Do you think Ninja Theory/Capcom is REALLY worried about sales?

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Is NT/Capcom worried about the upcoming sales of DmC?

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a lot of reviews came back very bad. RE5 was a very good game, after that the RE series went down hill with 2 bad games in a row.
Then it seems that the public decided not to read the reviews or ignore them, because the game sold well.
Companies have been known to carry on with or without public spending.
Capcom can always get more financial backing from their investors and recoup money from other sectors. What they are concerned about is investors getting back money that they put in, plus some profit.

Sure, they might take a loss from DmC, but that is not certain. So long as Capcom continues to be profitable with other games, the backers will still fund them.
DmC is not the title that holds Capcom's future. Many other games and brands must be taken into account to determine the financial stability and future of the company.
I know Capcom will make money regardless of DmC sales, their a huge gaming company. I'm talking about DmC itself. We're not sure if they will continue the original DMC series, so if DmC fails completely then its goodbye to DmC all together. I'm only speaking hypothetically.
a lot of reviews came back very bad. RE5 was a very good game, after that the RE series went down hill with 2 bad games in a row.

RE6 got mixed reviews, both good and bad. And reviews don't really matter if they're selling millions of copies.
i.e The RE movies are terrible yet they make almost triple their budge at the box office every single time.

Companies don't have to care about reviews anymore if they're making tons of money anyway. It sucks, I know. I wish it wasn't like that but unfortunately it is. :/
A publisher does not reboot a series if all was well. DMC was not doing great considering how big the brand is suppose to be for Capcom so something had to be done. The word fan means fanatic so of course in any fanbase you have really stubborn ones that won't appreciate a damn thing anyone does if it isn't to their personal liking. Usually fanboys will find a way to bitch regardless. Capcom saw DMC was falling because people weren't buying Devil May Cry for one reason or another. A game like 4 was a game that really utterly submitted like the great Yahtzee said to "the die hard fanboys and girls who write exotic crossover fanfiction and smell like old meat."

Devil May Cry really started to follow all these generic anime trends and anyone who isn't interested in that wouldn't care. I really think a portion of the haters are just anime fans upset because DMC isn't trying to be an anime anymore. I've spent too much time around anime fans to learn they can be just the worst and pretty much anything from Japan in their eyes is the superior creation. I hate that fanbase for the most part and I am an avid anime fan. Ninja Theory has a rep for using some of the best technological techniques in the industry and knows how to tell a well woven tale. I gave the company the benefit of the doubt because I saw potential in games such as Enslaved which would have been a great game if the combat was better. The story was actually very well written and had me interested.

Even if the more stubborn fans are refusing to give it a shot whatsoever people who have have all come out pleasantly surprised and would be lying if they said DmC isn't fun. DmC is alot of fun to play, and isn't that what really matters when it comes to video games? People have been saying alot of positive things about the game because it's shaping up to be a good game. I don't pay much attention to reviews but watch, DmC will get alot of praise and high scores and could even make best action adventure game of 2013 when the awards come around. I'm all about giving credit where credit is due and DmC is going to be one hell of a game.
We're not sure if they will continue the original DMC series, so if DmC fails completely then its goodbye to DmC all together.
If it ends, then it ends. Nothing we can do about it. Consumers do not have that much power anymore. It's like DmC says: the companies own us now.

Companies don't have to care about reviews anymore if they're making tons of money anyway. It sucks, I know. I wish it wasn't like that but unfortunately it is. :/
So it's turning into the world of DmC. They have enough money to do what they please and ignore the public. Perhaps Mundus is CEO of Capcom?:lol:
How is RE6 not doing well? It sold over 3 million copies.
It's because people believe that RE6 got bad reviews despite not bothering to look for themsleves. Anything about a 50 is a good and that's the majority of RE6 got 70's. It's dumbarses like Destructoid that consider a well made, well polished game that was extremely bad(Apparently a Michael Bay movie BS). Gamers in general just bitch about and moan about a game being bad it's really a game they don't like but not necessarily a bad one. RE6 is awesome and it sold well and the series hasn't gone down hill.

