I used to adore Dragon Ball Z when I was around nine/ten years of age (which was seven/eight years ago), but I've not watched it in years and years because to be honest, it's gotten kinda lame. I used to also adore Pokémon (the first two series) and that too has gotten kinda lame. All they do is contests and I love the variety the whole franchise has to it now, but you can only not get bored so many times when Dawn is screaming to Piplup/Prinplup to "BUBBLEBEAM FOR SOME STYLE!" That thing still isn't an Empoleon. But I mean, I've not watched Cardcaptors in years but I was pretty wild for it and I bet it's still good. The DMC anime sucked for me so... well, I don't know. Never watched Naruto and never will, so I guess that the only anime I kinda like is Cardcaptors. I get bored easily.