Does "Hate" mean "Different"?

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No Consistency + No Explanation + Too Many Fan Theories = Disaster

The major screw up was with DMC4, to be sure. However, a lot of damage could have been avoided if they had made Nero secretly evil.


Adachi makes Old Vergil look like a boyscout. It's obvious he had used the bumbling "Nero Character" as inspiration for the role, but only to mask the unbridled corruption inside of him.

To those who don't think Nero is a complete klutz, allow me to present this vid.

Adachi would have fallen all over himself only make Dante lower his guard and win the battle in the end.

You know what? I'll go as far as to say that Adachi and Old Dante are evenly matched, whereas Nero couldn't even win with Vergil as his Persona.

I do think Nero would have been more interesting if they had shown more than just him getting angry and how much he loved Kyrie. Then again I get kind of annoyed with love stories, anyway. It was one reason why I liked DMC, no romance. 4 kind of ruined that.

I also think that Vergil would have been better as the manipulative one, keeping people from knowing just what his true motives were instead of bowling straight into being the villain and fighting Dante. I kind of liked Arkham because of his deception. Vergil could have worked on his own if they had given him more tact. And Nero, they could have had him show more intelligence as far as what the group was doing, then he would have had more of a reason to rebel than just him not believing the same as them. They made so many characters so simple, there was no doubt as to what side they were on, or what their motives were. Arkham was the only one that deviated from this.
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I made the EXACT same point in a YouTube video.
No bull-. The reason "you"(not this forum) do not like DmC is because of the hair. You don't admit it (YouTube comments) but that's the reason. The game is great and now we have the fun/obstacle of learning how the game works.

I made a point about what a "REBOOT" is. Look at Tomb Raider (Which looks like a female Uncharted (which isn't a bad thing)) or the recent Amazing Spiderman in which he had a NEW SUIT(!) but the those went well with everyone, so why is DmC getting "Mundus dumped" on?

This is....pathetic mentality is what we are now as gamers(well those). I understand if you don't like the direction of RE6 or DmC but they aren't bad games. I saw to my friend that I find Forza to be extremely dull and boring, BUT, because I don't like it, it doesn't mean it's bad. There's such a thing as not liking a game/film/whatever but still acknowledging it's well made and caters to the genre. For me to even say Forza is a bad game would be lying and biased. But now we're in the time were, if you don't like it, you must HATE it.

I'm new here but this forum has great rational attitude.

I actually didn't notice your post until just now. I always reply to other people to let them know that I'm answering them.

The thing with new Spider-Man, is that a lot of people hate the costume, myself included. Look around and you'll see it. People will hate on anything that's considered new. I remember people hating RE4 because it wasn't "traditional".

You could say that I was "left behind" due to the fact that I didn't see the Amazing Spider-Man. But I never really planned on watching it anyway, so, I don't really have a problem with it. I'll just wait until the next inevitable reboot.

DmC is getting "Mundus" dumped on because Dante was j-cool. I mean, leather trencoat, guns, and swords were all things taken from Blade, but it was fused with the Inuyasha philosophy. Even Link himself had white hair and a huge sword at one point (this was before DMC1, so my theory is that they just fused Blade, Fierce Deity Link, and Inuyasha to create Dante.

Back when the first Batman was announced (the 1989 version) people petitioned relentlessly to stop get Michael Keaton from getting the Batman role simply because they didn't like him. This was years before the internet, so think about how scary that would be if that happened today.

Anyway, welcome to the forum.
I do think Nero would have been more interesting if they had shown more than just him getting angry and how much he loved Kyrie. Then again I get kind of annoyed with love stories, anyway. It was one reason why I liked DMC, no romance. 4 kind of ruined that.

I also think that Vergil would have been better as the manipulative one, keeping people from knowing just what his true motives were instead of bowling straight into being the villain and fighting Dante. I kind of liked Arkham because of his deception. Vergil could have worked on his own if they had given him more tact. And Nero, they could have had him show more intelligence as far as what the group was doing, then he would have had more of a reason to rebel than just him not believing the same as them. They made so many characters so simple, there was no doubt as to what side they were on, or what their motives were. Arkham was the only one that deviated from this.

I respect Arkham, but for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to like him. I dunno, I guess I'm a shallow fanboy. Lol. His duality made him a great villain and was pretty much the driving force behind the entire DMC3 story.

DMC as a whole was oversimplified. I don't know why that is, but the fans were happy with warmed-over food, so Capcom just gave them what they wanted. I like to think of the Old DMC series as the Seinfeld of games. It was about nothing.

By that rationale, this new one will be only slightly more about nothing.
I respect Arkham, but for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to like him. I dunno, I guess I'm a shallow fanboy. Lol. His duality made him a great villain and was pretty much the driving force behind the entire DMC3 story.

