Devil May Cry Reveal Trailer | Does This Even Look Like DMC?

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Well-known Member
Dec 14, 2012
It's Here!

So with the recent, recent DMC reveal trailer what are your guys thoughts on the overall change in atmosphere, graphics, character design, enemies, and the characters? Personally they could change some things but I think it is going to be fun! Not so sure about Nero's arm though..... I do have questions about that though.
I’m thinking he lost it possibly to Vergil cutting it off or some other demon or something.

That new woman is like someone that provides weapons and upgrades for Nero’s arm.

Hmm. We're going to need a media and news release thread for stuff like this to go in.
I don't know how I feel about this. I'm glad the game exists, but there's a lot I didn't like about the trailer. Music for one. Not sure how I feel about Nero's new look. The overall atmosphere/look of the game isn't great. While I always thought it was a bit weird that people besides the main cast don't seem to exist in these games, I also kinda liked it? Hmm.....this is all very different. Not really a fan of Nero having a mechanical arm as I think the devil bringer looked cooler. Also don't like how Nero is the star with Dante in the background again. If this game came out a few years ago, I'd be fine with that, but it's been ten years since DMC4 and I really just want Dante back in the spotlight.

Still glad we're finally getting a new game. And Capcom put the release date as next spring, so they have plenty of time to show us lots of cool things. Did like the way that boss looked!

EDIT: Just thought of something! What if the dude talking right in the beginning of the trailer, :we've known each other along time. Things are crazy. Think you can handle it yada yada" was talking to Dante? And then Dante called Nero in for backup? That could be a cool setup!
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At first it looked like DmC 2. Then Nero appeared and he looked like DmC's Dante.

The urban setting, the darker mood, the city setting were used for both DMC 2 and DmC. So, I guess a lot of the game will be focused on that stuff.

Nero seems fine. I don't know what to say about Dante's new design. How many years after DMC 4? 20 years? He seems old.
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This definitely has the vive of a western game. That mechanic lady definitely doesn't strike me as being designed or modeled by a Japanese artist or staff. The demons with bug motif don't either. Her dialogue is just as bad but not in a Japanese camp sor of way. Definitely feels campy in a western way.
I am hyped, I am. don't get me wrong, but... after the unrightful childish trashing DmC got and the slanderous lies told about Tameem such as "he based Dante's redesign haircut off of himself". I don't think those people who commented on the YouTube video deserve a fifth installment.

And let's face it, Tameem did get slandered. he really did.
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So let me begin by saying OMG it's finally freaking happening!!!! And at 1st I thought this was DmC 2 than I saw 5 and then the questions began. "What is with the robot arm?" "Why is that Sid chick from FF15 in this game?" "Why is Dante so old?!" "Is Dante returning from Hell ala DMC2?" "Why did Nero cut his hair?" Also Kyrie!
Ah... putting DmC into DMC5.

Nero is DmC Dante in everything but in name now.

Truly, this is the greatest victory of them all.
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Music for one. Not sure how I feel about Nero's new look. The overall atmosphere/look of the game isn't great. While I always thought it was a bit weird that people besides the main cast don't seem to exist in these games, I also kinda liked it? Hmm.....this is all very different. Not really a fan of Nero having a mechanical arm as I think the devil bringer looked cooler. Also don't like how Nero is the star with Dante in the background again. If this game came out a few years ago, I'd be fine with that, but it's been ten years since DMC4 and I really just want Dante back in the spotlight.
Part of me feels like this is all deliberate. By that, I mean the developers are intentionally making the trailer seem like something it's not and perhaps they might continue this with future trailers and gameplay. Nero's look in particular makes me think they were trying to take a jab at DmC as a sort of self-aware humor and also to mislead people into thinking "Well, crap, we're getting DmC2" before Nero shows up, revving his Red Queen, and confirming that no, this is indeed Devil May Cry 5. The funny thing is that DmC Dante's gameplay has similarities to Nero. They both have a grab mechanic, they lack a style system that defined DMC Dante's gameplay, their Devil Triggers are auras, and DmC Dante is implied to favor his left hand with Rebellion being positioned over his left shoulder while Nero is forced to use his left hand for Red Queen. Perhaps they were all coincidences, but DMC5 going back and choosing to make Nero resemble DmC Dante by giving him a shorter haircut and a more subdued outfit that isn't as elegant or flamboyant as his DMC4 outfit and it's even ragged like his red shirt and white undershirt are torn and worn which remind me of DmC Dante's kind of dirty-looking outfit and introducing DMC5 with him makes me wonder if this wasn't intentional.

