okay, here's mission 5 guys

Mission 5: The Scales Of Justice.
The castle seemed a little more frayed than when Dante had entered it before. The place was spookily quiet and buzzing with the sense of something terribly evil. It felt a lot worse than the first time Dante had been to the island, the place buzzing with the sense of great evil.
Unbeknownst to them that Silent figures lingered in the dark background, sticking to the shadows as if they were darkness itself.
"Okay, so where the Hell are we suppose to go?" Dante asked.
"Oh boy Dante, do you never listen?" Trish replied, sighing and leaning backwards against the tall staircase.
"Yeah I know" Dante replied, "We head to find my bro" he added.
Looking outside, and seeing that the sky was clouded over, Dante sighed too and slumped against a nearby wall.
"What's a matter man? your not getting tired of all this are you?" Toni said, in his usual "ask a load of questions manner".
"I am just a little tired that's all" Dante replied.
"Anywhere good to rest?" Trish asked.
"Over here guys" came Lady's voice. She led them into a small room that contained three large armchairs.
"Looks like someone's redecorated" Dante said to the group.
"What do you mean" Trish asked, with the others looking confused too.
"Well do you ever recall those armchairs being here?" Dante replied. He had a good point. The island had seemed to have a much different look to last time Dante and Trish had arrived.
"Let's talk in the morning" Trish replied.
Toni had already slipped into a chair and was fast asleep.
"Yeah but there are two chairs left" Dante said.
"Oh I see. So just because you are the "amazing Dante" you get a chair?" Lady said.
Dante shook his head to say "no".
"You have one of the seats, it's fine with me" Dante replied, outstretching his hand and pointing to the chair as if to say "please take a seat".
Dante slumped to the ground.
"There is one chair left Dante" Trish said.
"You have it" Dante said, "I should keep watch just incase" he added hastily.
"Let's take turns" Trish replied, and Dante nodded in agreement.
Dante was on first watch, slumping outside of the room against the door. Dante's dark eyes monitoring the huge room that contained the gigantic staircase. His blue eyes suddenly spotted a sharp movement at the top of the stairs.
"What the?..." Dante said.
It was probably nothing he thought to himself.
........................................ - - ............................................
"Dante. Wake up, wake up..." Trish said, nudging Dante.
"Huh???" Dante said, opening his eyes.
"It's my time to keep watch" Trish said, not bringing up how bad Dante had done.
"I can't believe I fell asleep. Maybe this is because of my age?" Dante said to himself.
"Oh don't be silly Dante. Just because that weird knight guy called you slow..." Trish said, knowing Dante all too well.