u were just talkin about this hehe
and yes, his back story would be in goods hands with NT telling it
I know xD But seriously, added more to the point that a Reboot wasn't crucially needed. An origin story for Nero was needed though, and would of been ideal after the release of Devil May Cry 4. I'm kind of disappointed that this isn't Nero's story being told. Just a 'non' canon back-story to Dante. That if it is 'non' canon, then it isn't even relevant to the rest of the Series anyway. So how is this explaining anything to us? It's just becoming more confusing/frustrating if you ask me, because real answers are being delayed even longer than necessary.
Nope. I don't like Nero and wish he never existed. Hopefully, he will never appear in this reboot of the series.
Well I respect your opinion. However, Capcom still introduced him to us randomly. Perhaps a lot of dislike towards him, at least I found, was that he was never introduced properly to the Series. And regardless to anyone's dislike, he still needs to be explained. Capcom got themselves into that trouble when they brought him into the story.