Devil May Cry - Role Play

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"I might..." Xelicor whispered to himself, Xelicor starts pulling junk out of his sweatshirt, after a few minutes Xelicor retrieves his bug spray. "Xevnas! I got the bugspray! Just don't get it in your eyes!" Xelicor starts spraying relentlessly, "O.K. I think I got them. We can keep going with the mission."

(This was an accident. My brother forgot to sign out my profile, as we share a computer. Treat this post as if it was Doppelgamer's okay?)
Xevnas sat panting, ignoring the fact that he was sitting on his tail. He was just a little bit annoyed that Xelicor just nearly gave him a heart attack, but he suppressed his anger. It could wait. They've been friends since childhood, so something like THIS isn't gonna break them up. He stood up. "Now that THAT'S out of the way... Is this tower the first gate? Because that blue rat who abandoned me, whom I will not refer to by name, sliced up all those inside. And they didn't smell human. They smelled... Like Zeronians. But... Subtly different... Maybe they were possessed... But the most striking thing is..." Xevnas looked back at the group. "One of them was my father. He was hosting one of them. I'm not sure if you noticed, but there was something that looked like me that skittered away." Xevnas sighed. "This is gonna sound mushy but... We need to find him. I'll track his scent." Xevnas then went back into the building, looking around for a second way out. He found a hole that seemed to have been torn out of the wall. Outside, something that looked like him was panting, out of breath. Maybe even dying. "Are you a Leseral Xavi?" He asked. The figure did not move. "Father...?" The figure turned around, and Xevnas gasped. This was not his father. It was a doppelganger of him, with white, soulless eyes and bared teeth. The clone jumped him and Xevnas summoned the Greshall's Spine, slicing the Leseral-Clone in half vertically. He ran back to the others, clearly shaken. "That... That wasn't my father. The ones who wanted the scepter... They cloned him. And I don't think that was the last one." There was noises that sounded like hissing and growling behind the group, and then a large army pounced from behind the forest canopy...
That whole speech that Xevnas made was interesting but Xelicor wasn't listening, he was a little bit more interested in the hissing in the background "Hey Xevnas was that your, HOLY SNAP!!! looks like we got ourselves some friends who want to play "Wack your Clones Face in" Huh Xevnas?"
Xevnas looked at Xelicor, waving his fist and glaring angrily. "Shut up! These things are clones of MY father! I'd very much like it if you guys stepped out of this personal matter!" At that, Xevnas jumped into the forest, slicing clones left and right, but it wasn't enough. Nearly two thirds of the entire army ran right past him without so much as a glance. It became obvious that their real target lied elsewhere... Dante, holding the Scepter of God, had become their prime target.
Dante lookd back at Trish slightly puzzled, she went all weird moments ago but she was fine now, She is a tough demon.

"A bit too much jolts in the system?" asked Dante with a wink at Trish.

He had been observing the mundane going ons with particular detachment as the only thing interestig him was heading up the building,

Someone had tricked him into delivering the god sceptre only to be stolen by his brother...

Whoever was trying to blackmail him was in for a world of pain.

Disregarding the monks lying around in pain he motionedfor Trish to follow as he flew in one single bound to the next level.
Trish followed, jumping with incredicable ease to the next level. she still had a headache but it was less painful. she stood beside her partner and looked at him.
"Dante, I hope you know I did not hug Vergil by my own accord. It was Narcisse who hugged Vergil she was using me as a medium to talk to him, without coming here herself. So that's what happened. So what should we do now?"
While the army of clones kept pouring past, Xevnas kept slashing. I wonder what's gonna happen once they get to Dante... He thought. Eh... Knowing him, his sword's gonna be the last thing they ever see.

"Xelicor!" He shouted. "Go inside and warn Trish and Dante that we have a BIG problem heading our way!"
Xelicor rushes into the building pulling Dante and Trish out of the room and down the steps to the first floor, he shoved them out the door and pointed at the army of clones. Xelicor was wondering what Dante and Trish were thinking but he bet it was "Oh my god!"
Dante just stared...

His arms twitching slightly towards his twin guns and the clones where the last thing on his mind.

He glanced over at Trish and slowly pulled out Pandora.

Slamming it into the ground he kicked it open then covered Trish with his jacket

The rest... was silence.

Looking up after a moment he saw that the entire place was empty except for the two jokers, one of them had pulled him by his collar.

In a flash ebony and ivory were out of their holsters.

"The next time either one of you places a hand on me, it will definitely hurt you alot more than its going to hurt me" said Dante with a smirk.

