Doom Eternal

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What did everyone think of it?

Sorry for the late bump, couldn't find a recent thread

I loved it, the pacing was faster and more ott, the graphics were a huge step up (it is gorgeous looking)

The platforming didn't bother me, it was a change up between battles. The bars actually added to combat by allowing you to get all over the fight area

The new enemies were badass, and the old ones which were upgraded too, and those glory kills lmao (absolutely epic)

the crucible, doom blade and shoulder mounted predator style canon were amazing, the bosses were fun but not as fun as doom 2016 with the exception of the gladiator one. Though the first marauder and doom hunter battles were fun

All in all I loved it, it's up there with its predecessor and wolfenstein 2 new colossus in my top 20 games of my last 28 years of gaming

The new enemy types , and upgrades of old enemies were really cool too, and although I loved doom 2016s scifi elements more, the level variation was great

Again sorry for the bump mods, didn't want to start a brand new thread when one already existed.
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Reactions: DarkSlayerVergil
Ask your retailer for bonuses - you get skins, items and Doom 64 with your order.

I'm currently playing the game, but I'm liking it.
Already got all those things, and the season pass

With the deluxe edition

Cant wait for the single player dlc/expansions

Game is tough as hell on ultra violence too

Was so hard to beat, but the feeling of achievement and relief it was over made it worth it ha ha
If you haven't already, check out doom 2016 and wolfenstein 2 the new colossus too

They are fantastic aswell
I actually did play the 2016 game, though I didn't get very far into it, it was enjoyable.

Well I cleared the game today, that Khan Mayker, what a b!tch!.......Had to use the Sentinel armor against her.

Did anyone but me think the Marauders were so freakin cheap, mainly those wolves they summon. It's like, okay he can already zoom around, shoots me with a shotgun if I'm too close to him, and sends projectiles at me if I'm too far away, and has a shield to block my shoots if I don't wait for his eyes to flash green (Plus the BFG and Crucible do Jack Sh!t against him), does he really need to be able to summon a minion to attack me too?
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Reactions: DoomSlayer87_Sss
If you stay within 10 feet of him, and dash left and right til his eyes flash green and he lunges

You can get 2 shots off with the super shotgun

And he will go down way way faster in all encounters

The wolf goes down with a blood punch or shotgun blast too

The Khan makyr fight is tough on ultra nightmare

But the icon of sin fight is worse I thought
If you use the shield and chain machine gun the first part is easier

And the bfg will wreck armour once you damage it to a certain point with the heavy hitting weapons

the crucible will take care of regular enemies , and there are plenty of pickups for it and the chainsaw around thankfully
I'm not usually one for FPS, but I'm loving this game.

If you think this is fun, you should totally try FEAR. Literally gun fu made videogame. I could spend tons of words describing how hugely entertaining its combat is, but this short video does a way better job.

Ya fear is awesome, another great alternative is wolfenstein 2 new colossus

Or if you wanna go a bit older, play hard reset from pc, or the redux version , or shadow warrior 2

Or stranglehold/max payne for third person
Doom Eternal is my pick for game of the year, and we're only five months into 2020. Everything about it is an improvement and expansion on 2016. The only thing I'd add would be a co-op horde mode, that would just make the whole package complete. I'm already excited for the DLC campaign id Software has in the pipeline.