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DMC prequal is still there


Well-known Member
That's not what Zilla is insinuating. He's saying that since Sparda was handsome (according to Nevan) he may have cheated on Eva with other humans.
And your response to that was "It is possible".
And my reply is that it's highly unlikely he cheated on Eva when they were together.

It's still possible. He's a demon, he has cravings and needs. He might fight his demonic side and have locked all his powers down in the Temen-ni-gru, but that doesn't undo who and what he really is. Cheating on Eva might have been a sinful pleasure to appease some cravings he had.

I get that people would like to see Sparda as an all honourable, noble man who never did anything wrong, but looking at it realistically, I doubt that he was all that pure.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
It's still possible. He's a demon, he has cravings and needs. He might fight his demonic side and have locked all his powers down in the Temen-ni-gru, but that doesn't undo who and what he really is. Cheating on Eva might have been a sinful pleasure to appease some cravings he had.

I get that people would like to see Sparda as an all honourable, noble man who never did anything wrong, but looking at it realistically, I doubt that he was all that pure.
The thing is, you assume to much. I look at Sparda with DMC knowledge and with outside DMC knowledge.

And DMC knowledge is that Sparda had two sons. And neither of them showed any sympthons of "evilness". All they got was great power from their demon blood. You may say "Because they are half humans".
Well Arkham wasn't a demon, he was a human, and look what he did to his wife and daughter.

Furthermore , what makes us humans pure? Because we aren't evil? We humans are like viruses, we make other creatures go extinct. And we have killed many of our own as well.

And if Sparda had needs or evil desires because of what he was, then shouldn't those needs be transferred to Dante and Vergil? A need like that would be to kill humans, but Dante and Vergil did not kill any innocent humans as far as we know.

Every human who's been born aren't exactly like someone else in world. And that probably goes for demons.
But the thing is that demons in games and animes are portrayed of pure evil beings. And perhaps most of them are, but that doesn't have to mean they all are.

You may be a evil creature one day. But the next day you realize what your doing is wrong your soul is purified. And thus you will no longer be evil.

And Nevan said "Your handsome just like your father", it didn't say if they had slept together. Perhaps Nevan wanted Sparda but Sparda didn't feel the same.


The inFAAMous
I'm not certain about Dante, but Vergil did make it quite clear that He needed more Power. An unquenchable thirst which drove him to temporarily side with Arkham, so there was definitely a dark streak handed down to Vergil, Dante may be much more like his Mother, being a lot more open to love and compassion, assuming of course their Mother was like that, perhaps she had a significant role determining what each of the twins turned out like through their upbringings.

It would be a little Black and White to just assume You can either only be 100% Good or 100% Bad, no one is like that, everyone has a little of both, more some than others. And if I recall, Sparda woke up to justice, implying that in his past He was a Bad b*stard himself, which of course despite him taking pity on the Humans and saving their kind, means that that bad streak could return at any time in any form, and just maybe in the form of infidelity towards his love, Eva, resulting in one Nero.


Well-known Member
People saying Sparda is clean and pure are those who assume too much. We know little to nothing about him, mostly because it is unimportant to the storyplot of the game. It's all theories, none of us knows how Sparda really was except for the lacking info we got from the games.

Vergil shows clear signs of "evilness" in Devil May Cry 3, his uncaring and cold demeanor towards mortals for once.

You may say "Because they are half humans".

Now who's assuming?
I have never said that, yet you make a whole post as if this is my arguement. Humans aren't pure, we can all both do good and evil. That's kinda what Devil May Cry is about, isn't it? The good and evil in all of us. That is how I would like to interpret it anyways.

Most of what you write in your post above are but assumptions though.
One last thing though, but a virus in plural form is called vira, not viruses, due to it's Latin origin. Sorry about grammar nazi'ing there.

I'm not certain about Dante, but Vergil did make it quite clear that He needed more Power. An unquenchable thirst which drove him to temporarily side with Arkham, so there was definitely a dark streak handed down to Vergil, Dante may be much more like his Mother, being a lot more open to love and compassion, assuming of course their Mother was like that, perhaps she had a significant role determining what each of the twins turned out like through their upbringings.

It would be a little Black and White to just assume You can either only be 100% Good or 100% Bad, no one is like that, everyone has a little of both, more some than others. And if I recall, Sparda woke up to justice, implying that in his past He was a Bad b*stard himself, which of course despite him taking pity on the Humans and saving their kind, means that that bad streak could return at any time in any form, and just maybe in the form of infidelity towards his love, Eva, resulting in one Nero.

Dante has a drinking problem, I guess that is how he quenches the evil inside of him.


