Its seems like most you do not like Bayonetta in some way. Whether its the character design or the belief that Bayonetta is a rip off of Dante;its undeniable that Bayonetta is far better than any other DMC,GOW(God of War), or other generic action titles to date or even to come. Like it or not, Bayonetta has maintained the slightly decayed hardcore action game genre from rotting further.
God Of War is PURE ADVENTURE. The only thing that shines is the story and music of the game. Other wise, get ready for a lot of flashy and gory, but soon to be tiresome and eventually boring gameplay. Several parts were too ridiculous for GOW to even have its take on greek mythology. Some cyclops are armed with technology advanced morning stars(spiked balls:lol

, multiple ceberuses can exist at a time, Hades sprout multiple claws from his back, and Kratos is able to BEAT ZEUS. ZEUS IS THE MOST POWERFUL BEING OF ALL TIME. HE COULD OF TURNED KRATOS INTO A BLOODY MULCH. But no, he just had to have a showdown with his "son":dry: The GOW series are overhyped, and is what most ignorant people now a days claim to be the top action game of all time. Thus, the GOW series rotting the hardcore action game industry.
Are you ****ing kidding me? You are seriously complaining about the hyper sexuality?
Enough said.
In the midst of battle, Bayonetta defends the honour of the truly awesome action games, and gives some light to the action game industry once again. However, Bayonetta is wounded in battle with the return of GOW in the form of the very extremely overhyped GOD OF WAR 3. Suport Bayonetta! It'll be a while until Devil May Cry can bring reinforcements to beat back the GOW series into the ground. SUPPORT BAYONETTA!