I will probably get this closed entirely, because this is severely bumping very old work :lol: But I didn't want this to die, as I said from the very beginning. And I seriously want to end this, so I am going to add in two final chapters and call it the end. So I can say that I finally completed my most favourite Fic of my own. Also, I have changed the name of the end chapter from 'Final Fight', into 'The Devil In The Sky'.
Chapter Eight - The Decision
It was his moment to attack the Black Dragon. Noraciss hurled himself towards the humongous beast, in an attempt to at least weaken him. But he was nowhere close enough, before he went into a fit of rage. His master controlling his mind, commanding him to destroy the others. He was so confused as to what to do. In his midst of flying around the sky, dazed and stunned, Advicate swooped down.
"Noraciss, this is entirely my pleasure" he said, opening his enormous jaws to bare his hundreds of teeth. He bit into Noraciss's head, breaking away his skull, killing him instantly. He was no more, as his smaller body hit the ground,
His blood spilling everywhere. His demonic stench surrounding the entire area below Advicate.
"You bastard" Mystique said, under her breath.
"As I told you before, and I will tell you again. I am now going to destroy all of you, and then return to her Majesty's side" Advicate said, still loyal as ever. He fell back into the sky, quickly, just a small distance. Starting to brew up a large fireball in his chest. Beginning to cough, it was rising through him. Sooner than they expected, the flame shot out from his mouth and down towards the ground. The fires speed and temperature, burning everything below.
"Too easy" he laughed, maniacally.
On peering down, he noticed that the group was nowhere to be seen. He assumed the flames had obliterated them, claiming himself victorious.
"Turned to ash, how unfortunate. Now I must be leaving" came his chirpy and highly sarcastic response to their deaths, as he headed towards the skies. He soared higher and higher and higher, until he came to his destination in the clouds. He entered into the Kingdom, through the portal which he could only use. Advicate being the largest demon in Upper-Hell, the portal was specially designed for him alone.
And he was back. Back into his home. The desolate and torn skies above the Earth. Nothingness, yet, all he wanted. All that was enough for him and his kind. His Master lived here too, ruling the Kingdom. He kept of flying, until he stopped. His wings started to fade away from him, like magic. His long scaly wings he relied on, vanished into nothing. His dragon head and image, disappearing, revealing the image of a man. Not a human, but what looked like an Angel. A fallen angel.
Advicate, The Black Dragon, The Legend. He was no more than a mere man, who fell from the Heavens. He was turned away, and formed in the image of his master. That is why he was so loyal. She gave him everything. A new lease on life, a new purpose. He was everything that he wished he was. Wise, and powerful, so powerful.
"Our armies are ready. My minions wait at the gate, wanting to fly. They come in thousands. Nothing will stop them, my Master"
Sequari looked down at him from her golden throne, a smile across her face. Everything was in the place. The warriors were all ready, weapons raised. The only thing left to do was open the gate, and they would all be free to plague the land below. Infest it with pure evil and hatred.
The gate opened, slowly, suspense-fully. The armies stepped forward, advancing in their hundreds of rows.
Then the gate stopped. It jolted, and wouldn't budge. Sequari stood up from her throne, every eye was on her. A bright light shined into the Kingdom, filling every room, every hall, every eye. It was blindingly bright. And a single creature stood before these armies.
Nero stepped forward, softly, on the top of the clouds. They were clouds, but you could actually move on them. 'Huh, how odd?' Nero thought to himself.
Nobody made a move. Nobody did a thing. Not unless she wanted them to. She was their leader, their everything. And Nero had just stepped into a potential World of pain. He walked past the hundreds and hundreds of demons, none of them making an attempt to touch him. He walked through them all, until he faced her throne.
"I'm not scared of you. I know you must think I am, but I'm not. I've been through worst than all of this put together. I've had to put up with this thing on my arm, growing. And now my whole body has changed. I'm not even human any more. If I ever was human in the first place" he said, looking up to her. He had utter hatred in his heart, and he just wanted answers.
He raised Red Queen to her neck, quickly and swiftly. The room cried with screams of agony, but she didn't even blink.
"Yes. I can see something, deep inside of you. Something strong within your heart. Something I can't explain" she began to say.
"Go on"
"You're here because you seek answers as to who you are. And before I kill your World, I would like to give you those answers" she continued.
"Now you're talking. Go on" Nero insisted, as if she was reading his fortune.
She studied his demonic arm. It bore a scar on it. When she looked deeply into it, it looked like a symbol. She stopped, and gasped, and fainted. Nero looked confused. And all of Upper-Hell charged forward to destroy him.
"Lucius, help me" he cried, and the dragon awoke from his slumber. The massive red dragon summoned by the sword, abruptly. Nero grabbed onto it, and fled the Kingdom, left them all behind.
Advicate ran to Sequari's side, checking if she was alive.
"SHE IS ALIVE" he cried to the demons, who cheered louder than ever before.
They couldn't do anything until she had awoken properly, and by the second, the sons of Sparda were readying their attack.
The next chapter will be a lot larger, and hold more explanations and descriptions. This was mainly to get the fan fic rolling again, so I could reach a conclusion with it and finally complete it. More tomorrow