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Devil May Cry Roleplay - PLEASE READ!

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Hi guys!
Just a message from myself, the insanity that sparked the RP and got it up and running, and my trusty referees Trish67 and Zany Blac (where ARE you bro?!)

It has come to my attention that a certain Xevnas and Moises are gathering recruits for the RP. This is all good and well, we do appreciate your efforts to keep things alive, but you boys also know there IS a procedure in place that needs to be followed.

If anyone here, new or old, are interested in joining, please contact either me or Trish67 via PM and tell us you're keen to join. There are questions that need to be answered so that we can deliberate on whether you can join or not.
Basic process:
-You say wassup, I wanna join
-We say, okay, 2 questions - and make your answers good (first impressions count)
-You answer, we dissect your answer, we say yay (we have yet to say nay, so fear not!)
-We inform other RPers of your presence while you go post your character profile in the RP character domain (link provided in my signature, how efficient am I? ;))
-You read the rules. You familiarize yourself with the plot. We give you the low down on what you've been missing and where we're at, because reading through the RP is just bloody insane
-You read the rules again. And again, and again, and again. Take heed of the steps of prosecution. Most newbies to the RP have red cards tacked to their behinds already. Don't be one of them. KEEP TO THE RULES. If you're unsure before making a post - go back to page 1, reread the rules. Refresh your memory of the plot. DO IT. This goes for everyone, new and old, myself and the referees included.

I turn into a demon when people don't do something as simple as abide by the rules. They're there for a reason.

And o_O HOW do I know that DT and Crazy Demon have been recruiting people? Well, duh. I've got the God Sceptre, HELLOOO - I'm like God now, I'm EVERYWHERE....dun dun dun... Yes, yes, Vergil is watching you!!! ;)

Btw, @ Xevnas *facepalm* there's only 7 gates, not 9 :p


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas: Are you frigging serious? I could've sworn someone had said nine before...

Dreadnought: No, I'm pretty sure they said seven. You need to listen more carefully. :p

In all honesty, though, I COULD'VE SWORN someone had said nine... Oops!


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
Hi, Narcisse here, I wanna say somethings, so listen! to people who want to join the rp, please follow all the rules to do so, but know this as well....Vergil and I can't be the only evil people in the rp...let's face it as much as Vergil and I may not want to admit it, but it is a true statement that everyone needs a little bit of help taking over the world...I mean the Brain had Pinky...actually I take that statement back, considering Pinky never really helped Brain, he just kinda mucked things up....but you all get my point....right?
I think I am done here....oh wait no I am not...@ Xvenas...I only possesed Trish once.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I'd love to bring Mundus into it, but Nero isn't around.

As much as I love the idea of being EBIL, I can't bring another character into the rp as we'd all Mundus and my other character will clash, and i'd just sound insane. And i'm pretty sure, Trish67 is already one daughter of Mundus. So it wouldn't work anyway.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
That crazy old fool? Guh! Are we still going to do the Quincy thing, VB? I recon Quincy is gonna have some wicked fun with Vergil. Because he knows how ;) (don't tell anyone our secret!) Muhahaha...

Vergil: ...
Clair: Don't look at me like that. YOU are the one who decided to stab me in my dream, and then come back for some more last night.
Clair: Payback's a biatch, baby ;)

Seriously though, where is GGC? Has anyone been in touch with him? I thought exams are over already.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
He's very bogged down with college work. I have spoken to him on Facebook.
He had a bit of an accident a few weeks ago, but he is fine.

I hate to be a pain in the arse... but what exactly is going on in the RP... I am confused... and lost.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Well... Right now, Xevnas and Moises both got their devil triggers, and they royally screwed up because they destroyed a hellgate instead of merely sealing it. Oh, and Xevnas is about to get into a duel with Vergil. Something about "being worthy of apprenticeship" and all that jazz. :p

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
@DT: Say whut? When did this happen?! :O


Just kidding. We're basically at the first hellgate, VB, which seems to have been a breeze with Xevnas and Moises taking it head on without backup, and royaly stuffing up.

Vergil: I beg to differ, Dante would have done the same thing.
Clair: HUSH! No speaking!
Vergil: ...
Clair: Besides, it's okay if Dante destroys the hellgate. He's the star of the show, at the end of the day.
Vergil: ...grrrr...:mad:

Anyway. Good to hear GGC is okay, hope it wasn't anything too horrible that happened to him.

If you get in touch with him via facebook again, could you ask him if he has any plans to come back to the RP anytime soon? If he says no, or if he doesn't know, either way we'll have to put the role up for someone else to tide us through. We NEED Nero. If he doesn't want to give up the role but doesn't know when he'll be able to RP, that's okay, the role will still go up for someone else, and when GGC gets back and wants the role, we'll negotiate.

And Narcisse is Mundus's daughter, and in league with Vergil.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I'll ask him.

And i had a funny feeling Narcisse was Mundus' daughter. Crikey, it's like a family reunion.
Seeing that there is seven hell gates, there is no point in bringing Mundus into the rp yet (or quincy in that matter)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Is Railazel still on the forum? I haven't seen him post for a while, and he wanted to play Sparda since Christmas. Dude, if you're here, speak up, we need to discuss the role!

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises:hey xevnas you cannot forget why we get ours triggers you get a new weapom,sorry i dont remenber the name and i get a cristal scythe called guardian

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
DAMMIT! Bloody memory lapses. Sorry about my previous post guys. I'm taking the role of Sparda down, because my apprentices reminded me that no one is going to make the cut for Sparda's role. Sorry about that!

@DT: I hope you know what you just got Xevnas into. I'm a martial arts buff, and with Vergil as my pawn, I'm gonna inflict some serious damage ;) WHOOT for epic whoop-ass time :D

Eris Strife

The Discordian Trickster
Wooooh... so only one hellgate destroyed...

@clair: I guess you can ignore my question. Sorry I didn't see this earlier.

I'm waiting for the right moment for Eris (my OC) to enter the RP. Can't have her popping out like mushrooms randomly... although that would be so very, very like her.
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