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Devil May Cry Roleplay - PLEASE READ!

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Incomplete Dani;204603 said:

...I mean, I've joined already. And I read all nineteen pages. o_O

Are you CRAZY? hehehe, not even I can sit through all 19 pages! :lol:

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
clairavance;204612 said:
Are you CRAZY? hehehe, not even I can sit through all 19 pages! :lol:
Quite possibly, yes. I was reading it from 11 pm to 1 am. I had a hard time waking up a few minutes ago. :lol:

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Just a little note for you guys.
If anyone is keen to try their hand at playing one of the DMC cast (obviously this would mean one of the roles that are NOT already taken), please step up and speak out. I'll update the roles in the RP thread as soon as I can get into it, because for some reason it won't let me in!
So, just to let you all in on it until I do update:

SPARDA has been removed from the list.

NERO - is up for grabs. WHOOT! :D

If you're interested in playing Nero, contact either me or Trish67. You'll need to audition for the part, so MAKE IT GOOD. You only get one shot.

This excludes all players who already have more than TWO roles to portray.

This also excludes all NEW players who already HAVE a role. You're gonna have to show us some decent skills before you can even THINK of asking to play two roles.

Otherwise, if you feel you're worthy and capable of RPing well, feel free to organize an audition with us. :)


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
And we need a Nero ASAP!!! Guys, seriously emo boy has imense value to our rp. He may be annoying at times, but let's face it he creates plot points...
So please don't be shy, if you think you want to play Nero, please don't hestitate to contact me or Clairavance. Thank you...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Okay, I'm going to ask this with the full knowledge of the fact that I could get completely verbally destroyed if I say it.

What's the deal with having two characters if you can't have them interact with each other? Say I'm playing as Xevnas and Nero at the same time. I can't have any idle chatter going on there? Or what if I have them tag team a pile of weak demons? I just don't see how having two characters controlled by the same user being plausible if this can't happen. It's like wanting to play an Xbox and then play PS3, but you find out you can only use one. You know what I mean?

Rant over. :p


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
OMG! *Trish takes a deep breath*
Ok, I'm calm now. DT, the reason that one person playing two characters cannot have the characters interact in the same post is because then you are basicly rp-ing with yourself and that is not fair to the other players.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I understand. It kind of takes the fun out of using two characters. I mean, no one's going to want to if you leave it that way. But, they're your rules. I can't do anything about it. So, I'll leave it be.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
DreadnoughtDT;204678 said:
What's the deal with having two characters if you can't have them interact with each other? Say I'm playing as Xevnas and Nero at the same time. I can't have any idle chatter going on there?

*echoes Trish* OMG!
Serious dejavu. Maybe all Nero fanatics have the same thought process? o_O Now that's scary...

Btw, is that you hinting that you'd like to audition for the role, DT? ;)

If anyone else has any more questions like this about the rules, or anything pertaining to the RP, please ask them here, so we can cover all topics and explain things to you.

With that in mind, before anyone ...ahem... can even think of asking this:
NO. Scene jumping? NO. If everyone in the RP was experienced RP veterans, we could have looked at it, but since some have never actually RPed before...No. It will confuse the writers, eventually. We all stay in the same scene. Where one goes, the others follow. We need everyone active in the same place and setting.
Scene jumping?
Hell no.
Why? Three words - NOT GONNA WORK.

Rant over. ^_^

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Double posts...sorry!!>_<

DreadnoughtDT;204696 said:
I understand. It kind of takes the fun out of using two characters. I mean, no one's going to want to if you leave it that way. But, they're your rules. I can't do anything about it. So, I'll leave it be.

NUMBER of Characters. Each player has the option to play a max of two characters. Exceptions will be made for a third character. This only applies provided neither one of your roles crosses paths. You can’t RP with yourself, it’s just weird and wrong and crazy. Don’t hog the posts either. If two of your characters are in the same room with another RP character, use only one of them to keep the story moving. Double posts are annoying, it breaks the rhythm, and you’re depriving other RP’s their chance.

The reasons why your own characters can't interact with each other is outlined in the rules itself.
But to be fair, I'll open this rule in particular for discussion, since this seems to be the one some people have issues with.
If you really WANT your characters to interact, then win me over. Sway me to your side. Let me see it your way. Fire away when you're ready DT. And this goes for everyone else who is backing DT up.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
clairavance;204699 said:
Btw, is that you hinting that you'd like to audition for the role, DT? ;)

Uh.... Maayyyybe... I just don't see how it could still be fun if you have to intentionally stop the two characters from talking to each other. I mean, then they'll act like the other does not exist. You DO see the problem, don't you?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Okay, I see what you're trying to say. Let's do this. You put down the pros for having the characters interact. State your case to the judge, so to speak. And I mean it, DT, if you want it, you're gonna have to FIGHT for it - and not just for yourself, because if you have a problem with this rule, chances are there are a lot of other people who do too.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Alright, alright, I'll do it then. Please feel free to question or add anything of your own.

PROS - why it should be allowed for your own xters to interact:

-...it's fun
- it's easier this way

I can't think of any other Pros, so feel free to point them out to me.

Now, from my side.

CONS - why I'm anti-multiple xter interaction:

Focus - each of your characters MUST have their own individual posts. You can't put both (or more) in the same post, because one or the other character will be neglected (see RP thread for Nero's neglection once OC showed up). As reality would have it, no matter how much we adore the DMC xter we're playing, OC's will inevitably gloat in our favourism, which will lead to the DMC xter not being done any justice.
Roleplay is similar to writing a fanfic - and unless you're REALLY good at keeping in-character, the tendency is for the OC to be fiesty, overbearing, and turning the DMC xter into their tamed pet (whether by immediate force or gradually over time). Basically, OC owns DMC xter. THIS is not acceptable in the RP. The DMC characters reign supreme over any other.
So, what if I have TWO original characters and not a Canon one - can I put them both in one post then? No. I'm being fair - this rule applies to one and all.

Double posts - are against the rules for the simple reason that 1 - it's actually against forum rules, and 2 - other roleplayers are going to get fed up and tired of watching you post in sequence because you want your characters to have a serious heart-to-heart or a fist fight. Basically, you'll be hogging the RP and depriving other RPs their chance. You're not running the show, so don't steal others spotlights.

Now, I'll say this here, since DT did ask the exact same question that GGC did to me once.
Does this mean that my one character will be non-existent to the other, even if they are in the same room?
No. Come on! Are we writers or not? Am I REALLY the only one who puts logic behind my characters and treat them like real people? Of course they're going to notice each other, unless they're BLIND or stupid. You can put down that one character sees the other, you can even put down HOW they see the other and describe it. You can put down what vibes they get from the other, you can put down their thoughts about the other character.
What you CAN NOT do, is have them converse, or get involved in a fight of sorts. This classes as interaction. There will be NONE of it because as it's stated in the rules, it's RPing with yourself. Don't do it. Why not? My reasons outlined above.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Has anyone in the RP even done two characters at once yet? If no, I'll state my reasons in my next post.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I wanted to know if anyone wanted to do it. It seems more like a burden than actually being worthwhile.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
clairavance has asked me to keep an eye on the RP. (POWER MWHAHAHAHA!!!)

Although I know that Trish and Zany do pop in from time to time. Also Credo is a referee too.

If there is someone who would like to join the RP, please send me a Private message.

I would like to make cv proud that i can look after her baby while she is away. Although she is not here, cv will be aware of any goings on.

Thankies for reading this.
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