sorry i dont follow a mindset where more than one character can be the same exact character e.g ntdante and original dante being same character.But that's the point of DmC, since it's a retelling, it's using the characters names to put them in different situations. In the same way Peter Parker is an iconic name with his Spiderman symbol, yet has been re-created multiple times in different universe to the point he's now a very young teenager who's black with a new name. I think some people forget that the point of DmC is supposed to be an interesting twist(and alternate universe) in which the icons are changed but you can still feel the presence of the original source material.
Ever watched the modern film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet?
"WTF these characters don't use guns and drive cars in the original Shakespeare story" obviously not because it's supposed to have the essence of the source material but turned into sub-product using an alternate universe. There's also an alternate universe in comic books where (What-if)Superman landed in Russia. The Red Son series even changed the iconic Superman symbol into a sickle and hammer(Dantes hair changing from black to white).
I honestly don't understand how to basic concept of retelling stories with a twist could've been missed by so many people. Comics(Batgirl now a transgender), films(King Kong 2005), books(Pride and Prejudice Zombies), games(Alice: Madness Returns) have all done this.
so what if they have similarities, thats just similarities.
the only thing validating these two characters as same character is just license holder.
if i made a character named dante, was a female with long white hair and she used a crossbow as missile weapon and a rapier as melee weapon, and she was half human and half demon, and liked eating pizza and made comments like dante in original serie do.
could and should my character be interpreted as same character as original dante
or woudl i need a piece of paper to make that dream true.
my point...similarities is irelevant and only big thing that is helping to validate ntdante as same character as original dante is a piece of paper that a greedy company is holding and enforcing onto people.
i guess u can accept if capcom says they are the same character, but does that mean that you as an individual who have thoughts on the subject truly agree with capcom had they not had the license for the character?
i dont believe in two dante existing who have similarities but also differences, and they both at same time are the same character.
i view ninja theorys dante, as ntdante...a dante made by nt. a different character i.e not same character.
fictional characters arent alive, but i apply the mindset that even though there are many humans who are alike we are at the end of day different as individuals.
and we arent copies of eachother nor are we a different copies of eachother.
i dont believe in what you believe in. just because you have proof that more than one type of superman has been created doesnt necessarily mean that they all are the same character as the very first superman created.
retcons is done to appeal to people. a way to earn money. i heard the black spiderman had such objective.
i think its a complex issue. i am open to possibility of my mindset being wrong. but i dont feel that i am wrong.