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Devil May Cry - Role Play


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas heard his cell phone go off, and then checked it. "A picture? From Moises, no doubt." Xevnas looked at the picture of the impaled Vanguard and then let his jaw drop when he saw the title. "Typical Moises... Oh! I know..." Xevnas snapped a picture of the scorch marks left from the Nobodies and put the title as "I bet you know what these came from." Then he sent it. "I wonder how he'll like that." He thought.


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
"Slow down, boys!" Trish cried. "Breaking the hellgate makes things worse. You two have mucked things up. Our mission was to reseal the hellgate. Megara sealed this hellgate two years ago. We only came to reseal it. Not unleash the evil. Now we need to keep killing what comes out of the this sewer of a gate, and keep killing it even after she shows up!"

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises heared his phone and decided to see it."It looks like they gived it a big hand." he heared trish and went in Devil triger teleporting to where Xevnas was,he sayed."come with me,we maked a great mistake",he grabed Xevnas and later teleported to the entrance of the sewer where Trish was and before she could see his demonic form he went out of Devil Triger and closed to her.

"Could you tell us what we did right and what we did wrong".


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas stood in disbelief. "Are you frigging serious?! We went through all that trouble, just to have you tell us that we screwed up? The hellgate can't work now, it's power source is gone. I turned it to dust and absorbed it's power, so don't tell me that I've "screwed up"! I'm done listening to others! I'm going to go destroy the rest, AND their power sources, on my own. If anyone wants to help me, they're welcome to come along."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises steped in front of Xevnas."Hey dont be mad,went we make a error we repair it is the best form that become angry because it".He put a serious look on his face,and whispered Xevnas."A litle more demon killing wont be bad right you want to show yours new powers in devil triger dont you."

He them faced Trish and sayed."Well what do we have to do for repair our mistake now".


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas looked down at his clawed feet. "I'm sorry... It's just... I've always lived in the shadow of others, never being given the opportunity to make my own choices. You know how my culture works, Moises, so you know what I'm talking about. The first-born son has to do everything the parents ask, no questions about it." Xevnas devil triggered and held out his hand, the dark diamond appearing from thin air. "I'll use this to repair the gate, and then I'll use it to seal the damn thing. Let's go, Moises."


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
"Xvenas don't get all bent out of shape," said Trish. "I know Meg, can fix it when she gets here. And to be honest she will probably say that it was an honest mistake. And I am honestly not surprised this happened. I mean seriously I am used to Dante going into a job, guns blazing without listening to the intstructions on how to do the job, and truthfully I am gulity of that too, I see a demon I kill it. But next time wait for intstructions, boys, okay?"


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
"Sorry..." Xevnas said with a hurt look on his face. "I just hate hate HATE following orders. I've done that for the past fifteen thousand years, which makes me only fifteen, in your time standard. Come on, you two. Let's go seal the others. Although, to be honest, I need something to vent my anger out on..." Xevnas' timing couldn't have been better, as a horde of Mortf Inis were attacking.

Xevnas grabbed his sword and started swinging, shattering metal and bone as if they were nothing. One tried to hit him in the back with it's sword, however, Xevnas shoved his own through it's chest, killing it. Then, another threw it's shield, but Xevnas dodged it and threw it right back. "Come on, you two!" Xevnas yelled as he fought. "I need someone to help me with this "therapy session"!"

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Fing. Fing. Fing.

Vergil remained aside, watching the scene with slit ice blue eyes, idly twirling Echo in a slow steady circle. Did these full blooded demons truly have such a low view on him that they would underestimate his intellect? Did they not realize what he was capable of, that he could be present in different locations all at once without physically manifesting, that he was omnipresent and...no. No, of course they didn't. They weren't playing him the fool - they were merely poorly educated about certain demonic artefacts.

Fing. Fing. Fing.

Ludicrous that they would do something as reckless as destroy the power source of the hellgate. Because of him. As if he needed it, now with the Sceptre safely stored away in his possession. Unimaginable power at the tip of his fingers. Then again, a little bit more wouldn't hurt.

Fing. Foop. Fing. Foop. Fing. Foop.

The double bladed sword in his hands changed its course and casually cut the empty air in front of him in an endless string of W's. Vergil paced the perimeter of the scene, watching Xevnas unleash his fury on the swarm of lesser demons. The youth seemed to have a problem with authority, a preference to taking matters into his own hands, oddly similar to Dante.

Foop. Fing. Foop. Fing.

Echo picked up speed. Similar to Dante, but far from his brother's veteran status. The boy lacked direction - a suppressed leader forced to follow a team. He had power. He had skill, as Vergil observed Xevnas cutting down foes without hesitation. The boy had spunk.


Vergil's thoughts flicked briefly to another youth he'd ran into - the boy with Yamato. Xevnas may not have the fire that Nero did, but he made a decent match. Yes, Xevnas could indeed prove to be a worthy apprentice...

With devious intent, Vergil gripped the hilt of Echo tighter, and let the surge of his inbred power lose upon the blade in his hand. He stepped forward, and swiped Echo through the air in a diagonal gash.


A sharp flare of light blazed across the ground and crashed into the walls of the surrounding buildings, slicing every offensive demon in half and sending those left over to scuttle from the scene. He sheathed the sword with deliberate slowness.

Vergil walked forward, and he began to circle the furious youth. His expression was a canvas of indifference, but his voice dripped with mockery when he addressed Xevnas.

"Perhaps a spar with me will aid you in regaining your composure," Vergil suggested, and unsheathed Echo with cat-like reflexes, aiming the sharp edge at Xevnas. "You're no use to anyone if you allow your emotions to consume your logic. So what of it then, boy?"

