system..

I don't know why FFXII ratings are so high...Is it because the graphics only..?To tell the truth,the gameplay,and storyline is sux...I think the game is over rated like hell...

FFIX should get more credit..it has an excellent gameplay,story and soundtrack...:)


Bio Hazard
Yea, I hate ff8's junction system to. But its a good game still. ff9 is still the best to me tho. It does deserve more credit. ff7 DoC is ok. I loved the story for it, but the game play was a little dumb ha.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
Chaos Master;78636 said:
Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII,is it...?

I believe it will be much better than Dirge of Cerberus,meow...:)

it will come out on 25th March,meow...:)

actually at most gamestops u can buy it on the shipping date, the 25th is it's official schedueled release date..but the shipping date is the 24th..atleast thats the way it works here in the states..i dont know about anywhere else...but then again i also have the perk of having a friend that is assistant manager at a gamestop..lol

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
NERO116;79012 said:
actually at most gamestops u can buy it on the shipping date, the 25th is it's official schedueled release date..but the shipping date is the 24th..atleast thats the way it works here in the states..i dont know about anywhere else...but then again i also have the perk of having a friend that is assistant manager at a gamestop..lol

How lucky...i must wait longer for the game to arrive at Malaysia...:(

SLudge;78993 said:
Yea, I hate ff8's junction system to. But its a good game still. ff9 is still the best to me tho. It does deserve more credit. ff7 DoC is ok. I loved the story for it, but the game play was a little dumb ha.

At least FFVIII are much better than FFXII...The only good thing about DOC is the overwhelming Graphics only...

Ultimadream;79020 said:
THE STORY WAS THE WORST PART!, The way Hojo survived from midgar was absurd! I've never seen such an awful, childish rip off, then theres the new characters none which were exciting there characteristics were dull as a plank while there physical designs were just over the top, which leads me to the whole Omega Chaos thing, It was an over-blowup epic i began not to care about, The gameplay was passible & it was nice seeing more of the FF7 world, my favourite part was just walking around on the airship.

I traded this in when FF12 came out & once again horribly disapointed, with a lack of story & character development & general events really, i just remember running through simular styled enviroments hacking things to death with attack........

If Tetsuya Nomura developed FFXII,it would have been better.FFX is way better than FFXII...FFX is one of my favourite RPG games on PS2 console... FFXII gameplay and storyline are sux...although i must admit i like the Judge Magisters design...

VI-Rainbow;78898 said:
Amen... Rep+ for you.

Don't take me the wrong way. FF7 was a great game. It really was something else for it's time, but people who were most likely intoduced to Final Fantasy after all the god like beings of the Nintendo and Super Nintendo Final Fantasys, not much of them have a respect for the older ones. (I personally enjoy FF6, and 9 the most. 9 was so world wide under rated. It desurves some respect.)

Like most PSP games, they will get a PS2 release. Sure, I'd like to play it, but I'm not gonna become crazed about it. :/ Alot of people ruined my respect for VII. Tetsuya has a great mind and all, and as I said, 7 was a great game and desurved a sequal, but he needs to let 7 go. Hopefully this will be the last to it.

FFVII is great,but making too many spin off games and stuffs really makes FFVII over rated...The decision of making FFVII AC into a CG movie is a bad move.A game's sequel should be in game too.Tetsuya Nomura should have make FFVII AC in PS2 as a video game sequel,not CG movie.CC FFVII is much better than DOC FFVII,i guess...In terms of gameplay and story,meow...:)

But the way I see the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII is going,I will speculate that there is another sequel or spin off FFVII game in the future,to explain the revival of Genesis in DOC FFVII,meow...:)

At first I thought the remake of FF VII is coming at PS3 console,but it has been cancelled...it really makes me sad,meow...:(


Bio Hazard
I liked DoC story, I liked alot of the boss fights, but that might just be me lol. The final boss fight I will say was pretty dumb. But I liked fighting Hojo/Weiss or w/e. I liked 12 also, but your right, there was not enough character development. The story was also not as good as others in the series.


Aya Brea
Chaos Master;78987 said:
I don't know why FFXII ratings are so high...Is it because the graphics only..?To tell the truth,the gameplay,and storyline is sux...I think the game is over rated like hell...

I played Final Fantasy XII for a whole day with no break. It's that addicting. The graphics were AMAZING. Not a dull moment in that game. It was different, but it was the last best Final Fantasy that we got since Final Fantasy X. X-2 should have never came into existance. I like how they brought back the job system like in Final Fantasy V, but that was about it. DoC was alright, but not the greatest thing. I never played Final Fantasy XI, and have no intention to.

Crisis Core will eventually get a PS2 release. Alot of games that are being released for the PSP, are getting a PS2 release. So we will most likely get CC for the PS2 within the next year or so.


Aya Brea
Chaos Master;79024 said:
If Tetsuya Nomura developed FFXII,it would have been better.

Tetsuya is slowly getting alot of hate from the true Final Fantasy Fans. FFXII actually did good because he wasn't involved. It was said in alot of magazines and game stores. It basically is FACT. I was sad that Nobuo didn't do the music, but the music was actually very good. If Tetsuya did it, he would most likely make the characters ridiculously emo, and have at least one with silver hair. Is Tetsuya a good artist? Of course. I admire his style. It's one you can spot out from the rest.

Is Tetsuya creative? After Final Fantasy X he had lost some of that. He is one who thinks, "Well. If this one did so great, perhaps it is the one who desurves more attention and all." I don't mind sequals, but with Final Fantasy 7, he has gone too far. Alot of people can tell you that. I don't deny that there will be more to Final Fantasy 7, but ever since he became a head honcho for Enix, alot of people have pulled away.

Tetsuya actually doesn't like Amano that much. Amano is the symbol of the art of Final Fantasy as Nobuo is to the music.

Slowly... my love for his creativity is going down the drain. :/ There is more to Final Fantasy than 7. I assure you.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
SLudge;79073 said:
I liked DoC story, I liked alot of the boss fights, but that might just be me lol. The final boss fight I will say was pretty dumb. But I liked fighting Hojo/Weiss or w/e. I liked 12 also, but your right, there was not enough character development. The story was also not as good as others in the series.

well i havent played 12..although i'd have to agree with u on the ff7 DOC, it was a good game..it just got a lot of crap because ppl got over the ff7 craze along time ago. personally i love the compelation..just too bad i dont own a psp..i really wanted to play as zack..lol not just see him in spirit or memory form


Aya Brea
It'll eventually get a PS2 released since games coming out for the PSP are getting a PS2 realse. Alot of'em have just came out. It might just be awhile before we get a PS2release of CC.


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
I would say that Kadaj - Cloud Strife and Sephiroth was the coolest people but I forgot Zack of course he is as cool as them.
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