Does anyone else wear what I wear?

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Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
May 15, 2007
God Knows
Does anyone have to wear glasses or wear them every now and then for certain things?
I have to, its because I can only see a very short distance. I can't see what it says on the tv. But I should really be wearing them all the time.
Does anyone else wear them? (and do they get on your nerves like they do me? :lol:)

My mum says I look pretty with my glasses on but I don't think so :dry: My mum teases me anyway
Cool. I wouldn't imagine you with glasses. My dad has to wear glasses all the time and he looks weird without them :lol:
I have to wear them right now and I don't want to :dry: but if I want to see better then they will have to be glued to my head. (Well obviously not when I go to bed)
god, i hate those things, + my eyes :P, like you, i can only see for about a couple of meters far...and worse, my eyesight is getting wors by the year, 3years ago i had -0.5, now i have -2 :P

anyway, contacts rule :D
Ah, but I hate contacts. I get afraid I get them stuck or anything.
I think the strength on my glasses are -0.75 or something like that. Its been a while since I checked the perscription thingy you get with the glasses.....
Specsavers rule lol :lol: oh you can never guess were I got MY glasses from......he he :P
:dry: I hate wearing glasses because they make you look so stupid, am I right everyone. I have to wear them all the time but I refuse to, I only wear them when I need to. I can still see alright without them too. And I also refuse to wear contacts because well, I just don't like putting stuff in my eyes. So there ya go.
My wife wears glasses and I think she looks great wearing them. I've always found specs kinda'... sexy. :ninja:

I can't bear to watch my wife put her contacts in, though - it makes my skin crawl watching her poke and prod at her eyes like that. ^_^
i wear glasses because i have stigmitism(sp?) but after getting made fun of wearing them in gr8 now i never wear them.
I try to avoid them but I've my eyesight is getting really bad recently. So I'm wearing them all the time now. And $JP Your right I think we look dead stupid in glasses. Well they always get on my nerves. I don't like it when I get up and I have to put my glasses on. Its like a new routine in life.

(Sorry if any of that doesn't make sense, my cousin was talking to me all the way through writing this :dry:)
I wear the same too.I cant see far.
Demons Destiny;46568 said:
Does anyone have to wear glasses or wear them every now and then for certain things?
I have to, its because I can only see a very short distance. I can't see what it says on the tv. But I should really be wearing them all the time.
Does anyone else wear them? (and do they get on your nerves like they do me? :lol:)

Here's me with my glasses on (warning-scary picture!! :lol:)
I've not long done that, it was so sunny I had to close the curtains :lol:
My mum says I look pretty with my glasses on but I don't think so :dry: My mum teases me anyway
Like I said to tony, I wouldn't imagine you wearing glasses ^_^ They get on my nerves but if they are gonna do me any good, then I must.
Its crap ain't it? I mean I have to take them off for a break because they give me headaches if I wear them too long. But I'm starting to finally get used to them. Even thought I've started wearing them for a few days.
That is why you shouldnt show your picture online.Cause you might get your own personal stalker!!!!!LOL!!!!(no offence nick I am joking)
Woo a personel stalker. I've always wanted one of those for christmas...
By the way I'm glad you're joking or I would have floored you (if you want to know I would grab a plane early in the morning to floor you)
And you think thats a joke......:D