No Consistency + No Explanation + Too Many Fan Theories = Disaster
The major screw up was with DMC4, to be sure. However, a lot of damage could have been avoided if they had made Nero secretly evil.
Adachi makes Old Vergil look like a boyscout. It's obvious he had used the bumbling "Nero Character" as inspiration for the role, but only to mask the unbridled corruption inside of him.
To those who don't think Nero is a complete klutz, allow me to present this vid.
Adachi would have fallen all over himself only make Dante lower his guard and win the battle in the end.
You know what? I'll go as far as to say that Adachi and Old Dante are evenly matched, whereas Nero couldn't even win with Vergil as his Persona.
I do think Nero would have been more interesting if they had shown more than just him getting angry and how much he loved Kyrie. Then again I get kind of annoyed with love stories, anyway. It was one reason why I liked DMC, no romance. 4 kind of ruined that.
I also think that Vergil would have been better as the manipulative one, keeping people from knowing just what his true motives were instead of bowling straight into being the villain and fighting Dante. I kind of liked Arkham because of his deception. Vergil could have worked on his own if they had given him more tact. And Nero, they could have had him show more intelligence as far as what the group was doing, then he would have had more of a reason to rebel than just him not believing the same as them. They made so many characters so simple, there was no doubt as to what side they were on, or what their motives were. Arkham was the only one that deviated from this.