DMC as a whole was oversimplified. I don't know why that is, but the fans were happy with warmed-over food, so Capcom just gave them what they wanted. I like to think of the Old DMC series as the Seinfeld of games. It was about nothing.

I love Arkham, he made DMC3 devilish. And his poems are just epic for parodies as well.
I thought he was calmer. lol
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I respect Arkham, but for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to like him. I dunno, I guess I'm a shallow fanboy. Lol. His duality made him a great villain and was pretty much the driving force behind the entire DMC3 story.

DMC as a whole was oversimplified. I don't know why that is, but the fans were happy with warmed-over food, so Capcom just gave them what they wanted. I like to think of the Old DMC series as the Seinfeld of games. It was about nothing.

I didn't really like him that much, but he was entertaining and made more sense as a villain. He just tended to get on my nerves.

I never really thought of that before, how it was like Seinfeld in that it really wasn't about anything. I just had fun playing the games. Hopefully the re-boot will change that since there really isn't much about the story that's been released. That we'll learn when it comes out.
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It matters very little, considering DMC2 Dante had none of the same personality. DMC2 Dante had the red coat and white hair, but had none of Dante's personality that was apparent in all the others. He had some really cool one-liners, but there was very little "Dante" to him. DmC's Dante has an extremely similar personality to that of DMC3's, he just doesn't have the "red coat" and "white hair."

DmC stays true much more to what Dante's accepted personality is.
It matters very little, considering DMC2 Dante had none of the same personality. DMC2 Dante had the red coat and white hair, but had none of Dante's personality that was apparent in all the others. He had some really cool one-liners, but there was very little "Dante" to him. DmC's Dante has an extremely similar personality to that of DMC3's, he just doesn't have the "red coat" and "white hair."

DmC stays true much more to what Dante's accepted personality is.
please tell me your joking right. Right?! DmC and DMC3's dantes arent alike at all and if thats the case only DMC1 dante is true to the personality since in 3 and 4 he was waaaaaaaaaaay more cocky and in 2 he was just really mature 1 is the definitive dante seeing how he acted towards the demons and trish, knowing when to crack a joke to me we should have gotten a modern version of DMC not NT's take on Devil may cry. also what makes "Dante" dante then? In DmC he's pretty much a jerk to like EVERYONE. in 3 he's pretty cocky to every demon he meets and i dont think dante ever insulted any of the demons in 3 besides maybe Arkham.... in DmC i just dont see dante just like when i look at Vergil and Mundas i dont see vergil and mundas i just see very hollow copies that just don't match to the original
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You're ignoring the different circumstances in which DmC's world has placed the characters. There's been numerous points in DmC that I've seen so far that Dante cracks wise, and talks cocky just like the classic version. I know what you mean about Dante acting like a jerk, but that really isn't all of his character, and you can't forget that this Dante really hates the demons this time around, and he's not afraid to show it.

He's not even really all that mean to everyone he meets :/ There's like what...two people he acts like a jerk to that aren't demons, or don't deserve it - the fat dude with the Virility drink, and the bouncer at Lilith's Nightclub. Even then, he was helping the fat guy, and the bouncer might not have been entirely innocent.
You're ignoring the different circumstances in which DmC's world has placed the characters. There's been numerous points in DmC that I've seen so far that Dante cracks wise, and talks cocky just like the classic version. I know what you mean about Dante acting like a jerk, but that really isn't all of his character, and you can't forget that this Dante really hates the demons this time around, and he's not afraid to show it. He's not even really all that mean to everyone he meets :/
I digress i just cant come to like the new "Dante" theres just something about he that irks me something in his personality old Dante was a pretty chill guy who, even though he hated demons, respected alot of them honestly DmC doesn't not interest me in the slightest sure i'll probably watch a few walkthroughs but really it just feels like a really weird re imagining of "They Live" with Demons replacing the aliens
Watched it last night, thanks! It'll be interesting to see what else DmC does with its They Live inspirations.

And before anyone gets their panties in a wad that DmC takes inspiration from They Live, we gotta remember DMC has taken inspiration directly from Dante's Inferno, as well.
to be fair they both take things from the divine comedy :D
I'd say DmC only takes from the Comedy by proxy of taking elements from DMC, though >.< Either way, I can't wait to see how this all comes together.

Oh also - Nada is totally has that Dante snark. I wouldn't be surprised if DmC's Dante has a lot in common with him >.<
I'd say DmC only takes from the Comedy by proxy of taking elements from DMC, though >_< Either way, I can't wait to see how this all comes together.

Oh also - Nada is totally has that Dante snark. I wouldn't be surprised if DmC's Dante has a lot in common with him >_<
*shrugs* maybe their related ;)