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Duel of the Dark Lords


Legendary Devil Hunter
Honestly I'm hesitant in posting this cause of how vs threads tend to go. But I'm gonna post it anyway with some conditions​
  1. Please try to keep it to the 2 characters, don't try dragging other characters into it
  2. No insults (This should be a given, I mean come on guys, I'm pretty sure most of us are in our 20s, if that 1 thread asking for ages is anything to go by)
Now then, who do you guys think would win

formally Tom Riddle


Darth Vader

formally Anakin Skywalker

Honestly I'm pretty unsure, though I do favor Vader.

On one hand Voldemort's magic is bit more versatile. But I don't think he has anything Vader can't counter with the force. Not to mention if Voldemort get's too close, he's finished.
I know Vader can come across as a little slow in the films.
But that's more to do with what they could pull off at the time.
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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
What are the conditions of the fight? Because if we're not keeping them both true to their own lores, then I'd say Darth Vader would win.

But if we are, then I'd say Voldemort wins simply because you have to destroy all of the Horcruxes to actually completely destroy him.


Legendary Devil Hunter
What are the conditions of the fight? Because if we're not keeping them both true to their own lores, then I'd say Darth Vader would win.

But if we are, then I'd say Voldemort wins simply because you have to destroy all of the Horcruxes to actually completely destroy him.
Let's imagine all Horcruxes are destroyed. (Personally though if we did include them, I'm of the opinion that while Voldemort couldn't be killed, he wouldn't be able to take Vader down, cause he wouldn't waist time in snatching Voldy's wand and snapping it)


Present Day. Present Time.
I couldn't imagine I'd make my return in this thread but here goes;

If we are going for Expanded Universe Vader he could absolutely destroy Voldemort with little effort given he can match Starkiller in strength, who can crush a Stardestroyer. And that's not even counting the comics.

In canon Star Wars though they are a bit closer and probably at the same level if Voldemort has the Elder Wand. But ultimately it comes down to who can take the other one down faster. Adava Kedavra could work on Vader but expanded universe states Force can counter magic. And we also don't know if it'd reach Vader at all through his suit.

I'd say EU Vader>>>Voldie with Elder Wand≥Canon Vader>Regular Voldemort

It's been quite a while since I've touched both of those series though so take this with a grain of salt.

Absent Nova

Phantom Thief
I'm too biased towards Lord Vader, so I'm going pick him because of the all mighty Force Choke through the TV.


Legendary Devil Hunter
Dunno much about Star Wars... can Vader counter an Avada Kedavra?
I don't doubt that he could dodge it (While Vader in the movies may seem to be lacking in speed, he was surprisingly fast in the expanded media, using speed in bursts)

There's also the potential his lightsaber can deflect it


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Voldemort's pretty fast too though, since he can fly without a broomstick. Also all of Voldemort's attacks would be him basically flying around shooting different spells at Darth Vader. And unless Vader's lightsabre can deflect magic spells, I couldn't see him being capable of resisting them on impact.


Present Day. Present Time.
Voldemort's pretty fast too though, since he can fly without a broomstick. Also all of Voldemort's attacks would be him basically flying around shooting different spells at Darth Vader. And unless Vader's lightsabre can deflect magic spells, I couldn't see him being capable of resisting them on impact.
I don't really think movement speed is an issue here. Even if Vader can't fly or move quickly is debatable, he still has swift reaction speed and I'm pretty sure Voldemort's reactions are no faster than superhuman level(like he's not fast enough to dodge point blank bullets), which means Vader can act faster even though Voldemort could move faster.

He can try to deflect spells with lightsaber, block them with The Force, simply dodge them(it doesn't work on Adava Kedavra though) Or at the very worst, his armor can tank them. Remember Dumbledore blocking Adava Kedavra with a statue, so it should be possible for Vader's suit to block at least one or two destructive spells before collapsing. Or he can even use random objects to block spells thanks to The Force.

However Voldemort has no mechanic to counter Force based attacks, or at the very least a Force Grip or anything similar. Voldemort has to kill Vader before he acts (while he's off guard) -which is almost impossible. And otherwise he's done for.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
@Wuodan: I was simply adding a factor into it in which I'd personally say Voldemort would beat Vader in. But you definitely raise some pretty good points about Darth Vader using the force to block Avada Kedavra. Do you really think his lightsabre could repel magic spells? Because if so, then even with Voldemort's ability to fly, Vader would still have the advantage because he'd knock away any attack. Other than his ability to fly and cast spells, what else does Voldemort have going for him? I mean there is apparating, but again Vader would probably sense Voldemort and cut him in half before he could get the element of surprise. There are other spells though, like ones that effect time (I think or imagine) it depends what spells do what and if Vader could counter them all.

I agree that Force Grip or Force Lightning would be capable of harming Voldemort. Force Lightning less so because he'd probably counter it with a flick of his wand and the two would connect like it did with him and Harry in the graveyard.


Legendary Devil Hunter
There's also the factor if Vader get's Voldemort's wand from him

like so

Voldemort may be capable of wandless magic, but it's nowhere near as powerful. Whereas Vader losing his lightsaber would not hamper his force powers, and Voldemort would still be helpless if they were up-close to each other (a 6ft8 cyborg with robotic limbs)


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
ok, here is my thought. Vader don't stand a chance. One full discharge from Emperor reduced Vader to crippled dying man, and obliterated his life-support. This make apparent that Vader don't has huge defence against energetic projectiles, and this is main weapon of Voldermort, he most likely obliterate Vader. That aside, they both capable of telekinesis, as such while yes, Vader can try to choke Voldemort, but Voldemort would most likely rip his life support from inside out.
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