A devil may cry related dream here, was realistic to the point i can remember decent amount of it, i had this dream like 2 days ago
Dream title: devil may cry
(possible trigger): devil may cry anime series
There was a new shop opening up in downtown i have heard of the guy somewhere but i could not recall, though i kept getting dajavu sensations when i got closer to the shop, when i arrived to the soon to be called 'Devil May cry' or 'Devil Never Cry' shop i hadn't realized it but i was standing right in front of the home of dante, i walked in and Dante was standing around yelling at the constructors to move it up, was real aggressive (virtually).
i was thinking, 'What an idiot'
I walk up and say 'Hey if you want to have these worker guys do a decent job, i will suggest treat them with more respect'
Dante looks at me and asks "who asked you for your opinion, kid"
I looked into his eyes, and he seemed upset and depressed for some reason, then out of no where the workers were gone, and Dante had stop stiaring at me and sat down at his desk, and a pizza hut guy walked in with a fresh ham and potato pizza, and then dante says
"im guessing you have heard that a new 'oddjob bounty hunter was in town"
i had replyed "yea somewhat, but what do they mean by 'oddjob'
"I dont hunt humans, but demons at a costly price"
for some reason my heart felt like it started to race,
"pfft real oddjob alright, here is a bounty I'd like to to hunt, a mental institution for some help"
he began to count" 1, 2, 3"
next thing i know i felt blood fall from my head and i started to fall, and before i hit the floor i woke up