He holstered his guns "now lets go finish this Trish" said Dante teleporting away with an air trick...
Xevnas just stared at the burned battleground, wondering where the hell the clones had gone. All he'd seen was a flash of light, and then nothing. Silence. Dante and Trish were gone as well. "Well, Xelicor, I think it's time that we head to DMC for a while, okay?"
"Why DMC? Don't we have any other place to go? I mean you do have a family right? Erm I'm not gonna ask... But yeah I guess your right that we should head back to DMC." As they were heading back they noticed some Scare Crows coming to attack, "Xevnas if you wish?"
Xevnas took the teleport spire out of his coat pocket and placed it on the ground. He chanted Devil May Cry 10 times, and the portal opened. He stepped through, to be greeted by the shop. He headed inside to make some food. "You guys will absolutely LOVE my cooking. Just because I'm the royal son doesn't mean I don't have my specialties!" He cooked up some meat he found in the fridge (still fresh, thank God), mixed it with some spices and some onions, and then slathered on some barbecue sauce. "Here. Try it. I don't know if it's any good..." He said as he gave some to Xelicor.
"I didn't know you were a cook Xevnas, oh well, bottoms up!" *Munch crunch POP!* "OW! What the heck was that?! Hey Xevnas! Did you do something with the food?" Xelicor pushes the food away "I don't want my teeth popping thank you very much!"
Suddenly, a piercing noise filled Xevnas' ears, and he slowly blacked out...
A white light filled his mind. Suddenly, an image of his father appeared, and spoke to him.

"My son... If you're receiving this message, then times are bad indeed. I had a shaman implant this message into your mind at birth. It was made to activate in case our world and the human world were in trouble. So, if you're seeing this... The world, no, our worlds, need you. Planted within your body is the key to both open and destroy hellgates, just like Yamato. The reason being that a shard of Yamato exists inside your body. Yes, I forged Yamato with Sparda. It's not exactly his sword alone. Also, if this message is activated, you no longer need a host. Your power is greater now. Now, you must go, and destroy the hellgates!"

After this, the light got brighter and engulfed Xevnas. When the light faded, he was lying in the ground next to Trish and Dante! His family chain had changed from its gold hue to a strong black. When he summoned the Greshall's Spine, it was no longer the zweihander he had known for years. It was a Buster Sword, glowing with black energy. (Large sword that is two handed, with an exceptionally large blade. Think Cloud's sword from FF7.)

"Guys, I know this is gonna sound REALLY weird, but... My father sent me here. To destroy the hellgates. I guess he sent me to you as bodyguards or something... I have a shard of Yamato embedded in my body! That's why I resonate with hellgates. My crest glows when I'm near one. You guys are going to need me. Whaddya say? Should I tag along?"

Xevnas waited for an answer...
Dante blinked in surprise "What are you really? a distant cousin of the ninja turtles or something?" asked Dante eyeing the reptalian warrior with a renewed interest.

"Shard of yamato eh?" asked Dante inspecting him closer, "I suppose seeds are not the only trails my brother left around".

Dante looked over to a patiently waiting Trish who's brow was raied in expectation.

"Your right whatever is at the top of this place can wait" said Dante walking towards her.

"We gotta job to do, coming er... rembrant?" aDante asked Xevnas...
Trish looked at the two men with a quizzical look on her face. Which she shrugged off after a minute. She sighed.
"Let's go then.." she said. She beckoned for Dante and Xvenas to follow her. Their was a flash of lightening. She teleported to the first hellgate.

The first hellgate that had been opened was on deadbeat highway their home-city and the castle town of Fortuna. The actual hellgate was not a shinny glamourous door but a simple sewer grate in the middle of the forgotten highway. Demons of shapes and sizes were crawling out of the sewer. Hell Lusts, Hell Wraths, Hell Greeds, Hell Sloths, and Enigmas.
Trish wasted no time in taking out the enemies in front of her. She grabbed Alastor from her back and slashed away at a nearby Hell Lust.
"Dante, quit looking at me like that. And my name is Xevnas."

Xevnas looked at Dante square in the eye.

"We should probably get going. Ngh!"

Xevnas gasped as his crest began to glow a soft blue-green. It sent a strange tingle throughout his body.

"The hellgate... It's power is nearby. Come on. Let's follow Trish."
"Wateva... Rembrant" said Dante with a smile creeping across his mouth as he regarded Xevnas.

He Unclipped Rebellion as he watched the hordes of demons pouring out of what used to innnocently be a simple sewer grate.

"Just another day in the job eh Trish?" asked Dante joining her side.

He followed suit attacking a lust with an eye defying streak which turn into millions of stabs in te blink of an eye before launching it into other demons, Dante somersaulted backwards throwing rebellion into the air and drawing out ebony and ivory and firing a honeycomb of bullets into the mass blowing them up into sand. In a flash he reholstered his guns and grabbed rebellion before hitting the ground.

"Yeah! this is what i live for" said Dante with an exaggerated flourish of his hands.