The inFAAMous
^ Ah, I see. There's a lot of information I'm missing about the DMC universe as I'm going purely by whatever story the games portray.


Well-known Member
^ Ah, I see. There's a lot of information I'm missing about the DMC universe as I'm going purely by whatever story the games portray.

Yeah, there's alot of info outside of what the games show, but there are sometimes hints in the games, such as bottles of booze in Dante's home and such.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
People saying Sparda is clean and pure are those who assume too much. We know little to nothing about him, mostly because it is unimportant to the storyplot of the game. It's all theories, none of us knows how Sparda really was except for the lacking info we got from the games. And i am saying your or anyone else's theory that Sparda cheated on Eva is highly unlikly.

Vergil shows clear signs of "evilness" in Devil May Cry 3, his uncaring and cold demeanor towards mortals for once. Did you see Vergil kill any humans? All Vergil wanted is to gain Sparda's power. And he wasn't going to let anyone stop him. That doesn't make him evil.

Now who's assuming? And a good assumption, because you say earlier in your post "Dante drinks to controll his evilness".
I have never said that, yet you make a whole post as if this is my arguement. Humans aren't pure, we can all both do good and evil. That's kinda what Devil May Cry is about, isn't it? The good and evil in all of us. That is how I would like to interpret it anyways.
It's not a argument, i am just discussing with you. Why is it a argument? Because i disagree with you?

Most of what you write in your post above are but assumptions though.
One last thing though, but a virus in plural form is called vira, not viruses, due to it's Latin origin. Sorry about grammar nazi'ing there.

Dante has a drinking problem, I guess that is how he quenches the evil inside of him.
You think Sparda because he belongs to a race that's mostly evil, that he himself has some of "evil" needs. What would those needs be? Killing a human? sexual pleasure? Nevan commenting Sparda's looks says nothing more than her observation about her.

Now Vergil and Dante are sons of Sparda, and none of them have shown any signs of wanting to kill a human for no reason.

And i pointed out Arkham who was a human became evil of his own freewill. And also pointed out how Dante has no evil needs.

I don't know how Sparda was exactly, but i know one thing, Sparda could be a outsider among his fellow kin. Or he was a evil being until he met Eva, and REALIZED with his own mind that killing is not good. And thus that purified his soul.

Either way, someone who wants to protects humans when he doesn't have to probably isn't someone who gives in to evil needs. What, has Sparda gone and killed a human or had sex with a woman every week?
And Eva said "Oh you have killed again?"

Or "Oh you have cheated on me again-.-?".
That's stupid.
And my point with talking us humans is that it's not what we are born as or where that defines our goodness or "humanity".

As for grammar correction, thanks. Though something tells me your not really sorry. "The vira is spreading" :D


Well-known Member
I just find it naive that Sparda doesn't have any evil cravings. He is a demon. No other demon in Devil May Cry has been shown to be 100% honourable, pure and heroic. Trish is another demon who has joined sides with Dante against the demons, but the way I see her, she is no where near being pure.

All in all, it is just your word against mine. All we do is making theories. Nothing more.
I just ask of you not to antagonize me just because I do not share your views. And please stop assuming things about me. Then I shall treat you equally so.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
I just find it naive that Sparda doesn't have any evil cravings. He is a demon. No other demon in Devil May Cry has been shown to be 100% honourable, pure and heroic. Trish is another demon who has joined sides with Dante against the demons, but the way I see her, she is no where near being pure.

All in all, it is just your word against mine. All we do is making theories. Nothing more.
I just ask of you not to antagonize me just because I do not share your views. And please stop assuming things about me. Then I shall treat you equally so.
I said you may say Dante and Vergil is half human hence why they aren't so very evil. And in your later post you said "Dante may be drinking to controll his evil needs".
These evil needs don't exist. That is FACT.
And if they did, what would it be?

Trish just like Sparda took a choice. And thus her soul became purified. Considering Trish was created by Mundus it's hard to refuse to doing something when your creator tells you to.
But Trish defied Mundus because she saw the goodness of the enemy of her master.
No other demon in DMC has ever acted way as Sparda. Isn't that why Sparda is who he is?

Now if you want to elaborate on what areas Sparda may have been bad, then do so. You will see i can discuss the topic in a good manner with you.

And i am not antagonizing you. I just am argumenting against your view. That Sparda may have given in to his "evil" needs.
If you can't bring a good argument against me stop thinking i am antagonizing you.


Well-known Member
I said you may say Dante and Vergil is half human hence why they aren't so very evil. And in your later post you said "Dante may be drinking to controll his evil needs".

And that was assuming.

