Really hard to watch sorry D:
Oh yeah I forgot to mention earlier. Don't use YouTubes auto-correct feature. It's crap and makes you videos look horrible like a bad LSD trip.
I used it once.
I'll never use it again . . .
Really hard to watch sorry D:
Oh yeah I forgot to mention earlier. Don't use YouTubes auto-correct feature. It's crap and makes you videos look horrible like a bad LSD trip.
I used it once.
I'll never use it again . . .
5 minutes after your postSay is anyone in the UK tried downloading the demo recently? It's just when I looked for it about a week or so ago I couldn't find it on PSN :blink: didn't even show up on the demo list then.
5 minutes after your post
I've just checked and it's not there. No idea....
It doesn't make any sense. It's strange though, when I check my recent downloads and attempt to download it from there it still works. So where's the demo hiding on PSN? o_oHmm. I would say that maybe PSN removed them but, why? lol
It doesn't make any sense. It's strange though, when I check my recent downloads and attempt to download it from there it still works. So where's the demo hiding on PSN? o_o
It was on the front Page for me.
Can't wait till 25 January to play it on PC. And get my cope at 15 January for X360. It will be fun!
Hope they won't change Polish translation ^^
I watched someone playing DMC in Italian! Oh many that shi-'s so awesome! XDI was hoping for Polish subs on time of ENG version premiere but now Im in hope that I can use translation patch on game from ENG retailer as for me Polish collector edition is again not well getting goods what ENG CE have.
Glide comboooooo
Glide comboooooo
I really like the style that Cedrus has. It's not as twitchy, and it's really cool to see how inventive he was with his set-ups.
Awesome thanks. Cerdus has some sick style. I LOVE ground combos and the first combo in that video is AWESOME because has such creative setups! I love people that use Lucifer to bounce the enemy back to Dante, which you can see in my video I love using Level 3 Ricochet to bounce them off each other. Plus, Pandora is my favourite weapon from DMC4. Just a box of fun, insanity and sex. Thanks for positive feedback tooAwesome combo bro. This is the first time I've been truly impressed by a DmC combo video.
Everything else that I've seen kinda tries too hard to be "DMC combat" (edit) . But you went for a completely different approach to comboing.
Instead of using JCs multiple times in the air, you focused on setups (which is another thing I like about combos).
Kinda reminded me of this combo video:
cedrus0511 doesn't go for extremely complicated JCs. He just does setups that look really nice.
He kinda had his own style in the DMC community as well.
Also, I'm coming up with a comparison video for DMC4 and DmC (speed wise). I'll be comparing certain moves for a comparison. You'll all see the video probably later on today as well as my thoughts on the whole matter.
Awesome, I can't wait for that.
Are you doing it like this?
I compared the moves a long time ago, but unfortunately I couldn't do it the way I wanted by comparing the two side by side. Mostly because I didn't have the software to do that, so I'm excited to see how your video turns out.Yes. Basically exactly like that.
Taking the same moves and comparing them side to side. Which is what people should have done in the first place.