i don't really have anything against Bayontta
but all those cross over fan arts of dante and her p i s s me off!

moseslmpg;269602 said:I think that is a given, because "the" angels in our world are incorporeal and invisible, so there would be no way to physically attack them anyway. So you never have to worry about that in a videogame, or movie, for that matter.
DreadnoughtDT;269628 said:Man, I must be the only soul in existence that liked Bayonetta's music. I must have a thing for jazz/pop, I guess.
DreadnoughtDT;269628 said:Man, I must be the only soul in existence that liked Bayonetta's music. I must have a thing for jazz/pop, I guess.
They aren't incorporeal because they have bodies and can influence the human world. And I wouldn't say they are invisible but rather hidden or camoflauged. Real angels cannot be seen even with magic Cereza glasses.Edsabre;269625 said:Well, the angels in Bayonetta's world incorporeal and invisible, too. At the very beginning when they show up, Enzo cant see them and Bayo flies through a portal to enter their 'dimension' and fight them, from then on she becomes invisible to the humans.
Saying gameplay is what matters is a tired argument. Gameplay used to matter the most, but it really doesn't anymore. No one would play a game that had only pure gameplay, as we take things like the plot for granted nowadays. There has to be something to frame the gameplay. In any case, I don't have an issue with the gameplay, I just don't care for it. You hit something once, you've hit it a thousand times.I love Bayonetta and I'm starting to love it as much as I love DMC, which is quite a feat. The story may not be winning any awards, but the gameplay is above and beyond anything we've seen in action games. And that's what really matters most: Gameplay. It's the most important part of a game and if the gameplay is good (And if it's ridiculously good, in Bayo's case) then you can forgive alot of things.
I never said the game was crap. But I can't really applaud any of the things you just mentioned. Bayonetta is good despite all of those things, not because of them. The way I see it, the only thing that redeems it is the gameplay. If it played like DMC2, people would despise it.Of course, everyone has their opinions and tastes and I can respect that. However, it seems alot of times people will get this preconception about something and it's almost impossible for them to change it. They see Bayonetta and she's fighting angels, with crazy jazz/j-pop music, and she's hyper-sexualized so they immediately dismiss it as crap and talk bad about it without ever giving it a fair chance with an open mind.
You're welcome to feel sorry for whoever you want, I suppose, but that isn't the reason I don't like the game. I don't like it because there is nothing really important about it, there's nothing that would make me care about what happens in it. Sure the gameplay is good, but that means nothing to me. The game has no character or depth, nothing interesting happens in it, and the music is like torture. Literally.The truth is that Bayonetta is a supremely fast, frantic and fun game and if you dismiss it just because it isnt exactly like everything else on the gaming market today... then I feel supremely sorry for you.![]()
DreadnoughtDT;269580 said:The references to other Sega games like Sonic, After Burner, Space Harrier, and Viewtiful Joe sent tingles up my spine and put a tear in my eye, something no other game has ever done.
Oh, and BTW, the Affinity angels quickly became my favorite angels in existence, period. There's just something about them that makes them rather cool to me. I guess it's because they look like armored bird-men or something.
leonbutt167;269521 said:Its seems like most you do not like Bayonetta in some way. Whether its the character design or the belief that Bayonetta is a rip off of Dante;its undeniable that Bayonetta is far better than any other DMC,GOW(God of War), or other generic action titles to date or even to come. Like it or not, Bayonetta has maintained the slightly decayed hardcore action game genre from rotting further.
God Of War is PURE ADVENTURE. The only thing that shines is the story and music of the game. Other wise, get ready for a lot of flashy and gory, but soon to be tiresome and eventually boring gameplay. Several parts were too ridiculous for GOW to even have its take on greek mythology. Some cyclops are armed with technology advanced morning stars(spiked balls:lol, multiple ceberuses can exist at a time, Hades sprout multiple claws from his back, and Kratos is able to BEAT ZEUS. ZEUS IS THE MOST POWERFUL BEING OF ALL TIME. HE COULD OF TURNED KRATOS INTO A BLOODY MULCH. But no, he just had to have a showdown with his "son":dry: The GOW series are overhyped, and is what most ignorant people now a days claim to be the top action game of all time. Thus, the GOW series rotting the hardcore action game industry.
Are you ****ing kidding me? You are seriously complaining about the hyper sexuality?Enough said.![]()
In the midst of battle, Bayonetta defends the honour of the truly awesome action games, and gives some light to the action game industry once again. However, Bayonetta is wounded in battle with the return of GOW in the form of the very extremely overhyped GOD OF WAR 3. Suport Bayonetta! It'll be a while until Devil May Cry can bring reinforcements to beat back the GOW series into the ground. SUPPORT BAYONETTA!
MochaCub;269785 said:Bayonetta is SSSexy, the gameplay is SSSexy, the music is SSSexy...the story is meh.
D.E.Mortal;269760 said:
1.Where was da VJ reference?
2.my fave is Joykno y?:lol: jk jk
DreadnoughtDT;270369 said:When Netta leaps up after lava-surfing on that angel, she says "Dancin' a go go, baby!" Which sounds like Joe's "Henshin a go go baby!"
D.E.Mortal;270523 said:ohhh...must not've heard dat one...usually i'd hear dying angels & Lacuna Coil