These evil needs don't exist. That is FACT.

Show me this "fact" in an official source stated by Capcom and I will believe you.

Trish just like Sparda took a choice. And thus her soul became purified. Considering Trish was created by Mundus it's hard to refuse to doing something when your creator tells you to.
But Trish defied Mundus because she saw the goodness of the enemy of her master.

Where does it say Trish's soul became purified? Official source, please.

No other demon in DMC has ever acted way as Sparda. Isn't that why Sparda is who he is?

Totally agreed. According to Devil May Cry lore, no other demon has saved humankind from other demons and sealed them into the demon world. However, Dante and Trish are fighting demons and tries to keep them out of the mortal realm, carrying on Sparda's legacy.

Now if you want to elaborate on what areas Sparda may have been bad, then do so. You will see i can discuss the topic in a good manner with you.

These are only theories as there are no official source on it, but Sparda sleeping with other women while being with Eva, and later one of those women having spawned Nero is a theory that seems to be popular amongst many DMC fans. I don't think that's the case with Nero's origins though.
My theory is that because Sparda is a full-blooded demon, he has evil in him which he might try to fight or try to satiate one way or the other. And it is indeed reflected in Dante and Vergil as well, Dante's drinking and Vergil's thirst for power. I am not saying they are totally evil, it isn't that black and white, just that they have evil in them that craves for attention.

And i am not antagonizing you. I just am argumenting against your view. That Sparda may have given in to his "evil" needs.
If you can't bring a good argument against me stop thinking i am antagonizing you.

I thought you said we didn't argue, but discussed, yet you want me to bring up good arguements.
Well, I like to think that I have come up with some good arguements for my case, but that depends on the eyes of the beholder. You might not think they are good, but that's your opinion. However, I found your posts above to be antagonizing, as in very negative towards me which is why I requested for you to not do so as I do not seek to fight with you about theories, and I hope you share that notion with me. ^^


The inFAAMous
Then again, You could always look at it from the point of view that perhaps Nero is intentionally left mysterious, as to enable the players to make up their own origins for Him. A widely known theorized one may actually be more interesting than an official one, if we ever get it.


Well-known Member
Then again, You could always look at it from the point of view that perhaps Nero is intentionally left mysterious, as to enable the players to make up their own origins for Him. A widely known theorized one may actually be more interesting than an official one, if we ever get it.

That's how it works most of the time anyways. Fan-fiction can be so much more interesting than the official story of many games.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
And that was assuming.

Show me this "fact" in an official source stated by Capcom and I will believe you.
DMC 1, 2, 3 and 4. Did you see a Dante or Vergil doing a evil act?

Where does it say Trish's soul became purified? Official source, please.
A soul is purified when the being realizes the undoing he or she has done or is doing. Trish realized Mundus wasn't a good.
8:54 "Devil's never cry. These tears...tears are gift that only humans have".
Trish soul may have been corrupt or corrupted in beginning, but when she met Dante and saw his goodness, she changed. And by changing her soul was purified. I like to think that's how it is.

Dante's inferno, based off Divine comedy just as DMC.

Totally agreed. According to Devil May Cry lore, no other demon has saved humankind from other demons and sealed them into the demon world. However, Dante and Trish are fighting demons and tries to keep them out of the mortal realm, carrying on Sparda's legacy.

These are only theories as there are no official source on it, but Sparda sleeping with other women while being with Eva, and later one of those women having spawned Nero is a theory that seems to be popular amongst many DMC fans. I don't think that's the case with Nero's origins though.
Same here.

My theory is that because Sparda is a full-blooded demon, he has evil in him which he might try to fight or try to satiate one way or the other. And it is indeed reflected in Dante and Vergil as well, Dante's drinking and Vergil's thirst for power. I am not saying they are totally evil, it isn't that black and white, just that they have evil in them that craves for attention.
I thought the same too. Evil needs, but it's not reflected on Dante or Vergil. Vergil may be after power because his mother got killed and he was helpless and couldn't do anything about it. And Dante's drinking? We don't see him drinking to much, and isn't it a human thing to drink? Furthermore Sparda could be a light among his kin.

I thought you said we didn't argue, but discussed, yet you want me to bring up good arguements.
Well, I like to think that I have come up with some good arguements for my case, but that depends on the eyes of the beholder. You might not think they are good, but that's your opinion. However, I found your posts above to be antagonizing, as in very negative towards me which is why I requested for you to not do so as I do not seek to fight with you about theories, and I hope you share that notion with me. ^^
Arguing, not argumenting. Isn't that two different things? I think my points are pretty good. Yours i find not so good because as i pointed out Dante and Vergil should have some of the evil cravings of Sparda if he had such thing. Thirst for power and drinking isn't evil cravings. Vergil's line "I need more power..." - probably because of a reason. And i believe that reason is related to his mother's death.
I don't want to cause arguments (as in arguing) either.