With Nero being the introductory character of DMC5 and with the trailer showing stuff happening to him, happening because of him, and happening around him, it makes it seem like DMC5 is about Nero with Dante, Nico, Vergil, and whoever else being a part of his story. But the info on Capcom Unity says DMC5 is next chapter of the "Sons of Sparda" saga and that the announcement trailer focuses on Nero, but DMC5 will feature 3 playable characters. Pulling the same stunt again would probably **** off people. Nero is a main character of DMC, but DMC started with Dante, so sidelining Dante again would be the dumbest thing they could do with DMC5 and they already did that with DMC4 and kind of DMC2 where Dante didn't feel like Dante as he was in DMC1. Considering Vergil is back and is impacting Nero's life and Dante is shown returning, part of me feels like DMC5 is going to be about the story of the Sparda family. I haven't played Nier: Automata yet, but part of me also feels like they might be pulling the same thing where 2B/Nero is the spotlight of the games' previews, but the reality is that the story is actually about Nero, Dante, and Vergil to the point.

As for music choice, I wonder if they're trying to make it more distinct about which music style is associated with the characters. Dante, Nero, and Vergil had their own themes and so did Lady and Trish in DMC4: SE, but as far as I remember, they were all under the same DMC style of music. They might be pushing for Nero to have a more pop, electronic style and which some people said reminded them of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance's music. It also fits thematically with Nero having an advanced prosthetic arm, so his music being like that works in my opinion. If they're doing that, then Dante is probably going to have the classic DMC sound of metal. That leaves Vergil where they could take his battle themes from DMC3 and make them into a unique style of music for him or perhaps something haunting, refined, and Gothic-sounding with a choir could work too. I have no idea how to describe what I'm thinking of for Vergil.
Itsuno saying "Devil May Cry is BACK!" felt pretty disingenuous right off the top, considering he directly supported and oversaw DmC in 2013. Feels like Capcom pandering to original series fans for brownie points. His "We made this game for YOU," tagline felt pretty ****ty too. What that really means is if DMC5 isn't that good, or doesn't sell within their projected margins, they'll blame it on us again; like they did when they said that they were going to look at DMC4 Special Edition sales as an indicator for whether or not they would return to the main series.

Looking at the reveal trailer, I agree that the overall look, style, music, and direction does not feel right. Not as a continuation of the series, not as a reimagining, not as a Devil May Cry title. If Itsuno gets together DMC4's slick combat gameplay, there might some worth to this game, but I already know better. We've all been down the "wait and see" road before.

...And selling out the series as an XBOX premiere? I waited ten years to see what move Capcom would make on this series. I would be disappointed, but this is all classic Capcom. This is obviously what was going to happen. Also that logo is a disaster.
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If Itsuno gets together DMC4's slick combat gameplay, there might some worth to this game

This is pretty much what I'm thinking too. I can force myself to gulp down all the rest and turn a blind eye to it IF they nail the one thing they absolutely need to get right. It should feel like an evolution from DMC4 without making the same mistake DMC4 did by making enemies easier to beat or DmC did by oversimplifying/removing mechanics from the system that came before.

Nero is playable once again so I really hope they give him an actual selection of weapons to use this time. Being limited to Red Queen and Blue Rose no more please. He's got someone that builds stuff for him now, it's their chance to maybe add a couple more weapons to his starting kit, and he can obtain Devil Arms along the way too.