I don't care if people agree with me or not, that's up to them. But I see it like this... let me make a scenario for you:
I believe you are an idiot.
That is my opinion. No matter what you say, no matter how many official statements you make that you are indeed not an idiot, I still think you are an idiot. That is my opinion. Even if every logic sense tells me, you are indeed not an idiot, I still think you are an idiot. Until your doctor comes up to my door with a full psychological analysis of your intelligence stating that you are indeed nothing like an idiot, I will believe you are an idiot and say that is my opinion of you. And maybe even then, I would STILL believe you are an idiot, because I am childish and maybe I just really dislike you and simply don't want to believe otherwise...
This was just an example, I don't really think you are an idiot.
What I described above is exactly how some of the many fans have been, and still are like, towards this topic about Tameem and Dante being lookalikes. That there are people who don't like Tameem, I can't blame them, that is their opinions... but it is not an opinion to say if Tameem made the design team have Dante look like him. We might not know the truth, but logic states that it is indeed not the case. It is stated in the very OP article why it isn't the case. The design team would never do something like that. It is professional suicide! And that is why I find it completely ridiculous to say otherwise, because it goes against all sense of logic.