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises looked the scene and sayed to Trish."This is not looking well,if they fight one of them could get killed".When he ended speaking he grabed the Guardian and the scythe spoke in his mind."Master there is a group of demons close".Moises looked around and he spoted a group of scarecrows.

He whispered to his friend."Xevnas if you need help whisper me and i will teleport you out of there".Then he went into Devil Triger and teleported under a group of three scarecrows slashing up and cuting them in two parts.

"Come on thats the best you can do".


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
"Vergil... You make a good point. I'm no use if I cannot be trusted... Alright. But let me lay down the rules of this match. Number one, no devil trigger. We're already powerful enough. Number two, no weapons. A fistfight only. And number three, no cheap shots. I want this to be as fair as possible. If you agree, we can begin." Xevnas threw his sword straight up and let it land in the ground behind him. "Now, what'll it be?"

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Vergil withdrew the blade with a smooth twirl, and leaned it up against a wall. He studied Xevnas for a minute, cast another glance at Echo - he truly did prefer conducting these quarrels with a proper weapon - and turned to the boy.

"This is not exactly what I had in mind," Vergil confessed, striding closer to Xevnas whilst rolling up his sleeves in preparation. "In fact I believe you would have stood a better chance against me had you accepted my request for an old fashioned spar. But if this is how you wish to conduct matters..."

Vergil's eyes flicked to his brother for a meaningful second, before locking onto his target in front of him. His body shifted, feet finding their hold and balance, arms pulling back into a defensive position. He extended his arm and coaxed with his fingers, and smirked with his eyes. "Let's play."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas moved into a fighting stance. He knew his strategy would work. 'Wait for the enemy to attack, and then destroy them when they least expect it.' He thought. Xevnas coldly regarded Vergil, calculating every shift, every slight movement that he made. It was only a matter of time before he lost his patience.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Vergil watched the boy's resolve, took in his defensive posture, and swiftly veered himself into the offensive.

Clearly, this was not going to be as much of a slugfest as the ones he and Dante were used to performing. All the better.

Vergil drew back his fist, feigning the idea that he was going to punch, and at the last second twisted his torso and landed a swift inside kick to Xevnas's thigh instead, channeling force and momentum into the blow.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Moises standed still in the group of scarecrows as he looked,the fight of Vergil and Xevnas,one was closing him from the back,Moises feeled it and smiled he did a circular slash killing five of them,he teleported in front a group of five but he waited and they were closing the portal.

One of them put his hand inside the portal the others waited.A hand grabed by the neck the poor one that put his hand inside,them the scythe went off and cuted it in half.The others where preparing for Moises to going off from the portal.But instead what he did was to shot them in the head.

One.....by....one they falled

Went they were all dead Moises came out off the portal closed Trish,and started looking the fight.He dont went out the Devil Trigger because he remembered he was the emergency exit of Xevnas


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas felt that blow. It hit like a ton of bricks. However, that's just what he wanted. Right after the kick, Xevnas grabbed Vergil's foot, and threw him straight up. Xevnas jumped after him, then he solidly landed both fists into Vergil's gut, making him hit the ground and create a giant crater. Then, Xevnas leaped into the crater, and stood over Vergil before punching him in the face. Just once. That was enough for Xevnas. "You were putting up a good fight. However, merely feigning your moves won't do you any good."


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
"A fist fight really,Vergil?" asked Meg. she just walked onto the scene. "This isn't your normal brotherly sparring match, considering Dante is not parcipating."
She took her bag of her shoulders. and sighed when she saw the damaged hellgate.
"I need you guys to keep the demons away from me, as I repair the hellgate can you do that? Hellgates need to exist as they are, for the world to balance. They do not need to be destroyed to be closed, contray to popular belief. Closed hellgates mantain an alchemic balance between the human and demon worlds."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas leaned down and whispered into Vergil's ear, "Wait just one moment." He walked out of the crater and went up to Meg. "Ahem. Well then. I'm afraid I'm busy right now, so I can't escort you through the sewers. However, I can recommend Moises for the job. Now, if you'll excuse me..." He walked back over to Vergil. "Now, where were we? And don't try the "right HERE!" method and try to hit me. That works in the movies, not here."

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Vergil had gotten to his feet while Xevnas had his back turned, and now he stood straight to face his opponent. There was no trace of emotion on his face, but under his skin he was seething.

He tilted his head to the side as the boy mocked him. Before Xevnas could get the last word out properly, Vergil struck out -

With his left fist his knuckles crashed into the side of Xevnas's face, followed by a sharp uppercut with a powerful right hook that had the lizard's head snapping right back. He executed a perfect roundhouse kick that sent the boy flying, but he caught hold of the boy's leg and wrenched him back mid-air before slamming him face first into the ground with sheer force.

- All without budging an inch.

Vergil himself only moved once Xevnas was lying face down in front of him. He pressed the heel of his boot in between the boy's shoulder blades, and crouched down on him with all his weight to keep him pinned down.

"Feeling vented yet?" Vergil growled in his ear.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas laughed. "GodDAMN Vergil, you sure know how to throw a frigging bag of bricks at someone, don't you? Ugh... Wait... Something... Doesn't feel right..." Xevnas' began to shiver. "My body... Feels so... Cold..." Xevnas couldn't say any more, because he'd fainted. At this point, it began to rain. However, something different happened. When the rain hit Xevnas' body, his muscles grew slightly. As a small puddle formed around his unconscious body, it was quickly drained away, and his muscles grew again. He sputtered as some water entered his lungs and he quickly got up, accidentally throwing Vergil to the side. As he looked down at his body, he noticed the extra muscle. "What the... Uhh... Vergil, did you do something?"
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