Okay guys

here is a more in-depth summary

me and my co-writer are just spitballin' a few ideas at the moment peeps

So any time soon this thing should kick off again.
Well Noraciss dies because he gets taken down by Advicate.
During when the girls -Kasandra and Mystique- are helped out by Noraciss they are fighting off Advicate. However, at the last moment Noraciss can't fight off the urge to be under his Master's control, so he turns on the girls. At that point when he turns he is open to an attack, and Advicate finishes him off by crushing him to death with his huge teeth.
The girls then finish off the dragon and return back to the shop.
Then Nero has his fight were he wins, and he too will makes his way to Dante's shop. It is there that they decide that Nero, Vergil and Dante shall be the ones to go and kill Sequari. However, Grenal offers to go with them.
They refuse to let him, but he persuades them. Grenal then foolishly thinks he can take on his Master, as he thinks he knows of a weakness. Charging in he is struck down easily and killed. The others then clash with Sequari, ending in them ultimately winning, and returning back to Dante's shop.
Then we see them all go their seperate ways, with perhaps word of another outbreak somewhere from Toni.