The only problem with that is many non-japanese gamers already liked DevilMayCry the way it was.
Guess that's what the jimquisition saying about developers retooling games or trying to appeal to everyone then failing all out of the fear of the unproven.
I don't think Tameem Antoniades is racist but i think he's trying to speak for everyone when he doesn't know as much about them as he believes.
Yeah. It would have been better for NT to have taken the tentative tack, knowing there would be doubts or resistance from some and just sticking to a limited line about what they were doing with it, not speaking about what "is cool" or whether the previous games and their characters were/are worthy of our admiration today.
That doesn't seem to have been properly considered, though. Whether you're talking about how the franchise reboot could have been its own thing with a different name (which it could, and possibly should, have been) to Tameem's blase comments about Dante's "coolness", to the deliberately animated in-joke where a wig falls onto New Dante's head - there was a sense of "deal with it" permeating all of it which naturally ****ed off quite a few people who never asked for this.
Even people who like both new and old, tend to think of them as having a separation or as being connected but different. The assumption fans will simply adopt something without question is a risky one. There was a lot of "speaking for" involved in this whole deal which is probably what caused a lot the anger. I know
I get bothered when somebody presumes to tell me what I like based on unrelated things. It's somewhat disrespectful to assume a person will act or think a certain way and to then tell them that they will when you have no idea. Yet this was what happened.