Well-known Member
Dante or Vergil doing evil - Saying it isn't shown in the games is not proof that they haven't done anything evil or will do anything evil. What they do when not "on camera" is something we can only theorize.
I find Vergil's behaviour evil, his hunger for power, his uncaring behaviour towards others than himself, sending demons off in the mortal world, however, that's my perception of evil and others might not agree with it.
Drinking alcohol which Dante does can also be considered an evil act, though very minor. But again, the definition of evil is in the eyes of the beholder. Yes, it is human to drink, but as said, humans are capable of both good and evil things. Drinking is not on the list of good things, but rather on the list of evil, depending on who you are asking.

The soul purification - I do not consider that an official source on Trish being purified. She realized something, that's different. But if you wish to see it as that, then very well, however, I do not agree with you on it.

Arguement - From your post above:

It's not a argument, i am just discussing with you. Why is it a argument? Because i disagree with you?

It sounded like you thought I wanted to argue when I specifically wrote "arguement", and now you tell me there is a difference between an arguement and arguing, a difference I already knew. So you seem to have misunderstood me the first time.

Antagonizing - On some of the above posts, like this one:

Either way, someone who wants to protects humans when he doesn't have to probably isn't someone who gives in to evil needs. What, has Sparda gone and killed a human or had sex with a woman every week?
And Eva said "Oh you have killed again?"

Or "Oh you have cheated on me again-.-?".
That's stupid.
And my point with talking us humans is that it's not what we are born as or where that defines our goodness or "humanity".

As for grammar correction, thanks. Though something tells me your not really sorry. "The vira is spreading" :D

You seemed to have antagonized me, making exaggerations of my statements instead of trying to be reasonable. But I am glad that you do not seek to do so, as you state here:

I don't want to cause arguments (as in arguing) either.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Dante or Vergil doing evil - Saying it isn't shown in the games is not proof that they haven't done anything evil or will do anything evil. What they do when not "on camera" is something we can only theorize.
Dante has been on camera tons of time. If we haven't seen him do any evil acts, then why be theoretic about it?

I find Vergil's behaviour evil, his hunger for power, his uncaring behaviour towards others than himself, sending demons off in the mortal world, however, that's my perception of evil and others might not agree with it.
Drinking alcohol which Dante does can also be considered an evil act, though very minor. But again, the definition of evil is in the eyes of the beholder. Yes, it is human to drink, but as said, humans are capable of both good and evil things. Drinking is not on the list of good things, but rather on the list of evil, depending on who you are asking.
Drinking alchohol doesn't make you evil. It makes you evil when you decide to drive under influence of it. But that's because of ignorance and not alcohol. As for Vergil here is one of his quotes:
"Might controls everything, and without power you cannot protect anything, let alone yourself."

The soul purification - I do not consider that an official source on Trish being purified. She realized something, that's different. But if you wish to see it as that, then very well, however, I do not agree with you on it.
Capcom doesn't have to say "Trish was purrified". Questioning it is really bad because she did turn good because she saw the good in Dante. And she even sacrificed her own life.

Arguement - From your post above:

It sounded like you thought I wanted to argue when I specifically wrote "arguement", and now you tell me there is a difference between an arguement and arguing, a difference I already knew. So you seem to have misunderstood me the first time.

Antagonizing - On some of the above posts, like this one:

You seemed to have antagonized me, making exaggerations of my statements instead of trying to be reasonable. But I am glad that you do not seek to do so, as you state here:
Don't mean to be condesccending about your point. I just think it would be weird for someone like Sparda who saved the world (a selfless act), to later murder people. Or even cheat on Eva. I think perhaps Sparda felt he was different from other demons, and when he travelled to human world he met Eva. And that made him decide to betray his own kind.
I don't think the demons have any craving needs. And only one thats highly likely to me is the need to rule over others. I guess with that said you can say Vergil's thirst for power is evil but, i think he is just a man who is angry at himself for not being able to do anything about his mother's death.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Thank you.

The DMC series had potential story wise, but Capcom didn't delved enough in it to make it shine like other big titles in the game industries.

Apart of that was there were too many cooks in the kitchen and they couldnt agree on what to do with the series.

I have to agree with Zerolove since Trish seemed to be making her own choices so she decided that mundus was in the wrong and decided to go help dante.

She didnt need purification as mundus wasnt controlling her like he was controlling Vergil.
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