RE6 got mixed reviews, both good and bad. And reviews don't really matter if they're selling millions of copies.
i.e The RE movies are terrible yet they make almost triple their budge at the box office every single time.

Companies don't have to care about reviews anymore if they're making tons of money anyway. It sucks, I know. I wish it wasn't like that but unfortunately it is. :/
Companies do care about reviews. It's no secret that EA and Activision have paid reviews. Not to mention the recent crapstorm that happened with DmC and fake reviews being put up. They do care...
I would assume that Capcom is kinda worried at this point. Mainly because of the advertisements, MULTIPLE trailers, constantly pushing pre-orders, streaming, constant showing of gameplay/scenes.

Then again, it could just be me since Capcom did this for a lot of games: UMVC3, SFxT, RE6. I still think that Capcom is a bit worried.

Come to think of it, I've never seen such heavy marketing for a DMC game before. They're really trying to get this one our there. I would guess when DmC releases, they're going to focus on Lost Planet 3, then Remember Me.
Mainly because of the advertisements, MULTIPLE trailers, constantly pushing pre-orders, streaming, constant showing of gameplay/scenes.
As I haven't paid much attention to Capcom's marketing practices before, the promotion for DmC could be a sign of worry, or just their regular marketing. Every company wants their product to be known, and especially with DmC being what it is, they will want to give it a lot of coverage.
It's because people believe that RE6 got bad reviews despite not bothering to look for themsleves. Anything about a 50 is a good and that's the majority of RE6 got 70's. It's dumbarses like Destructoid that consider a well made, well polished game that was extremely bad(Apparently a Michael Bay movie BS). Gamers in general just bitch about and moan about a game being bad it's really a game they don't like but not necessarily a bad one. RE6 is awesome and it sold well and the series hasn't gone down hill.

Companies do care about reviews. It's no secret that EA and Activision have paid reviews. Not to mention the recent crapstorm that happened with DmC and fake reviews being put up. They do care...

Although I really dislike RE6, I do agree with you. RE6 is probably someone's favorite game out there and made people very pleased. I'm not upset/offended/baffled by it because at the end of the day, video games are entertainment and meant to be enjoyed (that's the whole goal!).

Game reviews should be always be recognized individually and never compared to other games or reviewers. Everyone has their own experience and take on things. We just have to accept that. Sadly, people never will.
I'm just wondering if we'll see DmC commercials on tv.
I hope so!:D Surely they will if it's part of promoting the game.
It's a shame they didn't show the DmC trailer in more cinemas. I was so psyched when I saw the Bioshock infinite trailer last week. Seeing the DmC trailer would have had the same effect. ^_^
Ninja Theory need a game which sells well. They won't admit it, but Heavenly Sword and Enslaved sold pretty poorly.
Ninja Theory need a game which sells well. They won't admit it, but Heavenly Sword and Enslaved sold pretty poorly.
Actually, Heavenly Sword sold more than DMC 4 if we're looking at Playstation. If DMC 4 wasn't multiplatform then it would have been considered a bit of a bomb.
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Chancey's right, Heavenly Sword actually did decently well for a platform exclusive, DMC4, if you remove the multi platform sales...did horribly compare dto what Capcom wanted...
I think Capcom is definitely worried.

There aware the risk any reboots presents, and thats the chance that they may lose some consumers do to this change.

So even if they like what NT are doing I still think they may be worried about the over all sales due to the divided fanbase at the moment.
I thought NT got paid to develop DmC and Capcom get the $$$ for the actual sales? Unless NT gets a % of the sales of DmC. I guess it all depends on the contract. NT has more to be worried about because its their development on the line. While Capcom has somewhat came out and hinted as DmC being an experiment... Thus they would probably move on to another development team if DmC does not meet a certain goal.