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Favorite Force Awakens character


Legendary Devil Hunter
(Okay, gonna post this warning on behalf of anyone who may comment, and read any posts in this thread. Spoilers, read at your own risk)

So out of the new characters to appear in Star Wars The Force Awakens, who's your favorite.

No surprise, but my favorite is Kylo Ren. I dunno why, I've in-general tend to find the villains more interesting in Star Wars (I still love Luke, Han, Leia, Yoda, and Obi-Wan though, as well as the new characters, Rey, Finn, and Poe).

EDIT (I was in a hurry)

So what I like about Kylo Ren was, in a lot of ways. I think Kylo is what Anakin should have been in the prequels, angry and conflicted. But well, has better dialogue, doesn't mumble and whine, and has the benefit of being played by a better actor (Though I think Hayden Christensen could have done a better job if he had a better director to guide him).

And I'm sorry, but the scene where he killed Han Solo, his own father, was both one of the most beautiful, and tragic scenes in the entire franchise.
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Well-known Member
I actually liked Maz, for two reasons, firstly she was interesting and different. Secondly, because I'll bet money on the fact that Snoke is the same species.


I Saw the Devil
I liked Han but of the new cast I guess my favorite is Finn. Chuwee's girlfriend made me chuckle but she didn't have enough screen time to get that fond of her.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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Xen-Omni 2020
Rey, simple as that. Don't like the criticism she gets, though.


Legendary Devil Hunter
Rey, simple as that. Don't like the criticism she gets, though.

I hear ya, I've had it up to hear *Puts hand up to head* with people complaining about Kylo Ren, just because he "Doesn't look b@d@$$ enough without the mask"

Nooooo, really? Why do you think the character wears it? Yeah to be more like Vader, but Vader's mask wasn't just life support, it was also designed for intimidation, and pulled it off.


Fake Geek Girl.
Favorite Star Wars character.

Kylo Ren.

Least favorite was Rey. I don't hate her, but I just can't stand Mary Sue type characters.
I will use what I said in an earlier thread:

I hear a lot of people calling Rey from The Force Awakens a Mary Sue just because she's "overly skilled" using her force powers and such, and I don't agree with that. I mean for one, did everyone forget how Luke just got in to an x-wing for the first time and blew up a Deathstar for example.

When I think of a Mary Sue, I'm not really thinking of an overly skilled character. I'm thinking of the perfect character that warps the fictional world around them. When the character has the universe bending to their will. Having powers incompatible within the rules of the established universe just because the character is cool.

Rey is skilled (because who wants an untalented main character) but not to an unusual extent. She doesn't bend anyone's characterization to accomodate her or break's the universe's rules to. Which to me is the truest sign of a Mary Sue. If you just ignore this criterion, then every action hero ever basically becomes a Mary Sue making the term meaningless.

Rey does some stuff, but of course she will. She's the protagonist. No one would be saying this if she was a dude I'm betting. It's like any female character who can walk home in the rain without drowning will be called a Mary Sue at some point.
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Legendary Devil Hunter
Well Rey kicked Kylo Ren's ass without any lightsaber training so I'm gonna go with her.
I'm gonna reserve that A) Kylo was wounded and B) Rey actually was trained at one point but can't remember, but also won simply cause the Force guided her....Yeah Rey's a bit of a Mary Sue, but she's just so likable, and Daisy Ridley plays her so well, ya can't help but love her


Legendary Devil Hunter


Well-known Member

All right, there will be no more heated arguing over mary sues in this thread. Cool?


That said, my favorite character in Force Awakens is BB-8. :happy:


Legendary Devil Hunter
Ya'know, it occurred to me Meg's post could have been referring to me.

If that's the case, I apologize, I just don't want to see any bickering, so I was attempting to, as I stated in the comment "nipping it in the bud"


Tony Redgraaaave!
Gotta say poe. I honestly expected him to be my least favorite character from the way he was marketed in the trailers and stuff. I thought he would just show up, do some stuff and really only be there to have a pilot character similar to han. Turns out he ended up being better than i expected.
The opposite could be said for rey though.. She got way to much plot protection. There is absolutely no way she should have beaten Kylo Ren even though he was injured.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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Xen-Omni 2020
It doesn't really matter how other people might see a character or whatever because it doesn't or shouldn't make any difference as to if you like that character or not. That's why Rey is my favourite character despite the criticism she gets. I can see why others might not like her as a character, and that's fine, but it doesn't effect me personally because I do like her.

There is absolutely no way she should have beaten Kylo Ren even though he was injured.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree on this one. I can somewhat agree with "she gets too much plot protection", but not with the part where a lot of people say she wouldn't have been able to beat Kylo. There are just too many factors that go towards Rey's advantage in the final fight. It's not a reflection on Kylo being weaker, just Rey having the upper hand.
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Legendary Devil Hunter
Where did you get the stormtrooper's "name" from? I'm going to guess from the script, but if not, I'm curious as to where.
They released a prequel comic about Finn back when he was a Stormtrooper, and FN-2199 or Nines (Popularly known as TR-8R (Traitor) ) was actually a member of a squad Finn was in-charge of

@berto Not surprising actually, alot of people consider TR-8R the new Boba Fett (relatively minor character, that manged to become popular)


I Saw the Devil
Where did you get the stormtrooper's "name" from? I'm going to guess from the script, but if not, I'm curious as to where.
I posted the video on the SWtFA spoiler thread a while back. It was released a few weeks ago.

@berto Not surprising actually, alot of people consider TR-8R the new Boba Fett (relatively minor character, that manged to become popular)
I don't know. I really hated how the most popular character in episode I was Darth Maul, specially since he wasn't really a character, but people liked him for his appearance, it reminded me that people are shallow. In this case I suppose it's not as bad since it's not about the look but over attitude or possible back story. Oddly enough the one that got mind tricked to letting Rey go didn't get even a smidgen of interest from people, despite been played by Daniel Craig.
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Fake Geek Girl.
@berto Not surprising actually, alot of people consider TR-8R the new Boba Fett (relatively minor character, that manged to become popular)
The new Boba Fett is Captain Phasma. A cool looking character that does practically jack sh!t.

TR-8R at least actually kicked some ass the short amount of time he was on screen, he practically won that fight against Finn.
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